ISSN: 2 249-7137
Vol. 10, Issue 11, N ovem ber 2020
Im pact Factor: SJIF 2020 = 7.13
origin and where they are. While the Remark describes the tragic fate o f German youth in the
war, the problem raised in the novel is interpreted as a global problem not only o f the German
people, but o f all the nations involved in the war, o f all mankind. Remark's novel "Three
comrades" also depicts various destinies and characters who took part in the first World War,
striving to find their way in life after the war. The writer tells about the rather grown-up
representatives o f those ospirs in the novel "Three comrades", when a soldier o f teenage age in
the novel "All Quiet on the Western Front" describes the life o f a young man directly on the
front. The game explains what happened ten years after the war. However, the heroes of the
work could not get rid o f the negative impact o f the war. In the images o f their spirituality, their
relationship with society, this is clearly expressed. In the dialogue, actions o f the heroes o f the
work, in the comments o f the protagonist Robert Locamp, the characteristics characteristic o f the
"lost generation"are clearly visible. Heroes such as Robert Lokamp, Otto Kester, Godfrid Lents
are considered images o f generalization o f people who have lost their faith in any ideas and
ideologies, who consider the laws o f society meaningless and useless, and artistic reflection of
the characteristics inherent in people o f 20-30-ies, They are people with their own e'tiqod and
worldview, even if they are described as "little people" who have not found their position in
society. In the following sentences from the language o f the novel's protagonist Robert Lokamp,
the character and spirit o f the heroes are reflected: "We wanted to fight against all that has been
committed to our past - against forgery and selfishness, greed and cruelty; we remained tolerant
and did not believe anything other than our close friend, the sky that never deceived us, tobacco,
trees, ...” ( Wir hatten marschieren wollen gegen die Luge, die Ichsucht, die Gier, die Tragheit
des Herzens, die all das verschuldet hatten, was hinter uns lag — wir waren hart gewesen, ohne
anderes Vertrauen als das zu dem Kameraden neben uns und das eine andere, das nie getrogen
hatte: zu den Dingen - zu Himmel, Tabak, Baum und Brot und Erde...) [6,71]. In this passage,
the definition o f the hero to that period and society was also expressed.
In the novel, details such as various sketches about the social life o f that period, in particular
economic hardship, unemployment, confusion in people and the loss o f confidence in the future,
are explained by the image o f Jesse. He is described as follows in the game: "...he is afraid of
being unemployed and lives in constant danger. If he is expelled from work-that's all. He was
forty-five years old. No one can hire a person at this age. Earlier it was not so, the fallen man
could again stand on his feet, and now the layman is doomed to lifelong unemployment.” ( ...der
Mann hatte standig Angst, seinen kleinen Posten zu verlieren. Dann war er fertig. Er war
jiinfundvierzig Jahre alt. Niemand nahm ihn mehr, wenn er einmal arbeitslos mirde. Das war
das Elend -
frtiher sackte man langsam ab, und es gab immer noch wieder Moglichkeiten,
hochzukommen —
aber heute stand hinter jeder Kiindigung sofort der Abground der ewigen
Arbeitslosigkeit) [6,30]. Through this image, the social problems o f the era and their impact on
the life, psyche o f man are expressed. Deprived o f family happiness, peace and well-being, this
personage is a typical image o f people who became victims o f a difficult life and environment in
the post-war period. Among the heroes o f the novel, The image o f Ferdinand Grau stands out
separately. He is a personage who, looking at the photo o f the deceased people, draws a portrait
o f them and makes a living through it. Grau could have been a mature artist or philosopher in
other contexts. His worldview, characteristic o f the Creators, his deep philosophical orientation
to various aspects o f life are described separately. Remark claims that the war through it also had
a negative impact on the fate o f the creators. The image o f Grau is reflected in the post-war era
as a typical representative o f talented artists who suffer in a spiritually disturbed environment,
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal