Author(s): Kutt, AS (Kutt, A. S.); Vanderduys, EP (Vanderduys, E. P.); O'Reagain, P (O'Reagain, P.)
Source: RANGELAND JOURNAL Volume: 34 Issue: 2 Pages: 173-182 DOI: 10.1071/RJ11049 Published: 2012
Title: Native plant diversity in tropical savannas decreases when exotic pasture grass cover increases
Author(s): Kutt, AS (Kutt, A. S.); Kemp, JE (Kemp, J. E.)
Source: RANGELAND JOURNAL Volume: 34 Issue: 2 Pages: 183-189 DOI: 10.1071/RJ11048 Published: 2012
Title: Dense regeneration of floodplain Eucalyptus coolabah: invasive scrub or passive restoration of an endangered woodland community?
Author(s): Good, MK (Good, Megan K.); Price, JN (Price, Jodi N.); Clarke, PJ (Clarke, Peter J.); Reid, N (Reid, Nick)
Source: RANGELAND JOURNAL Volume: 34 Issue: 2 Pages: 219-230 DOI: 10.1071/RJ12008 Published: 2012
Title: Interactive climate change and runoff effects alter O-2 fluxes and bacterial community composition of coastal biofilms from the Great Barrier Reef
Author(s): Witt, V (Witt, Verena); Wild, C (Wild, Christian); Uthicke, S (Uthicke, Sven)
Source: AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY Volume: 66 Issue: 2 Pages: 117-+ DOI: 10.3354/ame01562 Published: 2012
Title: Contrasting dynamics in activity and community composition of free-living and particle-associated bacteria in spring
Author(s): Rosel, S (Roesel, Stefan); Grossart, HP (Grossart, Hans-Peter)
Source: AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY Volume: 66 Issue: 2 Pages: 169-+ DOI: 10.3354/ame01568 Published: 2012
Title: Dietary partitioning by two sympatric fish species, red cod (Pseudophycis bachus) and sea perch (Helicolenus percoides), on Chatham Rise, New Zealand
Author(s): Horn, PL (Horn, Peter L.); Forman, JS (Forman, Jeff S.); Dunn, MR (Dunn, Matthew R.)
Source: MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH Volume: 8 Issue: 7 Pages: 624-634 DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2011.653543 Published: 2012
Title: Hyperiid amphipod community in the Eastern Tropical Pacific before, during, and after El Nino 1997-1998
Author(s): Gasca, R (Gasca, Rebeca); Franco-Gordo, C (Franco-Gordo, Carmen); Godinez-Dominguez, E (Godinez-Dominguez, Enrique); Suarez-Morales, E (Suarez-Morales, Eduardo)
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES Volume: 455 Pages: 123-139 DOI: 10.3354/meps09571 Published: 2012
Title: Bivalve fauna and distribution in the Amur River estuary-a warm-water ecosystem in the cold-water Pacific region
Author(s): Kamenev, GM (Kamenev, Gennady M.); Nekrasov, DA (Nekrasov, Dmitry A.)
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES Volume: 455 Pages: 195-+ DOI: 10.3354/meps09679 Published: 2012
Title: Parasite communities indicate effects of cross-shelf distributions, but not mesoscale oceanographic features on northern California Current mid-trophic food web
Author(s): Jacobson, KC (Jacobson, Kym C.); Baldwin, R (Baldwin, Rebecca); Reese, DC (Reese, Douglas C.)
