Observation: A guide for fieldworkers. 2nd edition. Lanham,
MD: Altamira Press.
This book outlines the techniques that are required to conduct
research as an active participant. It will be useful if you are
planning to do research as a participant, either at work or in a
leisure situation – say, whilst you are on holiday or attending an
Edwards, R. and Holland, J. (2013). What is Qualitative
Interviewing? London: Bloomsbury open books.
Salmon, J. (2015). Qualitative Online Interviewing, Strategies
Design and Skills. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
These two books may be of value for you in considering the
different approaches to qualitative interviewing including new
approaches online.
Brunt, P.R. (1990). Tourism trip decision making at the sub-regional level:
with special reference to Southern England. Unpublished PhD thesis,
University of Bournemouth.