Part: Part 4 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Testing the effect of habitat structure and complexity on nekton assemblages using experimental oyster reefs
Author(s): Humphries, AT (Humphries, Austin T.); La Peyre, MK (La Peyre, Megan K.); Kimball, ME (Kimball, Matthew E.); Rozas, LP (Rozas, Lawrence P.)
Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY Volume: 409 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 172-179 DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2011.08.017 Published: DEC 1 2011
Title: Effects of anthropogenic shoreline hardening and invasion by Phragmites australis on habitat quality for juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus)
Author(s): Long, WC (Long, W. Christopher); Grow, JN (Grow, Jacob N.); Majoris, JE (Majoris, John E.); Hines, AH (Hines, Anson H.)
Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY Volume: 409 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 215-222 DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2011.08.024 Published: DEC 1 2011
Title: Resource pulses, switching trophic control, and the dynamics of small mammal assemblages in arid Australia
Author(s): Letnic, M (Letnic, Mike); Story, P (Story, Paul); Story, G (Story, Georgeanna); Field, J (Field, Judith); Brown, O (Brown, Oliver); Dickman, CR (Dickman, Christopher R.)
Source: JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY Volume: 92 Issue: 6 Pages: 1210-1222 DOI: 10.1644/10-MAMM-S-229.1 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Relating carrion breakdown rates to ambient resource level and community structure in four cave stream ecosystems
Author(s): Huntsman, BM (Huntsman, Brock M.); Venarsky, MP (Venarsky, Michael P.); Benstead, JP (Benstead, Jonathan P.)
Source: JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN BENTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Pages: 882-892 DOI: 10.1899/10-116.1 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Fourteen years of dreissenid presence in the rocky littoral zone of a large lake: effects on macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity
Author(s): Ozersky, T (Ozersky, Ted); Barton, DR (Barton, David R.); Evans, DO (Evans, David O.)
Source: JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN BENTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Pages: 913-922 DOI: 10.1899/10-122.1 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Benthic community responses to invasion by the golden mussel, Limnoperna fortunei Dunker: biotic homogenization vs environmental driving forces
Author(s): Sardina, P (Sardina, Paula); Chaves, E (Chaves, Eliseo); Marchese, M (Marchese, Mercedes)
Source: JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN BENTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Pages: 1009-1023 DOI: 10.1899/10-170.1 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Hydrologic processes influence diatom community composition in Dry Valley streams
Author(s): Stanish, LF (Stanish, Lee F.); Nemergut, DR (Nemergut, Diana R.); McKnight, DM (McKnight, Diane M.)
Source: JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN BENTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Pages: 1057-1073 DOI: 10.1899/11-008.1 Published: DEC 2011
Title: The influence of environmental factors and dredging on chironomid larval diversity in urban drainage systems in polders strongly influenced by seepage from large rivers
Author(s): Vermonden, K (Vermonden, K.); Brodersen, KP (Brodersen, K. P.); Jacobsen, D (Jacobsen, D.); van Kleef, H (van Kleef, H.); van der Velde, G (van der Velde, G.); Leuven, RSEW (Leuven, R. S. E. W.)
Source: JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN BENTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Pages: 1074-1092 DOI: 10.1899/10-047.1 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Spatial Distribution of Phytoplankton in the White Sea in the Late Summer Period with Regard to the Water Structure and Dynamics
Author(s): Ilyash, LV (Ilyash, L. V.); Radchenko, IG (Radchenko, I. G.); Shevchenko, VP (Shevchenko, V. P.); Lisitzin, AP (Lisitzin, A. P.); Paka, VT (Paka, V. T.); Burenkov, VI (Burenkov, V. I.); Novigatskiy, AN (Novigatskiy, A. N.); Chul'tsova, AL (Chul'tsova, A. L.); Pantyulin, AN (Pantyulin, A. N.)
Source: OCEANOLOGY Volume: 51 Issue: 6 Pages: 993-1003 DOI: 10.1134/S000143701106004X Published: DEC 2011
Title: Structure of the Macrozoobenthic Communities in the Southwestern Kara Sea
Author(s): Kozlovskiy, VV (Kozlovskiy, V. V.); Chikina, MV (Chikina, M. V.); Kucheruk, NV (Kucheruk, N. V.); Basin, AB (Basin, A. B.)
