I quite agree ...
I could not agree more ..
Yes, th a t’s obvious ...
I don't think so.
That’s not always true.
I totally disagree.
LESSON 6 Project
W o rk in p a irs . Read th e re v ie w s a n d s a y w h ic h b o o k y o u w o u ld
lik e to re a d and w h y .
e .g . My favourite book is “ Bitter Fruit” by Brian Keeney. This is the story
of Rebecca and her family. She often disagrees with her parents.
The book tells how Rebecca lives on after her fa th e r’s death. I would
recom m end the book to all teenagers.
In Great Britain many books fo r young readers are published every year.
Teenagers often write about the books they have read. They write about
the them e of books, explain why they like them and recom m end other
teenagers to read them . This kind of w riting is called a “ Book review” . The
following book reviews are written by three English teenagers.
“ S torm breaker” by Anthony Horowitz is a thrilling book about Alex Rider
and his teenage spy adventures. His uncle was killed and Alex wants to
know who killed him. Later he was trained by Ml
* as a spy and sent on
his first mission. Soon he discovers a dangerous situation and decides
what to do.
“Stormbreaker” is an excellent book which kept me on the edge of my seat.
*M I 6 - the section o f the British S ecret Service
“Coram Boy” (the w riter is Jamila Gavin) is a book about the life of people
in the 18th century. A man called Otis and his son collect unwanted babies
from m others and promise to send them to a good orphanage, the Coram
Hospital. However, Otis is a dishonest man and quite often these babies
die. The book also tells us about two boys who d o n ’t have parents: Toby
and Aaron, and what they decide to do.
It is a book full of love, unfriendly people and it is very exciting. The
chapters are about the right size, and to anyone who finds it slow at the
beginning, I say just keep on reading, you w o n ’t be disappointed.
“ Bitter Fruit” (the author is Brian Keeney) is about Rebecca and her
family. Rebecca is a teenager girl. She often disagrees with her parents.
Once on a very bad day she tells her father that she hates him. These are
the last words she says before he dies. This is the story of how she lives
on after her fa th e r’s death. The beginning of the book is slightly too long,
and I d id n ’t want to read on. However, it gets better and by the end I liked
it very much.
2 W o rk in g ro u p s o f fo u r. C hoose a b o o k and
w r ite a re v ie w . U se th e fo llo w in g p la n .
S te p 1
Choose the book you want to review. Answer
the questions.
S te p 2
Decide what inform ation you want to use in the
introduction, main part and conclusion.
3 S tic k y o u r re v ie w s on th e w a ll. R ead th e
re v ie w s and c h o o s e th e b e s t b o o k to re a d .
E x p la in w h y y o u w o u ld lik e to re a d it.
W hat’s the title?
What genre is it?
Who is the author?
When was it published?
Has it won any awards?
Is it a best-seller?
What is the book about?
Who are the main characters?
How does it start?
What happens then?
Why do you like/dislike it?
Would you recommend it to others?
3 5