Let Г к = (V, L) be th e uniform Cayley tree, where each vertex has k + 1 neighbors w ith
V being the set of vertices and L th e set of edges.
J E R and (x,
y) m eans neighboring vertices.
The model corresponding to (1) is called th e SOS model (solid-on-solid ) model.
In [3] for th e SOS model on Z d it was proved th a t there is T0 > 0 such th a t for T < T0
the stru ctu re of th e therm odynam ic phases is determ ined by th e dom inant ground states
of th e SOS model: for even m the Gibbs m easure (GM) is unique, for odd m there are
two periodic GMs.
In [6] th e authors proved existence of up to seven phases in th e case of ferrom agnetic
interactions. They investigated w hether these states are extrem al or non-extrem al in the
set of all Gibbs measures.
The Cayley tree Г к of order k > 1 is an infinite tree, i.e., a graph w ithout cycles, such
th a t exactly k + 1 edges originate from each vertex. Let Гк = (V , L) where V is th e set of
vertices and L the set of edges. Two vertices x and y are called nearest neighbors if there
exists an edge I E L connecting th em and we denote I = ( x ,y ) . A collection of nearest
neighbor pairs ( x ,x i ), ( x i, x 2) , . . . , (xd -i,y ) is called a path from x to y.
On this tree, there is a n a tu ra l distance to be denoted by d ( x , y ) , being th e num ber of
nearest neighbor pairs of th e m inim al p a th between the vertices x and y .
For a fixed x 0 E V , th e root, let
Wn = { x E V : d (x ,x 0) = n}, Vn = {x E V : d (x ,x 0) < n}
be respectively th e sphere and th e ball of radius n w ith center a t x 0, and for x E W n let
S ( x ) = {y E Wn+i : d ( y , x ) = 1}
be th e set of direct descendants (successors) of x .
Let assume th a t the spins take values in th e set Ф := {0,1, 2}. A configuration a on
A С V is defined as the function x E A m a A(x) E Ф. The set of all configurations
coincides w ith QA = ФА. P u t Q = QV and a = aV.
Let Gk be a free product of k + 1 cyclic groups of th e second order w ith generators
a i , a 2, . . . , a k+i , respectively. It is known th a t there exists a one-to-one correspondence
between th e set of vertices V of th e Cayley tree Г к and th e group G k (see [8], for detailed
properties of this group representation).
A periodic configuration is defined as the configuration a E Q th a t is invariant w ith
respect to some subgroup G*k С G k. In other words, a configuration a E Q is called
periodic if a ( y x ) = a( x) for any x E G k and y E G *
k. For a given periodic configuration,
the subgroup index is called th e configuration period. A configuration th a t is invariant
w ith respect to all shifts on th e tree is called translation-invariant. The H am iltonian
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