Source: OCEANOLOGY Volume: 51 Issue: 6 Pages: 1012-1020 DOI: 10.1134/S0001437011060087 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Effects of Thermal Pollution on the Soft-Bottoms Surrounding a Power Station in the Canary Islands (NE Atlantic Ocean)
Author(s): Riera, R (Riera, Rodrigo); Nunez, J (Nunez, Jorge); Martin, D (Martin, Daniel)
Source: OCEANOLOGY Volume: 51 Issue: 6 Pages: 1040-1046 DOI: 10.1134/S0001437011060142 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Integrated biodiversity monitoring for the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest in south-west Western Australia: the FORESTCHECK project
Author(s): Mccaw, WL (McCaw, W. Lachlan); Robinson, RM (Robinson, Richard M.); Williams, MR (Williams, Matthew R.)
Source: AUSTRALIAN FORESTRY Volume: 74 Issue: 4 Pages: 240-253 Published: DEC 2011
Title: FORESTCHECK: the response of vascular flora to silviculture in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest
Author(s): Ward, B (Ward, Bruce); Robinson, RM (Robinson, Richard M.); Cranfield, RJ (Cranfield, Raymond J.); Williams, MR (Williams, Matthew R.)
Source: AUSTRALIAN FORESTRY Volume: 74 Issue: 4 Pages: 276-287 Published: DEC 2011
Title: FORESTCHECK: the response of epigeous macrofungi to silviculture in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest
Author(s): Robinson, RM (Robinson, Richard M.); Williams, MR (Williams, Matthew R.)
Source: AUSTRALIAN FORESTRY Volume: 74 Issue: 4 Pages: 288-302 Published: DEC 2011
Title: FORESTCHECK: the response of lichens and bryophytes to silviculture in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest
Author(s): Cranfield, RJ (Cranfield, Raymond J.); Robinson, RM (Robinson, Richard M.); Williams, MR (Williams, Matthew R.); Tunsell, VL (Tunsell, Verna L.)
Source: AUSTRALIAN FORESTRY Volume: 74 Issue: 4 Pages: 303-314 Published: DEC 2011
Title: FORESTCHECK: the response of macro-invertebrates to silviculture in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest
Author(s): Farr, JD (Farr, Janet D.); Wills, AJ (Wills, Allan J.); Van Heurck, PF (Van Heurck, Paul F.); Mellican, AE (Mellican, Amanda E.); Williams, MR (Williams, Matthew R.)
Source: AUSTRALIAN FORESTRY Volume: 74 Issue: 4 Pages: 315-327 Published: DEC 2011
Title: FORESTCHECK: terrestrial vertebrate associations with fox control and silviculture in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest
Author(s): Wayne, AF (Wayne, Adrian F.); Liddelow, GL (Liddelow, Graeme L.); Williams, MR (Williams, Matthew R.)
Source: AUSTRALIAN FORESTRY Volume: 74 Issue: 4 Pages: 336-349 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Impact of oxygen-depleted water on the vertical distribution of chaetognaths in the northeastern Arabian Sea
Author(s): Kusum, KK (Kusum, K. K.); Vineetha, G (Vineetha, G.); Raveendran, TV (Raveendran, T. V.); Muraleedharan, KR (Muraleedharan, K. R.); Nair, M (Nair, M.); Achuthankutty, CT (Achuthankutty, C. T.)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS Volume: 58 Issue: 12 Pages: 1163-1174 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2011.08.012 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Measuring the ecological impact of long-term flow disturbance on the macroinvertebrate community in a large Mediterranean climate river
Author(s): Marchetti, MP (Marchetti, Michael P.); Esteban, E (Esteban, Elaine); Smith, ANH (Smith, Adam N. H.); Pickard, D (Pickard, Daniel); Richards, AB (Richards, A. Brady); Slusark, J (Slusark, Joe)
Source: JOURNAL OF FRESHWATER ECOLOGY Volume: 26 Issue: 4 Pages: 459-480 DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2011.577974 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Multi-scale ant diversity in savanna woodlands: an intercontinental comparison
Author(s): Campos, RI (Campos, Ricardo I.); Vasconcelos, HL (Vasconcelos, Heraldo L.); Andersen, AN (Andersen, Alan N.); Frizzo, TLM (Frizzo, Tiago L. M.); Spena, KC (Spena, Kelly C.)
Source: AUSTRAL ECOLOGY Volume: 36 Issue: 8 Pages: 983-992 DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2011.02255.x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Using folk taxonomies to understand stakeholder perceptions for species conservation
Author(s): Beaudreau, AH (Beaudreau, Anne H.); Levin, PS (Levin, Phillip S.); Norman, KC (Norman, Karma C.)