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES Volume: 454 Pages: 19-36 DOI: 10.3354/meps09654 Published: 2012
Title: Nematode beta diversity on the continental slope of New Zealand: spatial patterns and environmental drivers
Author(s): Leduc, D (Leduc, Daniel); Rowden, AA (Rowden, Ashley A.); Bowden, DA (Bowden, David A.); Nodder, SD (Nodder, Scott D.); Probert, PK (Probert, P. Keith); Pilditch, CA (Pilditch, Conrad A.); Duineveld, GCA (Duineveld, Gerard C. A.); Witbaard, R (Witbaard, Rob)
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES Volume: 454 Pages: 37-+ DOI: 10.3354/meps09690 Published: 2012
Title: Terrestrial isopod community as indicator of succession in a peat bog
Author(s): Antonovic, I (Antonovic, Ivan); Brigic, A (Brigic, Andreja); Sedlar, Z (Sedlar, Zorana); Bedek, J (Bedek, Jana); Sostaric, R (Sostaric, Renata)
Source: ZOOKEYS Issue: 176 Special Issue: SI Pages: 171-188 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.176.2379 Published: 2012
Title: Temporal variability of a temperate fish assemblage in Africa's oldest marine protected area
Author(s): James, NC (James, N. C.); Gotz, A (Goetz, A.); Potts, WM (Potts, W. M.); Cowley, PD (Cowley, P. D.)
Source: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Pages: 15-26 DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2012.673268 Published: 2012
Title: Baseline assessment of high-latitude coral reef fish communities in southern Africa
Author(s): Floros, C (Floros, C.); Schleyer, MH (Schleyer, M. H.); Maggs, JQ (Maggs, J. Q.); Celliers, L (Celliers, L.)
Source: AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Pages: 55-69 DOI: 10.2989/1814232X.2012.673284 Published: 2012
Title: Man-made Mediterranean temporary ponds as a tool for amphibian conservation
Author(s): Ruhi, A (Ruhi, Albert); Sebastian, OS (San Sebastian, Olatz); Feo, C (Feo, Carles); Franch, M (Franch, Marc); Gascon, S (Gascon, Stephanie); Richter-Boix, A (Richter-Boix, Alex); Boix, D (Boix, Dani); Llorente, G (Llorente, Gustavo)
Source: ANNALES DE LIMNOLOGIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY Volume: 48 Issue: 1 Pages: 81-93 DOI: 10.1051/limn/2011059 Published: 2012
Title: Massive die-offs of freshwater bivalves as resource pulses
Author(s): Sousa, R (Sousa, Ronaldo); Varandas, S (Varandas, Simone); Cortes, R (Cortes, Rui); Teixeira, A (Teixeira, Amilcar); Lopes-Lima, M (Lopes-Lima, Manuel); Machado, J (Machado, Jorge); Guilhermino, L (Guilhermino, Lucia)
Source: ANNALES DE LIMNOLOGIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY Volume: 48 Issue: 1 Pages: 105-112 DOI: 10.1051/limn/2012003 Published: 2012
Title: Bryophyte communities and seston in a karst stream (Jankovac Stream, Papuk Nature Park, Croatia)
Author(s): Spoljar, M (Spoljar, Maria); Drazina, T (Drazina, Tvrtko); Ostojic, A (Ostojic, Ana); Milisa, M (Milisa, Marko); Udovic, MG (Udovic, Marija Gligora); Stafa, D (Stafa, Dagmar)
Source: ANNALES DE LIMNOLOGIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY Volume: 48 Issue: 1 Pages: 125-138 DOI: 10.1051/limn/2011057 Published: 2012
Title: Changes in bird assemblages during succession following disturbance in secondary wet forests in south-eastern Australia
Author(s): Serong, M (Serong, Merrilyn); Lill, A (Lill, Alan)
Source: EMU Volume: 112 Issue: 2 Pages: 117-128 DOI: 10.1071/MU11057 Published: 2012
Title: Spatial and temporal distribution of riparian fish communities in an undisturbed fluvial system: the san pedro river, valdivia basin (Chile)
Author(s): Colin, N (Colin, Nicole); Piedra, P (Piedra, Priscla); Habit, E (Habit, Evelyn)
Source: GAYANA Volume: 76 Special Issue: SI Pages: 24-35 Published: 2012
Title: Habitat characterization of native fish in the San Pedro River (Valdivia River basin, Chile)
Author(s): Garcia, A (Garcia, Alex); Gonzalez, J (Gonzalez, Jorge); Habit, E (Habit, Evelyn)
Source: GAYANA Volume: 76 Special Issue: SI Pages: 36-44 Published: 2012
Title: Effect of small-scale woodland clearing and thinning on vertebrate fauna in a largely intact tropical savanna mosaic
Author(s): Kutt, AS (Kutt, A. S.); Vanderduys, EP (Vanderduys, E. P.); Ferguson, D (Ferguson, D.); Mathieson, M (Mathieson, M.)
