19:30 –
Reception and Dinner
H.E. Mr. Thorsteinn Ingolfsson
Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations
Friday, May 9, 2003
07:30 – 09:00
Breakfast in the main Dining Hall
09:00 – 10.30
Plenary session
Conclusions of breakout Groups 1 – 3
Conclusions of breakout Groups 4 – 6
Coffee break
11:00 – 11:45
Concluding remarks by Dr. Simon Chesterman
Evaluation and presentation of certificates
Departure for New York City
Arrival to New York City
* To Be Confirmed
IPA Seminar Report
IPA Seminar Report
Appendix II:
New York Seminar 2003
The Regionalization of Conflict and Intervention
An International Peace Academy Report
Mr. Robert Afriyie
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Ghana to the United Nations
19 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-832-1300 ext 265
Fax: 212-751-6743
Email: bobkaf@yahoo.com
Ms. Ushani Agalawatta
UN Bureau Correspondent
Inter Press Services (IPS)
United Nations, Room S-485
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-963-6156
Cell: 646-258-9762
Fax: 212-754-2791
Email: ushania@yahoo.com
Ms. Nicole Archer
Second Secretary
Permanent Mission of the Commonwealth of the
Bahamas to the United Nations
231 East 46th Street
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-421-6925 ext 45
Fax: 212-759-2135
Email: narcher@bahamasny.com
Ms. Cheryl J. Augustine
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Grenada to the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400K
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-599-0301
Fax: 212-599-1540
Email: caugustine@un.int
Mr. Stefan Barriga
Legal Adviser
Permanent Mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein
to the United Nations
633 Third Avenue, 27th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-599-0220 ext. 225
Fax: 212-599-0064
Email: sharrigo@un.int
Mr. Michael Bliss
Second Secretary & Legal Adviser
Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations
150 East 42nd Street, 33rd Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-351-6620
Fax: 212-351-6610
Mr. Ricardo Luis Bocalandro
Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations
One United Nations Plaza, 25th Floor
New York, NY 100017
Tel: 212-688-6300
Fax: 212-980-8395
Email: rlbocalandro@aol.com
Ms. Fatou Camara-Houel
Political Affairs Officer
Department of Political Affairs
United Nations, One UN Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 1-927-367-4149
Fax: 1-967-367-0356
Email: houel@un.org
Ms. Margherita Capellino
Program Officer
Department of Peacekeeping Operations
United Nations
248 East 32nd Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-725-6835
Fax: 212-963-9053
Email: Capellino@on.org
Mr. Tomas Anker Christensen
Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations
One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza
An International Peace Academy Report
The Regionalization of Conflict and Intervention
IPA Seminar Report
885 Second Avenue, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10017-2201
Tel: 212-705-4929
Fax: 212-3083384
Eamil: tomchre@um.dk
Mr. Helfried Carl
Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations
823 United Nations Plaza, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-210-9866
Fax: 212-953-1302
Email: helfried.earl@6maa.gv.at
Ms. Marie Dimond
Programme Specialist
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations, Room DC1-2128
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-906-5742
Fax: 212-906-5379
Email: marie.dimond@undp.org
Mr. Francsico Duarte
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations
866 Second Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-759-9444
Fax: 212-355-1124
Ms. Anna Karin Eneström
Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations
One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza
885 Second Avenue, 46th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-583-2571
Fax: 212-832-0389
Email: anna-karin.enestrom@foreign.ministry.sw
Mr. Patrick Haley
United States Mission to the United Nations
799 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017-3505
Tel: 212-415-4339
Email: haley@state.gov
Mr. Alain Handy
Associate Expert
Department for Disarmament Affairs, DDA
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-963-2874
Email: Handy@un.dkg
Mr. Haron Hassan
Second Secretary
Permanent Mission of Jordan to the United Nations
866 Second Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-832-9553 ext 232
Fax: 212-832-5346
Email: haronhassan@yahoo.com
Mr. Peter Idwasi
Program Assistant
Quaker United Nation Office
777 UN Plaza, 5th floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-682-2745
Fax: 212-983-0034
Email: pidwasi@afsc.org
Mr. Galib Israfilov
Second Secretary
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan
to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 560
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-371-2559
Fax: 212-371-2784
Email: des98306@hotmail.com
Mr. Niklas Lindqvist
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 222
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-821-0269
Fax: 212-759-6156
Email: niklas.linqvist@formin.fi
Mrs. Beatriz Londoño
Minister Plenipotentiary
Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations
140 East 57th Street, 5th Floor
IPA Seminar Report
The Regionalization of Conflict and Intervention
An International Peace Academy Report
New York, NY 10022
Tel: 212-355-7777 ext. 229
Fax: 212-371-2813
Email: blondono@colombiaun.org
Ms. Nadira Mangray
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Guyana
to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 555
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212- 527-3232
Fax: 212-935-7548
Email: nmangray@un.int
Mr. Kuido Merits
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Estonia
to the United Nations
600 Third Avenue, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10016-2001
Tel: 212-883-0640
Fax: 212-883-0648
Email: kuido.merits@nyc.estonia.org
Mr. Haruo Morita
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-521-1513
Fax: 212-308-1451
Email: haruo-morita@un-japan.org
Ms. Doris Mpoumou
Gender & Governance Program Coordinator
Women’s Environment and Development Organization
355 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-973-0325
Fax: 212-973-0335
Email: doris@wedo.org
Mr. Dag Nylander
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations
825 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Tel: 212-310-1556
Fax: 212-688-0554
Email: dhn@mfa.no
Mr. Renzo Pomi
Amnesty International
Representative in the United Nations
Amnesty International
777 United Nations Plaza, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-867-8878
Fax: 212-370-0183
Email: rpomi@awnesty.org
Ms. Kristiina Rinkineva
Adviser to President Ahtisaari
International Crisis Group
Erottajankatu 11A
00130 Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 698 7024
Fax: +358 40 717 6151
Email: kristiina.rinkineva@ahtisaari.fi
Mr. Driss Oukassou
Second Secretary
Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco to the
United Nations
866 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-421-1580
Fax: 212-421-7826
Email: drisso@un.int
Mr. Qian Bo
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to
the United Nations
350 East 35th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-655-6148 (0)
Fax: 212-481-2496
Email: gian-bo3@yahoo.com
Ms. Erica Schouten
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
to the United Nations
235 East 45th Street 16 floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-697-5547
Fax: 212-370-1954
Email: Erica.schouten@minbuza.nl
Mr. Andrea Semadeni
Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations
633 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-286-1540
Mr. Albert V. Sitnikov
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the
United Nations
136 East 67th Street
New York, NY 10021
Tel: 212-861-4900
Fax: 212-628-0252
Email: albertsinikov@yahoo.com
Ms. Hazel de Wet
Project Officer
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations, Room H-1380
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-824-6547
Fax: 212-326-7037
Email: hdewet@unicef.org
Mrs. Cecilia O. Yahaya
Minister Councellor
Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations
828 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-953-9130
Fax: 212-697-1970
Mr. Peter Zalmayev
Program Coordinator
International League of Human Rights
823 UN Plaza, Suite 717
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-661-6480 ext. 100
Fax: 212-661-0461
Email: pzalmayeu@ilhr.org
Mr. Sami Zeidan
First Secretary
Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-355-5460
Fax: 212-382-2819
Email: samizeidan@hotmail.com
An International Peace Academy Report
The Regionalization of Conflict and Intervention
IPA Seminar Report
777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10 017
[ 21 2 ] 687-4300
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