Source: CONSERVATION LETTERS Volume: 4 Issue: 6 Pages: 451-463 DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2011.00199.x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Predatory disturbance and prey species diversity: the case of gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) foraging on a multi-species mysid (family Mysidae) community
Author(s): Feyrer, LJ (Feyrer, Laura Joan); Duffus, DA (Duffus, David A.)
Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA Volume: 678 Issue: 1 Pages: 37-47 DOI: 10.1007/s10750-011-0816-z Published: DEC 2011
Title: Genetic diversity patterns of microbial communities in a subtropical riverine ecosystem (Jiulong River, southeast China)
Author(s): Liu, LM (Liu, Lemian); Yang, J (Yang, Jun); Zhang, YY (Zhang, Yongyu)
Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA Volume: 678 Issue: 1 Pages: 113-125 DOI: 10.1007/s10750-011-0834-x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Leaf litter from insect-resistant transgenic trees causes changes in aquatic insect community composition
Author(s): Axelsson, EP (Axelsson, E. Petter); Hjalten, J (Hjalten, Joakim); LeRoy, CJ (LeRoy, Carri J.); Whitham, TG (Whitham, Thomas G.); Julkunen-Tiitto, R (Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta); Wennstrom, A (Wennstrom, Anders)
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY Volume: 48 Issue: 6 Pages: 1472-1479 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2011.02046.x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Contaminants in water, sediment and fish biomonitor species from natural and artificial estuarine habitats along the urbanized Gold Coast, Queensland
Author(s): Waltham, NJ (Waltham, Nathan J.); Teasdale, PR (Teasdale, Peter R.); Connolly, RM (Connolly, Rod M.)
Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Volume: 13 Issue: 12 Pages: 3409-3419 DOI: 10.1039/c1em10664c Published: DEC 2011
Title: Detection of Spatial and Temporal Influences on Bacterial Communities in an Urban Stream by Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Ribosomal Spacer Analysis
Author(s): Or, A (Or, Amitai); Gophna, U (Gophna, Uri)
Source: MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS Volume: 26 Issue: 4 Pages: 360-366 DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.ME11202 Published: DEC 1 2011
Title: Spatial and temporal effects of olive mill wastewaters to stream macroinvertebrates and aquatic ecosystems status
Author(s): Karaouzas, I (Karaouzas, Ioannis); Skoulikidis, NT (Skoulikidis, Nikolaos T.); Giannakou, U (Giannakou, Urania); Albanis, TA (Albanis, Triantafyllos A.)
Source: WATER RESEARCH Volume: 45 Issue: 19 Pages: 6334-6346 DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2011.09.014 Published: DEC 1 2011
Title: Associations Between Water Quality Parameters and Planktonic Communities in Three Constructed Wetlands, Taipei
Author(s): Chen, PY (Chen, Pen-Yuan); Lee, PF (Lee, Pei-Fen); Ko, CJ (Ko, Chie-Jen); Ko, CH (Ko, Chun-Han); Chou, TC (Chou, Ta-Ching); Teng, CJ (Teng, Chia-Ji)
Source: WETLANDS Volume: 31 Issue: 6 Pages: 1241-1248 DOI: 10.1007/s13157-011-0236-x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Depth and temporal distribution of vagile fauna associated with Posidonia oceanica meadows in Cap Zebib, north-eastern Tunisian coastline
Author(s): Belgacem, W (Belgacem, Walid); Langar, H (Langar, Habib); Ben Hassine, OK (Ben Hassine, Oum Kalthoum)
Source: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Pages: 459-470 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2011.01278.x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Biodiversity conservation in old-growth boreal forest: black spruce and balsam fir snags harbour distinct assemblages of saproxylic beetles
Author(s): Janssen, P (Janssen, P.); Hebert, C (Hebert, C.); Fortin, D (Fortin, D.)
Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION Volume: 20 Issue: 13 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2917-2932 DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0127-8 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Soil millipede diversity in tropical forest patches and its relation to landscape structure in northeastern Puerto Rico
Author(s): Galanes, IT (Galanes, Ileana T.); Thomlinson, JR (Thomlinson, John R.)
Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION Volume: 20 Issue: 13 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2967-2980 DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0128-7 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Effects of a nonnative, invasive lovegrass on Agave palmeri distribution, abundance, and insect pollinator communities
Author(s): Lindsay, DL (Lindsay, Denise L.); Bailey, P (Bailey, Pamela); Lance, RF (Lance, Richard F.); Clifford, MJ (Clifford, Michael J.); Delph, R (Delph, Robert); Cobb, NS (Cobb, Neil S.)
Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION Volume: 20 Issue: 13 Special Issue: SI Pages: 3251-3266 DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0133-x Published: DEC 2011
Title: A tool set for description and mapping vegetation on protected natural areas: an example from the Canary Islands
Author(s): Garzon-Machado, V (Garzon-Machado, Victor); Aguilar, MJD (del Arco Aguilar, Marcelino-Jose); Perez-de-Paz, PL (Perez-de-Paz, Pedro-Luis)
Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION Volume: 20 Issue: 14 Pages: 3605-3625 DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0153-6 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Spatial distribution of bivalves in relation to environmental conditions (middle Danube catchment, Hungary)
Author(s): Bodis, E (Bodis, E.); Nosek, J (Nosek, J.); Oertel, N (Oertel, N.); Toth, B (Toth, B.); Hornung, E (Hornung, E.); Sousa, R (Sousa, R.)
Source: COMMUNITY ECOLOGY Volume: 12 Issue: 2 Pages: 210-219 DOI: 10.1556/ComEc.12.2011.2.9 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Size influences the spatial distribution and fish-aggregating device use of five Mediterranean fish species
Author(s): Sinopoli, M (Sinopoli, M.); Badalamenti, F (Badalamenti, F.); D'Anna, G (D'Anna, G.); Gristina, M (Gristina, M.); Andaloro, F (Andaloro, F.)
Source: FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY Volume: 18 Issue: 6 Pages: 456-466 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2400.2011.00800.x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Morphological patterns of five fish species (four characiforms, one perciform) in relation to feeding habits in a tropical reservoir in south-eastern Brazil
Author(s): Santos, ABI (Santos, A. B. I.); Camilo, FL (Camilo, F. L.); Albieri, RJ (Albieri, R. J.); Araujo, FG (Araujo, F. G.)
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY Volume: 27 Issue: 6 Pages: 1360-1364 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2011.01801.x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Peracarid assemblages of Zostera meadows in an estuarine ecosystem (O Grove inlet, NW Iberian Peninsula): spatial distribution and seasonal variation
Author(s): Esquete, P (Esquete, Patricia); Moreira, J (Moreira, Juan); Troncoso, JS (Troncoso, Jesus S.)
Source: HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 445-455 DOI: 10.1007/s10152-010-0234-z Published: DEC 2011
Title: Habitat complexity and community composition: relationships between different ecosystem engineers and the associated macroinvertebrate assemblages
Author(s): Sueiro, MC (Cruz Sueiro, Maria); Bortolus, A (Bortolus, Alejandro); Schwindt, E (Schwindt, Evangelina)
Source: HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH Volume: 65 Issue: 4 Pages: 467-477 DOI: 10.1007/s10152-010-0236-x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Large-scale experimental landscapes reveal distinctive effects of patch shape and connectivity on arthropod communities
Author(s): Orrock, JL (Orrock, John L.); Curler, GR (Curler, Gregory R.); Danielson, BJ (Danielson, Brent J.); Coyle, DR (Coyle, David R.)
Source: LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY Volume: 26 Issue: 10 Pages: 1361-1372 DOI: 10.1007/s10980-011-9656-5 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Vertical distribution of sympagic meiofauna in sea ice in the Canadian Beaufort Sea
Author(s): Marquardt, M (Marquardt, Miriam); Kramer, M (Kramer, Maike); Carnat, G (Carnat, Gauthier); Werner, I (Werner, Iris)
Source: POLAR BIOLOGY Volume: 34 Issue: 12 Pages: 1887-1900 DOI: 10.1007/s00300-011-1078-y Published: DEC 2011
Title: Two phylogenetically distinct species of sexually deceptive orchids mimic the sex pheromone of their single common pollinator, the cuckoo bumblebee Bombus vestalis
Author(s): Gogler, J (Goegler, Julia); Twele, R (Twele, Robert); Francke, W (Francke, Wittko); Ayasse, M (Ayasse, Manfred)
Source: CHEMOECOLOGY Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Pages: 243-252 DOI: 10.1007/s00049-011-0085-3 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Assessing the impacts of mountain biking and hiking on subalpine grassland in Australia using an experimental protocol
Author(s): Pickering, CM (Pickering, Catherine Marina); Rossi, S (Rossi, Sebastian); Barros, A (Barros, Agustina)
Source: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Volume: 92 Issue: 12 Pages: 3049-3057 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2011.07.016 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Taxon-related diversity patterns from the continental shelf to the slope: a case study on nematodes from the Western Indian Ocean
