Fig. 6.3.1. Income and expenses of agroforestry on marginal lands [1]. Key: green = Leaf fodder, red = Fruit, grey = Firewood, yellow = Payments for CO2 sequestration,
black = Expenditures; 1...7 = Years; vertical axis = Euro/ha
The maximal profit of 3500 Euro/ha came from Russian olive (E. angustifolia) due to the annual
income from fruit selling. The fruit yields decreased over the 7-year-long period as plantations
became too thick with growth and needed thinning. The firewood harvested from Euphrates poplar
(P. euphratica) gave a profit of 2300 Euro/ha, which was also a significant contribution to the total
profit of agroforestry. The profit of leaf fodder production was insignificant.
Chapter 6. Assessment of the cost effectiveness of combined measures for the amelioration of salt-affected soils