41. Think about (1)
1. think about / 2. thinking about / 3. thinking about / 4. thought about / 5.
thought about; think about
42. Think about (2)
1. think about / 2. thinking about / 3. thinking about / 4. thought about / 5.
thought about
43. Think about (3)
1. thought about; thought about / 2. thinking about / 3. thinking about / 4.
think about / 5. thought about
44. Think about (4)
1. think about / 2. thinks about / 3. thought about / 4. thought about / 5.
think about
45. Think about (5)
1. think about / 2. think about / 3. ‘ve thought / 4. thinking about / 5.
thinking about
46. Go out (1)
1. has gone out or went out / 2. going out / 3. going out / 4. gone out / 5.
going to
47. Go out (2)
1. go out / 2. went out / 3. go out / 4. go out; went out / 5. gone out
48. Go out (3)
1. goes out / 2. gone out; gone out / 3. went out / 4. gone out / 5. go out
49. Go out (4)
1. go out / 2. went out / 3. going out / 4. gone out / 5. gone out
50. Go out (5)
1. going out / 2. gone out / 3. going out to / 4. go out / 5. go out; go out
Review Quiz 2
1. come back / 2. get / 3. thinking about / 4. go out; go out / 5. talked to /
6. thought about / 7. gone out; gone out / 8. come back / 9. gets to / 10.
thought about / 11. going out / 12. going out / 13. come back / 14. went
back / 15. going out / 16. talked to / 17. get to / 18. thought about / 19.
coming back / 20. thought about / 21. came back / 22. go back; go back /
23. gotten to / 24. gone out / 25. gotten to
Phrasal Verb Selection
The following is a technical description of how I selected the phrasal
verbs for this book.
There are many phrasal verbs in the English language and each can
have several meanings. It is therefore very difficult for English learners to
select which phrasal verbs will be most useful.
In this book, I have chosen a total of 50 different phrasal verb meanings
which I believe will be the most useful in everyday conversation at home,
at work, and with friends.
To select the phrasal verbs in this book, I created a list of 400 phrasal
verbs and used an extremely large online English language database to
determine a usage frequency ranking. I then looked at each phrasal verb
individually and gave it a score based on my own personal experience of
how often I use it in daily life. Next, for each phrasal verb, I multiplied the
usage frequency rank by my personal score to give it an overall utility
score which was used to rank the 400 phrasal verbs. I then listed every
possible meaning for each phrasal verb and ranked each of those
meanings for utility. Finally, I selected the top ranking 50 meanings and
based the conversations in this book on them.