to ask
to be asking
to have asked
to have been asking
to be asked
to have been asked
1. Simple Infi nitive Active – to ask — infi nitivning oddiy shaklidir.
Lug‘atda shu shakl (to siz) beriladi. Qolgan hamma shakllar murakkab
2. Continuous Infi nitive Active to be fe’li va asosiy fe’lning Present
Par ticiple shakli yordamida yasaladi: to be asking.
3. Perfect Infi nitive Active to have fe’li va asosiy fe’lning Past Particip-
le shakli yordamida yasaladi: to have asked.
4. Perfect Continuous Infi nitive Active to be fe’lining Perfect Infi nitive
shakli — to have been — va asosiy fe’lning Present Participle shakli
yordamida yasaladi: to have been asking.
5. Simple Infi nitive Passive to be fe’lining shakli va asosiy fe’l ning
Past Participle shakli yordamida yasaladi: to be asked.
6. Perfect Infi nitive Passive to be fe’lining Perfect Infi nitive shakli – to
have been – va asosiy fe’lning Past Participle shakli yordamida yasaladi:
to have been asked.
7. Infi nitive oldiga not yuklamasini qo‘yish bilan infi nitivning bo‘lishsiz
shakli yasaladi: not to ask, not to be asked.
1. Infi nitiv ifodalagan ish-harakati ma’lum bir shaxs yoki buyumga
qarashli bo‘lmasligi mumkin:
To drive a car in a big city is very
diffi cult.
Katta shaharda mashina hay-
dash juda qiyin.
Ko‘pgina hollarda infi nitiv ifodalagan ish-harakat ma’lum shaxs yoki
buyumga qarashli bo‘ladi:
I intended to go there.( to go infi ni-
tivi ifodalagan ish-harakat I egaga
Men u yerga borishga qaror qil-
Ask him to come early.( to come in-
fi nitivi ifodalagan ish-harakat him
to‘ldiruvchiga qarashli.)
Unga erta kelishini ayting.
2. Infi nitiv ifodalagan ish-harakat o‘sha infi nitiv qarashli bo‘lgan
shaxs yoki buyum tomonidan sodir etilsa, Active Infi nitive ishlatiladi:
He has a great desire to invite you
to the party.
U sizni kechaga taklif qilishni
juda istaydi.
I want to inform Tom of Bill’s ar-
Men Tomni Billning kelganidan
xabardor qilishni istayman.
3. Infi nitiv ifodalagan ish-harakat o‘sha infi nitiv qarashli bo‘lgan
shaxs yoki buyumga nisbatan (boshqalar tomonidan) sodir etilsa, Pas sive
Infi nitive ishlatiladi:
He has a great desire to be invited
to the party.
U o‘zini ziyofatga (kechaga)
taklif qilishlarini juda istaydi.
I want to be informed of her ar-
Menga uning kelganini xabar qi-
lishlarini istayman.
Simple Infi nitive (ham Active, ham Passive) quyidagi hollarda
1. Infi nitiv gapning kesimidagi ish-harakat bilan bir vaqtda sodir etiladigan
ish-harakatni ifodalaganda:
I am glad to see you.
Men sizni ko‘rishdan xursandman.
I saw him enter the house.
Men uning uyga kirganini ko‘r dim.
2. Infi nitiv may, must, should, ought modal fe’llari bilan va to expect
umid qilmoq, kutmoq, to intend qasd qilmoq, to hope umid qilmoq, to want
3 — M. G‘apporov
istamoq kabi fe’llar bilan kelib, kelasi zamondagi ish-harakatini ifoda-
He may come tomorrow.
U ertaga kelishi mumkin.
I hope to see him at the concert.
Men uni konsertda uchratishni
umid qilaman.
I intend to go there on Sunday.
Men u yerga yakshanba kuni bo-
rish niyatidaman.
3. Vaqtdan qat’i nazar, umuman sodir bo‘ladigan ish-harakatni ifo-
To skate is pleasant.
Yaxmalak uchish yoqimli.