Source: WILDLIFE RESEARCH Volume: 39 Issue: 4 Pages: 366-373 DOI: 10.1071/WR11171 Published: 2012
Author(s): Pavicevic, A (Pavicevic, Ana); Pesic, V (Pesic, V.)
Source: ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Volume: 64 Issue: 1 Pages: 345-351 DOI: 10.2298/ABS1201345P Published: 2012
Author(s): Monterroso, O (Monterroso, Oscar); Riera, R (Riera, Rodrigo); Nunez, J (Nunez, Jorge)
Source: BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-9 Published: JAN-MAR 2012
Author(s): da Silva, DR (da Silva Junior, Demarques Ribeiro); Santos, SR (Santos, Sergio Ricardo); Travassos, M (Travassos, Marcelo); Vianna, M (Vianna, Marcelo)
Source: BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 25-32 Published: JAN-MAR 2012
Author(s): Castro, CBE (Barreira e Castro, Clovis); Segal, B (Segal, Barbara); Negrao, F (Negrao, Fabio); Calderon, EN (Calderon, Emiliano Nicolas)
Source: BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 49-63 Published: JAN-MAR 2012
Title: Benthic communities on hard substrates covered by Limnoperna fortunei Dunker (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) at an estuarine beach (Rio de la Plata, Argentina)
Author(s): Spaccesi, FG (Spaccesi, Fernando G.); Capitulo, AR (Rodrigues Capitulo, Alberto)
Source: JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY Volume: 71 Issue: 1 Pages: 144-153 DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2012.e15 Published: 2012
Title: Phytoplankton size structure and species composition as an indicator of trophic status in transitional ecosystems: the case study of a Mediterranean fjord-like karstic bay
Author(s): Bosak, S (Bosak, Suncica); Silovic, T (Silovic, Tina); Ljubesic, Z (Ljubesic, Zrinka); Kuspilic, G (Kuspilic, Grozdan); Pestoric, B (Pestoric, Branka); Krivokapic, S (Krivokapic, Sladana); Vilicic, D (Vilicic, Damir)
Source: OCEANOLOGIA Volume: 54 Issue: 2 Pages: 255-286 DOI: 10.5697/oc.54-2.255 Published: 2012
Title: Bacterial diversity on different surfaces in urban freshwater
Author(s): Reuben, S (Reuben, S.); Chua, CLN (Chua, C. L. N.); Fam, KD (Fam, K. D.); Thian, ZYA (Thian, Z. Y. A.); Kang, MK (Kang, M. K.); Swarup, S (Swarup, S.)
