ISSN: 2249-7137
Vol. 10, Issue 11, N ovem ber 2020
Im pact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13
have not found their way and place. The image o f Valentine Gauzer also has a distinctive feature.
Tins hero is a personage who survived death because o f a happy coincidence in the war, received
a great inheritance after the war, spends his time drinking only in cafes and restaurants. This hero
has more opportunities than the rest o f the personages to change his life on the positive side, but
he also does not live with high goals and sublime ideas, like other images in the work. The
presence o f such a mood in the psyche o f all the heroes o f the work is their common feature. This
is also an important aspect inherent in the heroes o f the" Lost Generation". Well, the theme "lost
generation", in which the negative complications o f the first World War are described in the
work o f Erili Maria Remark, is the leading one. It is desirable to classify the images in these
works as follows. 1) soldiers fighting on the front. For example: Boymer, Tyaden, Muller,
Katchinsky and etc. ("All Quiet on the Western Front"); 2) former fighters who returned from the
war, but live under the negative complications o f this war. Ex: Lokamp, Kester, Lents, Gauzer
("Three comrades"); 3) people o f different categories whose life was in ruins because o f the
negative consequences o f the same war, even if they did not participate in the war. Ex: Grau,
Xasse. ("Three comrade"). All these heroes are united by the characteristic o f suffering from a
negative complication o f the war.
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ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
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