Perfect Infi nitive (ham Active, ham Passive) quyidagi hollarda ishla-
1. Perfect Infi nitive gapning kesimidagi fe’l ifodalagan ish-harakat-
dan oldin sodir bo‘lgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi:
He seems to have fi nished his
U ishini tugatganga o‘xshaydi.
This writer is said to have written a
new novel.
Aytishlaricha bu yozuvchi yan-
gi roman yozgan.
2. may va must fe’llaridan keyin kelib ish-harakat allaqachon sodir
bo‘lgan degan taxminni ifodalash uchun:
He must have fogotten about it.
U buni unutgan bo‘lishi kerak.
I don’t know where he is. He may
have gone to London.
Uning qayerdaligini bilmay-
man. Londonga ketgan bo‘lishi
3. should, would, could, might, ought to, va was (were) to modal fe’lla-
ridan keyin kelib bajarilishi lozim bo‘lgan va bajarilishi mumkin bo‘lgan,
lekin haqiqatda bajarilmagan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi:
He should (ought to) have gone
U o‘sha yoqqa ketgan bo‘lishi
kerak edi.
You could have helped him.
Siz unga yordam bera olardingiz.
He was to have come yesterday.
U kecha kelishi kerak edi.
4. to intend, to hope, to expect, to mean fe’llarining o‘tgan zamondagi
shaklidan keyin kelib ish-harakatni sodir qilishga qasd, umid bo‘lishiga,
shu ish-harakatni sodir etilishini kutishga qaramay shu ish-harakat sodir
bo‘lmaganligini bildiradi:
I intended to have fi nished my
work last night.
Men kecha oqshom ishimni tuga-
tishga qasd qilgan edim (tugata
I hoped to have met him there.
Men uni o‘sha yerda uchratishni
umid qilgan edim (uchratmadim).
1. Continuous Infi nitive gapning kesimidagi ish-harakat bilan bir payt-
da davom etgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi:
That fi rm is reported to be conduc-
ting negotiations for the purchase of
Xabar berilishicha, o‘sha fi rma
shakar sotib olish haqida mu-
zokaralar olib borayotgan ekan.
The weather seems to be impro-
Ob-havo yaxshilanayotganga
o‘x shaydi.
2. Perfect Continuous Infi nitive gapning kesimidagi ish-harakatdan
oldin uzoq vaqt davomida davom etgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi:
They are said to have been conduc-
ting negotiations for a long time.
Aytishlaricha, ular muzokara-
larni uzoq vaqt olib borishgan.
He is known to have been wor king
on this problem for many years.
Uning bu muammo ustida
ko‘p yillar ishlaganligini
odam lar biladi.
1. Odatda infi nitivdan oldin to yuklamasi keladi: to speak, to buy.
Agar gapda ikkita infi nitiv bo‘lib, ular and yoki or bog‘lovchisi bilan bog‘-
langan bo‘lsa, ikkinchi infi nitivdan oldin to yuklamasi qo‘yilmaydi:
I intend to call on him and dis-
cuss this question.
Men unikiga borib bu masalani
muhokama qilmoq chiman.
I asked him to telephone to me
on Monday or wire.
Men undan dushanba kuni telefon
qilishini yoki telegramma berishini
2. Quyidagi fe’llardan keyin har doim infi nitiv to yuklamasi bilan
afford qurbi yetmoq
manage eplamoq
agree kelishmoq,
mean ko‘zda tutmoq
ko‘nmoq, rozi bo‘lmoq
need kerak bo‘lmoq
appear ko‘rinmoq
offer taklif qilmoq
arrange uyushtirmoq
plan rejalashtirmoq
ask so‘ramoq
prepare tayyorlamoq
attempt urinmoq
pretend mug‘ambirlik qilmoq
beg yalinmoq
promise va’da bermoq
care qiziqmoq
refuse rad etmoq
claim da’vo qilmoq
regret afsuslanmoq
consent rozi bo‘lmoq
remember eslamoq
decide qaror qilmoq
demand talab qilmoq
deserve arzimoq
desire qattiq istamoq
expect kutmoq
fail muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchra moq
forget unutmoq
hesitate ikkilanmoq
hope umid qilmoq
intend niyat qilmoq
learn o‘rganmoq
seem bo‘lib ko‘rinmoq
strive harakat qilmoq
struggle kurashmoq, urinmoq
swear ont ichmoq
tend o‘ch bo‘lmoq
threaten qo‘rqitmoq
try urinmoq
volunteer yordamini taklif qilmoq
wait kutmoq
want istamoq
wish istamoq, xohlamoq
I can’t afford to buy it.