Author(s): Agnes, MWN (Agnes, Muthumbi W. N.); Vanreusel, A (Vanreusel, Ann); Vincx, M (Vincx, Magda)
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE Volume: 32 Issue: 4 Pages: 453-467 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2011.00449.x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Biodiversity of macrofaunal assemblages from three Portuguese submarine canyons (NE Atlantic)
Author(s): Cunha, MR (Cunha, Marina R.); Paterson, GLJ (Paterson, Gordon L. J.); Amaro, T (Amaro, Teresa); Blackbird, S (Blackbird, Sabena); de Stigter, HC (de Stigter, Henko C.); Ferreira, C (Ferreira, Clarisse); Glover, A (Glover, Adrian); Hilario, A (Hilario, Ana); Kiriakoulakis, K (Kiriakoulakis, Konstadinos); Neal, L (Neal, Lenka); Ravara, A (Ravara, Ascensao); Rodrigues, CF (Rodrigues, Clara F.); Tiago, A (Tiago, Aurea); Billett, DSM (Billett, David S. M.)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 58 Issue: 23-24 Pages: 2433-2447 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.04.007 Published: DEC 1 2011
Title: Disturbance, productivity and diversity in deep-sea canyons: A worm's eye view
Author(s): Paterson, GLJ (Paterson, Gordon L. J.); Glover, AG (Glover, Adrian G.); Cunha, MR (Cunha, Marina R.); Neal, L (Neal, Lenka); de Stigter, HC (de Stigter, Henko C.); Kiriakoulakis, K (Kiriakoulakis, Konstadinos); Billett, DSM (Billett, David S. M.); Wolff, GA (Wolff, George A.); Tiago, A (Tiago, Aurea); Ravara, A (Ravara, Ascensao); Lamont, P (Lamont, Peter); Tyler, P (Tyler, Paul)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 58 Issue: 23-24 Pages: 2448-2460 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.04.008 Published: DEC 1 2011
Title: Assessing the effects of vegetation type on hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) diversity in a Mediterranean landscape: implications for conservation
Author(s): Ricarte, A (Ricarte, Antonio); Marcos-Garcia, MA (Marcos-Garcia, M. Angeles); Moreno, CE (Moreno, Claudia E.)
Source: JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION Volume: 15 Issue: 6 Pages: 865-877 DOI: 10.1007/s10841-011-9384-9 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Flow variability maintains the structure and composition of in-channel riparian vegetation
Author(s): Greet, J (Greet, Joe); Webb, JA (Webb, J. Angus); Downes, BJ (Downes, Barbara J.)
Source: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY Volume: 56 Issue: 12 Pages: 2514-2528 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2011.02676.x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Leaf-litter colonisation and breakdown in relation to stream typology: insights from Mediterranean low-order streams
Author(s): Casas, JJ (Casas, J. Jesus); Gessner, MO (Gessner, Mark O.); Lopez, D (Lopez, Dalila); Descals, E (Descals, Enrique)
Source: FRESHWATER BIOLOGY Volume: 56 Issue: 12 Pages: 2594-2608 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2011.02686.x Published: DEC 2011
Title: Spatial patterns in zooplankton communities across the eastern Canadian sub-Arctic and Arctic waters: insights from stable carbon (delta C-13) and nitrogen (delta N-15) isotope ratios
Author(s): Pomerleau, C (Pomerleau, Corinne); Winkler, G (Winkler, Gesche); Sastri, AR (Sastri, Akash R.); Nelson, RJ (Nelson, R. John); Vagle, S (Vagle, Svein); Lesage, V (Lesage, Veronique); Ferguson, SH (Ferguson, Steven H.)
Source: JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH Volume: 33 Issue: 12 Pages: 1779-1792 DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbr080 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Coexistence of larvae of tuna species and other fish in the surface mixed layer in the NW Mediterranean
Author(s): Torres, AP (Torres, A. P.); Reglero, P (Reglero, P.); Balbin, R (Balbin, R.); Urtizberea, A (Urtizberea, A.); Alemany, F (Alemany, F.)
Source: JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH Volume: 33 Issue: 12 Pages: 1793-1812 DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbr078 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Influence of local physical events on picophytoplankton spatial and temporal dynamics in South Australian continental shelf waters
Author(s): Van Dongen-Vogels, V (Van Dongen-Vogels, Virginie); Seymour, JR (Seymour, Justin R.); Middleton, JF (Middleton, John F.); Mitchell, JG (Mitchell, Jim G.); Seuront, L (Seuront, Laurent)
Source: JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH Volume: 33 Issue: 12 Pages: 1825-1841 DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbr077 Published: DEC 2011
Title: Increased sea level promotes coral cover on shallow reef flats in the Andaman Sea, eastern Indian Ocean
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