Source: WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 65 Issue: 10 Pages: 1869-1874 DOI: 10.2166/wst.2012.952 Published: 2012
Title: Despite Long-Term Compost Amendment Seasonal Changes are Main Drivers of Soil Fungal and Bacterial Population Dynamics in a Tuscan Vineyard
Author(s): Tatti, E (Tatti, Enrico); Decorosi, F (Decorosi, Francesca); Viti, C (Viti, Carlo); Giovannetti, L (Giovannetti, Luciana)
Source: GEOMICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL Volume: 29 Issue: 6 Pages: 506-519 DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2011.582928 Published: 2012
Title: Observations of dugongs at Aldabra Atoll, western Indian Ocean: lagoon habitat mapping and spatial analysis of sighting records
Author(s): Hamylton, SM (Hamylton, Sarah M.); Hagan, AB (Hagan, Annelise B.); Doak, N (Doak, Naomi)
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE Volume: 26 Issue: 5 Pages: 839-853 DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2011.616510 Published: 2012
Title: Birds in a complex agricultural landscape in Central Greece: the role of landscape elements and the landscape matrix
Author(s): Merken, R (Merken, Ronny); Servaes, F (Servaes, Fabrice); Sfougaris, A (Sfougaris, Athanasios); Koedam, N (Koedam, Nico)
Source: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH-THESSALONIKI Volume: 17 Pages: 137-147 Published: 2012
Title: Short-term in situ warming influences early development of sessile assemblages
Author(s): Smale, DA (Smale, Dan A.); Wernberg, T (Wernberg, Thomas)
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES Volume: 453 Pages: 129-136 DOI: 10.3354/meps09680 Published: 2012
Title: Diet of sardine Sardina pilchardus: an 'end-to-end' field study
Author(s): Nikolioudakis, N (Nikolioudakis, N.); Isari, S (Isari, S.); Pitta, P (Pitta, P.); Somarakis, S (Somarakis, S.)
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES Volume: 453 Pages: 173-188 DOI: 10.3354/meps09656 Published: 2012
Title: Planktonic diatoms and their environment in the lower Neretva River estuary (Eastern Adriatic Sea, NE Mediterranean)
Author(s): Jasprica, N (Jasprica, Nenad); Caric, M (Caric, Marina); Krsinic, F (Krsinic, Frano); Kapetanovic, T (Kapetanovic, Tatjana); Batistic, M (Batistic, Mirna); Njire, J (Njire, Jakica)
Source: NOVA HEDWIGIA Pages: 405-429 Supplement: 141 Published: 2012
Title: Bioindicative potential of diatoms and ostracods in the Odra mouth environment quality assessment
Author(s): Bak, M (Bak, Malgorzata); Szlauer-Lukaszewska, A (Szlauer-Lukaszewska, Agnieszka)
Source: NOVA HEDWIGIA Pages: 463-484 Supplement: 141 Published: 2012
Title: Differences in phytoplankton accumulation between Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 and European flat oyster Ostrea edulis Linneaus, 1758 after natural exposure to toxic Dinophysis bloom
Author(s): Skejic, S (Skejic, Sanda); Gladan, ZN (Gladan, Zivana Nincevic); Ezgeta-Balic, D (Ezgeta-Balic, Daria); Peharda, M (Peharda, Melita)
Source: CAHIERS DE BIOLOGIE MARINE Volume: 53 Issue: 2 Pages: 189-195 Published: 2012
Title: The Bryozoan assemblages and their relationship with certain environmental factors along the shallow and subtidal Tunisian coasts
Author(s): Ben Ismail, D (Ben Ismail, Dorsaf); Rabaoui, L (Rabaoui, Lotfi); Diawara, M (Diawara, Moktar); Ben Hassine, OK (Ben Hassine, Oum Kalthoum)
Source: CAHIERS DE BIOLOGIE MARINE Volume: 53 Issue: 2 Pages: 231-242 Published: 2012
Title: The contribution of calcareous algae to the biogenic carbonates of the continental shelf: Pontian Islands, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
Author(s): Bracchi, VA (Bracchi, Valentina Alice); Basso, D (Basso, Daniela)
Source: GEODIVERSITAS Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Pages: 61-76 DOI: 10.5252/g2012n1a4 Published: 2012
Title: A biological survey method applied to seafloor massive sulphides (SMS) with contagiously distributed hydrothermal-vent fauna
Author(s): Collins, PC (Collins, P. C.); Kennedy, R (Kennedy, R.); Van Dover, CL (Van Dover, C. L.)
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES Volume: 452 Pages: 89-107 DOI: 10.3354/meps09646 Published: 2012
Title: Drift algal subsidies to sea urchins in low-productivity habitats
Author(s): Kelly, JR (Kelly, Jennifer R.); Krumhansl, KA (Krumhansl, Kira A.); Scheibling, RE (Scheibling, Robert E.)
Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES Volume: 452 Pages: 145-157 DOI: 10.3354/meps09628 Published: 2012
Title: The amphipod scavenging guild in two Arctic fjords: seasonal variations, abundance and trophic interactions
Author(s): Nygard, H (Nygard, Henrik); Berge, J (Berge, Jorgen); Soreide, JE (Soreide, Janne E.); Vihtakari, M (Vihtakari, Mikko); Falk-Petersen, S (Falk-Petersen, Stig)
Source: AQUATIC BIOLOGY Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Pages: 247-264 DOI: 10.3354/ab00394 Published: 2012
Title: The role of ecological strategies in the colonization success of pelagic fish in a large tropical reservoir (Petit-Saut Reservoir, French Guiana)
Author(s): De Merona, B (De Merona, Bernard); Vigouroux, R (Vigouroux, Regis)
Source: AQUATIC LIVING RESOURCES Volume: 25 Issue: 1 Pages: 41-54 DOI: 10.1051/alr/2011153 Published: JAN 2012
Title: Spatial patterns of diversity at local and regional scales in a tropical lagoon
Author(s): Caballero-Vazquez, JA (Adan Caballero-Vazquez, Jose); Vega-Cendejas, ME (Eugenia Vega-Cendejas, Maria)
Source: NEOTROPICAL ICHTHYOLOGY Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 99-108 Published: JAN-MAR 2012
Title: From forests to cattail: how does the riparian zone influence stream fish?
Author(s): Casatti, L (Casatti, Lilian); Teresa, FB (Teresa, Fabricio Barret); Goncalves-Souza, T (Goncalves-Souza, Thiago); Bessa, E (Bessa, Eduardo); Manzotti, AR (Manzotti, Angelo Rodrigo); Goncalves, CD (Goncalves, Cristina da Silva); Zeni, JD (Zeni, Jaquelini de Oliveira)
Source: NEOTROPICAL ICHTHYOLOGY Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 205-214 Published: JAN-MAR 2012
Title: Diversity and conservation value of Gabon's savanna and inselberg open vegetation: an initial gap analysis
Author(s): Walters, G (Walters, Gretchen); Parmentier, I (Parmentier, Ingrid); Stevart, T (Stevart, Tariq)
Source: PLANT ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Volume: 145 Issue: 1 Pages: 46-54 DOI: 10.5091/plecevo.2012.606 Published: 2012
Title: Spatial and temporal variations in the species composition and abundance of benthic molluscs along 4 rocky shores of Karachi
Author(s): Rahman, S (Rahman, Solaha); Barkati, S (Barkati, Sohail)
Source: TURKISH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY Volume: 36 Issue: 3 Pages: 291-306 DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1004-26 Published: 2012
Title: Metagenomic comparison of microbial communities inhabiting confined and unconfined aquifer ecosystems
Author(s): Smith, RJ (Smith, Renee J.); Jeffries, TC (Jeffries, Thomas C.); Roudnew, B (Roudnew, Ben); Fitch, AJ (Fitch, Alison J.); Seymour, JR (Seymour, Justin R.); Delpin, MW (Delpin, Marina W.); Newton, K (Newton, Kelly); Brown, MH (Brown, Melissa H.); Mitchell, JG (Mitchell, James G.)