Buni sotib olishga mening qur-
bim yetmaydi.
She appeard to be tired.
U charchagan ko‘rinadi.
They agreed to help us.
Ular bizga yordam berishga rozi
I’ll arrange to meet you at the air-
Men sizni aeroportda kutib olish-
ni uyushtiraman.
He asked to come with us.
U biz bilan borishini so‘radi.
The President will attempt to re-
duce infl ation.
President infl atsiyani kamayti rish-
ga harakat qiladi.
He begged to come with us.
U biz bilan bormoqchi bo‘lib
I don’t care to see
Men bu tomoshani ko‘rishga
qiziq mayman.
She claims to know a famous
movie star.
U mashhur fi lm yulduzini taniy-
man deb da’vo qiladi.
She fi nally consented to marry
Nihoyat u unga turmushga chi-
qishga rozi bo‘ldi.
I have decided to leave on Mon-
Men dushanba kuni jo‘nashga
qaror qildim.
I demand to know who is respon-
Kim javobgarligini bilishni talab
I promise not to be late.
Kechikmaslikka va’da beraman.
I refuse to believe his story.
Uning hikoyasiga ishonishdan bosh
I regret to tell you that you
Sizning muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uch -
ganingizni aytishdan afsuslana-
I remembered to lock the door.
Eshikni qulfl aganim esimga tush-
He pretends not to under-
U o‘zini tushunmaganga solyap-
He volunteered to help us.
U o‘z ixtiyori bilan bizga yordam
I will wait to hear from you.
Men sizdan xabar kelishini kuta-
I want to tell you something.
Men sizga bir nima aytmoqchi-
She wishes to come with us.
U biz bilan borishni xohlaydi.
That cat seems to be friendly.
O‘sha mushuk o‘zini do‘stona
I struggled to stay awake.
Men uxlab qolmaslikka harakat
She swore to tell the truth.
U haqiqatni aytishga qasam ich-
She threatened to tell my par-
U meni ota-onamga aytish bilan
She deserves to win the prize.
U mukofotni yutsa arziydi.
I expect to enter graduate school
in the fall.
Men kuzda aspiranturaga kirishni
umid qilaman.
She failed to return the book to
the library in time.
U kitobni kutubxonaga vaqtida qay-
tara olmadi.
I forgot to mail the letter.
Men xatni jo‘natishni unutibman.
Don’t hesitate to ask for my
Mendan yordam so‘rashga ikki-
Jack hopes to arrive next week.
Jek kelasi hafta qaytib kelishga
umid qiladi.
He learned to play the piano.
U pianino chalishni o‘rgandi.
She managed to fi nish her work
U ishini erta tugatishga muvaffaq
I didn’t mean to hurt your fe-
Men sizning dilingizni og‘ritmoq-
chi emas edim.
They offered to help us.
Ular bizga yordamlarini taklif
We prepared to welcome them.
Biz ularni kutib olishga tayyorgar-
lik ko‘rdik.
John expects to begin studying law
next semester.
Jon keyingi semestrda huquqni
Mary learned to swim when she
was very young.
Meri juda yoshligida suzishni
The budget committee decided to
postpone this meeting.
Budjet qo‘mitasi bu yig‘ilishni
kechiktirishga qaror qildi.
The President will attempt to re-
duce infl ation in the next four
Prezident keyingi to‘rt yilda
tsiyani kamaytirishga ha-
rakat qiladi.
