Planning Study for Power Sector.
Ongoing IFC AS: Europe and Central
Asia Sustainable Energy Finance
Program (Energy Efficiency
Europe and Central Asia Resource
Efficiency Program (Resource
Efficient Technologies).
Proposed IFC AS: Transaction
Advisory on PSP in renewable power
CPF Objective 3.4: Increased reliability and reduced cost of transport and improved efficiency of
infrastructure service delivery
Intervention Logic: Investing on regional roads and railways has great potential to alleviating poverty, boosting
macro and micro economic activity, and reducing income inequality in Uzbekistan. Better connectivity would
enhance productivity, reduce transport time and costs and enhance access to markets. This will eventually reduce
prices for consumers, and increase employment and household incomes.
Despite the efforts of regional integration, competitiveness continues to be constrained by infrastructure deficits and
slow decision making, difficulty in securing and accessing serviced industrial/productive land, and information
failures that prevent the private sector from coordinating investment activity. Supporting cities, with a focus on fast
growing medium-sized to become centers of growth would further increase market size and connectivity, making it
profitable for the private sector to invest. Private-sector investments, in turn, would lead to more jobs, higher wages
and economies of scale. Through the proposed investments, WBG will support integrated and efficient delivery of
local services and infrastructures, affordable housing, management of solid waste, replacement/upgrading of aging
infrastructure and creation of livable urban environment.
CPF Objective Indicators
Supplementary Progress
WBG Program
Indicator 1: Improved reliability of
rail services (percentage of delays)
Baseline: 95% (2015)
Target: 5% (2019)
Indicator 2: Reduction in road user
costs on regional roads (vehicle
operating costs for cars USD/km)
Baseline: 0.27 (2015)
Target: 0.21 (2020)
Indicator 3: Asset management
system developed and used in
targeted cities
Baseline: No
Target: Yes
Installation of signaling system
and electrification of the
Proposed railway line between
Pap and Angren.
Rehabilitation of 370 km regional
roads in Tashkent oblast and
Ferghana valley.
Ongoing IPF: Pap-Angren Railway
Project, Regional Roads Development
Project, Modernization of Property
Registration and Cadastre Project.
Proposed IPF: Navoi-Misken
Kanimech Railway Project,
Reginal Roads Development Project –
Phase 2-3, Medium-Sized Cities
Integrated Urban and Territorial
Development Project.
Ongoing TA: Uzbekistan: Bukhara
LED Through Community Based
Tourism (JSDF Grant), Disaster Risk
Management TA, Towards Energy
Efficient Resilient Cities in
Proposed ESW: Integrated Municipal
Solid Waste Management Sector
Study, Review of urban sector and
regional development in support of
local economy, Greening the urban
agenda in Uzbekistan.