Source: ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 240-253 DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2011.02614.x Published: JAN 2012
Title: Larval fish assemblages in the Taiwan Strait, western North Pacific: linking with monsoon-driven mesoscale current system
Author(s): Hsieh, HY (Hsieh, Hung-Yen); Lo, WT (Lo, Wen-Tseng); Wu, LJ (Wu, Long-Jing); Liu, DC (Liu, Dong-Chung)
Source: FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 21 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 125-147 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2419.2011.00612.x Published: 2012
Title: Oceanographic gradients and seabird prey community dynamics in glacial fjords
Author(s): Arimitsu, ML (Arimitsu, Mayumi L.); Piatt, JF (Piatt, John F.); Madison, EN (Madison, Erica N.); Conaway, JS (Conaway, Jeffrey S.); Hillgruber, N (Hillgruber, Nicola)
Source: FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY Volume: 21 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 148-169 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2419.2012.00616.x Published: 2012
Title: Trace elements in sediments and bioaccumulation in European silver eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) from a Mediterranean lagoon (SE Italy)
Author(s): Renzi, M (Renzi, Monia); Specchiulli, A (Specchiulli, Antonietta); Baroni, D (Baroni, Davide); Scirocco, T (Scirocco, Tommaso); Cilenti, L (Cilenti, Lucrezia); Focardi, S (Focardi, Silvia); Breber, P (Breber, Paolo); Focardi, S (Focardi, Silvano)
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 92 Issue: 6 Pages: 676-697 DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2010.537749 Published: 2012
Title: Seasonal variability of metazooplankton in coastal sub-Antarctic waters (Beagle Channel)
Author(s): Aguirre, GE (Aguirre, Gaston E.); Capitanio, FL (Capitanio, Fabiana L.); Lovrich, GA (Lovrich, Gustavo A.); Esnal, GB (Esnal, Graciela B.)
Source: MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Pages: 341-353 DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2011.627922 Published: 2012
Title: Morphology and distribution of a little known but widespread diatom (Bacillariophyceae), Navicula spartinetensis Sullivan et Reimer
Author(s): Witkowski, A (Witkowski, Andrzej); Sullivan, MJ (Sullivan, Michael J.); Bogaczewicz-Adamczak, B (Bogaczewicz-Adamczak, Bozena); Bak, M (Bak, Malgorzata); Rhiel, E (Rhiel, Erhard); Ribeiro, L (Ribeiro, Lourenco); Richard, P (Richard, Pierre)
Source: DIATOM RESEARCH Volume: 27 Issue: 1 Pages: 43-51 DOI: 10.1080/0269249X.2011.647772 Published: 2012
Title: Does aboveground vegetation composition resemble soil seed bank during succession in specialized vegetation on gypsum soil?
Author(s): Martinez-Duro, E (Martinez-Duro, Esmeralda); Luzuriaga, AL (Luzuriaga, Arantzazu L.); Ferrandis, P (Ferrandis, Pablo); Escudero, A (Escudero, Adrian); Herranz, JM (Herranz, Jose M.)
Source: ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH Volume: 27 Issue: 1 Pages: 43-51 DOI: 10.1007/s11284-011-0870-z Published: JAN 2012
Title: Aquatic ecosystems in inland Australia: tourism and recreational significance, ecological impacts and imperatives for management
Author(s): Hadwen, WL (Hadwen, Wade L.); Boon, PI (Boon, Paul I.); Arthington, AH (Arthington, Angela H.)
Source: MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 325-340 DOI: 10.1071/MF11198 Published: 2012
Title: The proteomes of Sydney rock oysters vary spatially according to exposure to acid sulfate runoff
Author(s): Amaral, V (Amaral, Valter); Thompson, EL (Thompson, Emma L.); Bishop, MJ (Bishop, Melanie J.); Raftos, DA (Raftos, David A.)
Source: MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Pages: 361-369 DOI: 10.1071/MF11213 Published: 2012
Title: Evaluation of the concurrent use of multiple descriptors to detect anthropogenic impacts in marine coastal systems
Author(s): Bedini, R (Bedini, Roberto); Piazzi, L (Piazzi, Luigi)
Source: MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Pages: 129-140 DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2011.615324 Published: 2012
Title: Assessing Effects of the Nonindigenous Pike Killifish on Indigenous Fishes in Tampa Bay, Florida, Using a Weighted-Weighted-Evidence Approach
Author(s): Greenwood, MFD (Greenwood, Marin F. D.)
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