The sportsmen are preparing to at-
tack the record.
Sportchilar rekordga hujum qi-
lishga tayyorgarlik ko‘rishyapti.
3. Quyidagi orqasidan ot (yoki olmosh) kelgan fe’llardan keyin har doim
infi nitive to yuklamasi bilan keladi:
advise maslahat bermoq
allow ruxsat bermoq
ask so‘ramoq
beg yalinmoq
cause sabab bo‘lmoq
challenge chaqirmoq
convince ishontirmoq
dare botinmoq
encourage undamoq
expect umid qilmoq
forbid taqiqlamoq
force majbur qilmoq
hire yollamoq
instruct ko‘rsatma ber moq
invite taklif qilmoq
need kerak (zarur) bo‘l moq
order buyurmoq
permit ruxsat bermoq
persuade ishontirmoq re-
mind eslatmoq
require talab qilmoq
teach o‘qitmoq, o‘r gatmoq
tell aytmoq, demoq
urge undamoq, ishontirmoq
want istamoq
warn ogohlantirmoq
She advised me to wait until to-
U menga ertagacha kutishni
maslahat qildi.
She allowed me t o use her car.
U menga mashinasini ishlatish-
ga ruxsat berdi.
I asked John to help us.
Men Jondan bizga yordam beri-
shini so‘radim.
They begged us to come.
Ular bizning kelishimizni ilti-
mos qilishdi.
Her laziness caused her to fail.
Uning dangasaligi uning muvaf-
faqiyatsizligiga sabab bo‘ldi.
I couldn’t convince him to accept
our help.
Men uni yordamimizni qabul qi -
li sh ga ko‘ndira olmadim.
He encouraged me to try again.
U meni yana urinib ko‘rishga
da’ vat etdi.
I expect you to be on time.
Men sizning vaqtida kelishin-
gizga umid qilaman.
I forbid you to tell him.
Buni unga aytishingizni ta-
They forced him to tell the truth.
Ular uni haqiqatni aytishga maj-
bur qilishdi.
She hired a boy to mow the lawn .
U maysani o‘rish uchun bir
bolani yolladi.
He instructed them to be careful.
U ularga ehtiyot bo‘lishga ko‘r-
satma berdi.
Harry invited the Bells to come to
his party.
Harri Bellarni ziyofatiga kelish-
ga taklif qildi.
We needed Chris to help us fi gure
out the solution.
Bizga Kris yechimni hisoblab
chiqish uchun kerak edi.
The judge ordered me to pay a
fi ne.
Sudya menga jarima to‘lashni
bu yurdi.
He permitted the children to stay
up late.
U bolalarga kech yotishga rux-
sat berdi.
I persuaded him to come for a
Men uni mehmonga kelishga
She reminded me to lock the door.
U menga eshikni qulflashni
Our teacher requires us to be on
O‘qituvchimiz bizdan vaqtida
ke lishni talab qiladi.
My brother taught me to swim.
Mening akam menga suzishni
The doctor told me to take these
Doktor menga bu dorilarni
ichish ni aytdi.
I urged her to apply for the job.
Men uni ishga kirish uchun ariza
yozishga undadim.
I want you to be happy.
Men sizning baxtli bo‘lishingizni
I warned you not to drive too fast.
Men sizni mashinani juda tez hay-
damang deb ogohlantirgan edim.
4. Quyidagi sifatlardan keyin infi nitiv to yuklamasi bilan keladi:
diffi cult
qattiq istovchi
xavfl i
qattiq, og‘ir
begona, g‘a la ti
Muhammad is anxious to see his
Muhammad oilasini ko‘rishni qat tiq
istaydi (oilasidan tashvishlanadi).
It is dangerous to drive in this
Bunday havoda mashina haydash
xavfl i.
We are ready to leave now.
Biz hozir jo‘nashga tayyormiz.
It is diffi cult to pass this test.
Bu testdan o‘tish qiyin.
