AS. See Aggregate supply (AS)
Asia. See also specific countries
financial crisis of 1997-1998 in,
360–361, 538
growth in East Asian tigers and,
Assets, dominated, 557
Atkeson, Andrew, 478n
Big Mac price and exchange rate in,
collective bargaining in, 173t
government debt of, 468t, 469
inflation in, 145f
inflation targeting in, 458
legal tradition in, 234
population growth and income per
person in, 215f
population growth in, 217
collective bargaining in, 173t
government debt of, 468t
Automatic stabilizers, 448
Average propensity to consume, 496
Aztec civilization, 217
Balanced budgets, 65
optimal fiscal policy versus, 485–486
Balanced growth, 225–226
Balanced trade, 123
Balance sheet, 548
Ball, Laurence, 179n, 385n, 399n, 400n
Bangladesh, standard of living in, 191,
Bank(s), central, 84. See also Federal
Reserve (Fed)
Bank capital, leverage and capital
requirements and, 555–556
Bank failures, money supply and,
553–554, 554t
bank failures and money supply in
1930s, 553–554, 554t
fractional-reserve, 549–550
100-percent-reserve, 548
Banking crises, 538–539
Barbados, investment rate in, 202f
Barro, Robert J., 71n, 227n, 463n, 482,
Barsky, Robert B., 31n, 97n
Barter, in POW camps, 82
Baum, L. Frank, 105
Baumol, William, 559n
Baumol-Tobin model, 559f, 559–562,
Becker, Gary, 297–298
Behavioral economics, 519
Belarus, inflation and money growth in,
collective bargaining in, 173t
economic growth in, 229
government debt of, 468t
Benjamin, Daniel K., 71n
Bequests, reasons for leaving, 483
Bernanke, Ben S., 328n, 458
Bernartzi, Shlomo, 521n
Bernheim, B. Douglas, 480n, 483n
Big Mac prices, 147–149, 148t
Bilateral trade balances, 124
Black Death, factor prices and, 56
Blanchard, Olivier J., 185–186, 400n
Blinder, Alan S., 101n, 266, 268n, 403n
BLS. See Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Bolivia, hyperinflation in, 107–108
Bonds, 69
government, in United Kingdom, 70
indexed, 489–490
junk, 64
municipal, 64
Borrowing constraints, 481, 507–509,
508f, 509f
Boskin, Michael, 35
Big Mac price and exchange rate in,
inflation and nominal interest rate in,
Brazil (continued)
population growth and income per
person in, 215f
standard of living in, 192t
Break-even investment, 212
Breit, William, 14n
Bretton Woods system, 349–350, 361
Britain. See England; United Kingdom
Brown, Charles, 171n
Brown, E. Cary, 328n
Brumberg, Richard, 509
Bryan, William Jennings, 104–105
Bubonic plague, factor prices and, 56
Buchanan, James, 487
Budget constraints, 500
intertemporal, 500–503, 502f
Budget deficits, 46, 65, 231. See also
Government debt
cyclically adjusted (full-employment),
intergenerational redistribution and,
monetary policy and, 486–487
problem of, 573–574
stabilization and, 486
tax smoothing and, 486
in United States, 4
Budgeting, capital, 473
Budget surpluses, 46, 65, 231
in United States, 4
Bulow, Jeremy I., 175n
Bureau of Economic Analysis, 18, 25,
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 32, 33
Current Population Survey and, 36,
39, 171–172
labor underutilization measures cal-
culated by, 180, 180t
unemployment rate and, 36, 39–40
investment rate in, 202 f, 203
population growth and income per
person in, 215f
Bush, George H. W., 4, 133
government debt under, 470
Bush, George W., 4, 133, 366, 458
depreciation under, 533
government debt under, 470
TARP and, 475
tax cut under, 296, 481–482
Business cycle
measuring government debt and,
political, 454
Business cycle(s). See also Depressions;
Economic fluctuations; Great
Depression; Real-business-cycle
theory; Recessions
GDP and, 258–259, 259f, 260f
leading economic indicators and,
unemployment and Okun’s law and,
260–263, 261f, 262f
Business Cycle Dating Committee,
Business fixed investment, 525, 526f,
banking crises and credit crunches
and, 538–539
cost of capital and, 528–530
determinants of, 530–532, 531f
efficient markets hypothesis and,
financing constraints and, 537–538
rental price of capital and, 527–528,
stock market and Tobin’s q and,
533–536, 535f
taxes and, 532–533
Cagan, Phillip, 116n
Cagan model, 100, 116–118
Calvo, Guillermo, 383n
Cameroon, investment rate in, 202f
Campbell, John Y., 490n, 518n
Campillo, Marta, 459n
Big Mac price and exchange rate in,
collective bargaining in, 173t
economic growth in, 238
government debt of, 468t
inflation in, 145f
inflation targeting in, 458
NAFTA and, 359
population growth and income per
person in, 215f
settlement of, 235
Canetti, Elie R. D., 268n
Capital, 47
bank, leverage and capital require-
ments and, 555–556
cost of. See Cost of capital
direction of flow of, 134–135
Golden Rule level of. See Golden
Rule level of capital
human, 232
increases in, economic growth and,
international flows of. See Interna -
tional flows of capital and goods
marginal product of, 53–54
mobility of, world interest rate and,
real rental price of, 54
rental price of, 527–528, 528f
steady-state level of, 195f –197f,
195–199, 199t
Capital accumulation, 192–203
growth in capital stock and steady
state and, 195f –197f, 195–197
numerical example of approach to
steady state and, 197–199, 199t
saving effects on growth and,
200–201, 201f
supply and demand for goods and,
Capital assets, measurement of govern-
ment debt and, 473
Capital budgeting, 473
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