It is uncommon to fi nd such good
crops in this section of the count-
Mamlakatning bu qismida bunday
hosilni uchratish g‘ayrioddiy.
Ritsuko was pleased to be admitted
to the college.
Ritsuko kollejga qabul qilinganidan
5. to stop, to remember, to forget, to try fe’llaridan keyin infi nitiv ham,
gerund ham ishlatilishi mumkin, faqat ma’no ozroq o‘zgaradi:
John stopped studying.
Jon o‘qishni to‘xtatdi (boshqa
John stopped to study.
Jon o‘qish uchun to‘xtadi.
I remembered to lock the door be-
fore I left but I forgot to shut the
Men uydan chiqayotganimda eshik-
ni qulfl ash esimga keldi, lekin dera-
zani yopishni unutibman.
I clearly remember locking the door
before I left.
Uydan chiqqanimda eshikni qulf-
laganim aniq esimda.
Please remember to post the letter.
Iltimos, xatni jo‘natish esingizda
tursin (unutmang).
I was very tired. I tried to keep my
eyes open but I couldn’t.
Juda charchagan ekanman. Men
ko‘zlarimni ochib turishga hara-
kat qilardim lekin bu qo‘limdan
Please try to be quiet when you
come home.
Iltimos uyga borganingizda og‘ir-
roq bo‘lishga harakat qiling.
— I can’t fi nd anywhere to live.
— Why don’t you try putting an ad-
vertisement in the newspaper?
Yashashga hech qayerdan joy
topa olmayapman.
— Nega gaze tada e’lon berib sinab
ko‘r maysiz?
— I’ve got a terrible headache. I
tried taking an aspirin but it didn’t
Boshim qattiq og‘ridi. Men aspirin
ichib sinab ko‘rdim, lekin u yor-
dam bermadi.
Don’t forget to post the letters.
Xatlarni jo‘natishni unutmang.
6. begin, continue, hate, like, love, start, can’t stand fe’llaridan keyin
infi nitiv ham, gerund ham ishlatilishi mumkin, lekin ma’noda o‘zgarish
I like to go (going) to movies.
Men kinoga borishni yoqtiraman.
I love to play (playing) chess.
Men shaxmat o‘ynashni sevaman.
It started to snow (snowing).
Qor yog‘a boshladi.
7. to want, to wish, to mean, to try, to allow, to be going to, ought
to, to have to, should (would) like, used fe’llaridan keyin gapda oldin
ishla tilgan infi nitiv qayta takrorlanganda o‘sha infi nitivning o‘rnida faqat
to yuk lamasi kelishi mumkin:
He wants me to go there tonight,
but I don’t want to ( go tushuni-
Bu oqshom u mening u yerga
borishimni istaydi, lekin men
borishni istamayman.
I was asked to take part in the trip,
but I am not going to ( take part
Mendan sayohatda ishtirok etish ni
so‘rashdi, lekin men qatnashmoq-
chi emasman.
The boy wanted to go for a bathe,
but was not allowed to ( go tushu-
Bola cho‘milishga borishni istar
edi, lekin unga ruxsat berish-
I didn’t want to stay there, but I
had to ( stay tushuniladi).
Men u yerda qolishni istamagan-
dim, lekin qolishimga to‘g‘ri keldi.
Infi nitiv quyidagi hollarda to yuklamasisiz ishlatiladi:
1. must, can (could), may (might) va need modal fe’llaridan keyin:
You must do it at once.
Siz buni darhol qilishingiz kerak.
He can speak German.
U nemischa gapira oladi.
May I come in?
Kirsam mumkinmi?
Need he come here?
Uning bu yerga kelishi shartmi?
2. to make majbur qilmoq, to let ruxsat bermoq, to see ko‘rmoq, watch
kuzatmoq, to hear eshitmoq, to feel his qilmoq, ba’zan to help yordam
bermoq (ayniqsa AQSHda) va boshqa fe’llardan keyin obyektiv kelishikdagi
olmosh yoki otdan keyin infi nitiv to yuklamasisiz ishlatiladi:
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