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P.Senemikin Maktab ustaxonalarida asboblar tayyorlash Toshkent “o’qituvchi” 1990y
N.I. Makienko Slesa
rlikdan amaliy ishlar Toshkent “o’qituvchi” 1992y
Volume: 01 Issue: 06 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-2608
Baltabaev Kasb tanlashga yo’nalish Toshkent 2000y
S. Mahkamov Uquv ustaxonalarida o’tkaziladigan amaliy mashg’ulotlar Toshkent “o’qituvchi”
K.Davlatov Mehnat va kasb ta’limi, tarbiyasi hamda kasb t
anlash nazariyasi va metodikasi
Toshkent “o’qituvchi” 1992y
Respublika ilmiy-
amaliy konferentsiya materiallari “2004
2009 yillarda maktab ta’limini
rivojlantirish Davlat umumiy dasturi: asosiy tamoyillar va privord islohotlar” Nukus 2005y
I.Karimov, B.U.
Olimov Mehnat ta’limi darslarida fanlararo bog’lanishlar. Uslubiy qo’llanma
Toshkent 2008y.
Volume: 01 Issue:
ISSN: 2181
Analysis of the Ability of Bilingual Speakers
ESP teacher, Department of General and Exact Sciences,
Tashkent State University of Economics,
Bilingual - people speak two languages equally. They will be with
foreign speech education due to the fact that the language
environment is still raised in infancy. Sure, you are bilingual, one
at a later age, but it can be associated with a number of problems.
Now it is again becoming a popular foreign language skill. This is
explained very simply: equally well in English or Italian, for
example, a specialist in oral and written, you can find a prestigious
job in an international company.
Bilingual, foreign speech, education, expert,
international company, prestigious business,
people's traditions, communication.
Volume: 01 Issue: 06 | 2021
f Bilingual Speakers
ESP teacher, Department of General and Exact Sciences,
Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
people speak two languages equally. They will be with
foreign speech education due to the fact that the language
environment is still raised in infancy. Sure, you are bilingual, one
associated with a number of problems.
Now it is again becoming a popular foreign language skill. This is
explained very simply: equally well in English or Italian, for
example, a specialist in oral and written, you can find a prestigious
Bilingual, foreign speech, education, expert,
international company, prestigious business, cultural environment,
Volume: 01 Issue: 06 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-2608
There is also the idea that learning multiple languages early contributes to the rapid
development of a child’s speech apparatus. there are other reasons. As a result, more and more people
are prone to bilingual and adult children if you do not have polyglots. But how to master multiple
languages perfectly, who were they?
Who is bilingual?
Bilingual - people can combine two languages equally. In addition, each of them is a native language.
Such people not only speak and, on the same level, perceive the two languages, but also explain them
without thinking. It is remarkable that it passes automatically (and not only in the process of mental
verbal communication, but), sometimes without even noticing it, depending on the environment or
human space.
Bilingual people can be interpreters and children in mixed, mixed marriages or educated in another
It should be noted that there is "bilingual" it immediately along with the term. Despite similar
expressions, they have different values. For example, books written in two languages - books written in
two languages started at the same time. Often it is cited in parallel texts.
There are two main types of bilinguals - pure and mixed types of bilinguals.
Using work isolation languages, for example, some people work with others, and speak another
language. It is often observed that he moved abroad for permanent residence and translated.
The second type is a mixed bilingual. These are bilingual people, but you can’t deliberately distinguish
them. In conversation they constantly move from one to the other, even if this transition can occur
within the same sentence. This is a very striking example of two plurals - the so-called mixing words in
a speech in Russian and Ukrainian, if you can not find the right words in bilingual Russian, instead use
Ukrainian and equal languages.
There are several ways this phenomenon occurs. One of the main reasons is mixed marriages.Bilingual
children in international families - not great. For example, if one parent is a native speaker of Russian
and the second - English, then in the process of its development, the child learns equally well and, and
other speech. The reason is simple: communication is done with each parent in their own language. In
this case, the linguistic concept develops the same way in children.
The second reason is the migration of the parents of a nation before or after birth. Passive bilinguals -
they are people who have grown up in two countries with two official languages or migrant families. In
this case, the second language learning takes place in a school or kindergarten. In the first upbringing it
is instilled by the parents.
A clear example of a country where the most common type of bilingualism - Canada,Ukraine and
Funds are also available, especially people who have mastered a second language. This is usually the
case when people move their family to another country, with a foreigner.
Volume: 01 Issue: 06 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-2608
In addition, almost every translator becomes bilingual during the training process. This is especially
possible without simultaneous full and quality translation. Most often, you can find bilingual English,
for example, along with, say, Russian, German, or Spanish.
Material and methods:
What are the advantages of this phenomenon? Of course, the main advantage
is that knowledge of two languages will help you to find a decent job or successful immigration in the
future. But this is only an indirect advantage.
As they noted, bilinguals become more intelligent with the culture of other people and other countries.
He has a broad outlook. the reason is that each language reflects the life and traditions of specific
people. These unique concepts are reflected in my prayers, supplications, beliefs.
Learning a foreign language, the child will also learn phrases and their meaning, get acquainted with its
dynamic culture. It has long been known that certain words may not have been literally translated into
another language. For example, in English, since they lack English culture, Carnival holidays, it is very
difficult to translate the name of Ivana Kupala.
They can only be described.
Brain, a more flexible mind has been developed for people who speak several languages. These
bilingual children are known to learn better with their classmates, they are equally easy in both the
humanities and science. In later years, they don’t think stereotypes, one decision or another will pass.
Another clear plus is a more advanced metalinguistic idea. Such people are often seen in error in
question, understand its language and structure. In the future, they will quickly learn existing
languages, applying third, fourth, fifth, languages, language models.
Result and discussion:
Bilingual children are also present in early infancy and later. They are analyzed
in only three parts.
The first - the age limits of the baby two plurals, - up to 0, 5 years. It is believed to be the best age to
start learning a second language. At this time, neuronal connections are formed rapidly, affecting the
quality of mastering a new language model. At the same time, as early as the period when the child is
aware of the basics should be a second language. At that time, speech organs, fine motor skills,
attention, memory and physiology develop. Approximate age - 1.5–2 years. In this case, the child
speaks both languages without pronunciation.
Children are two-dimensional - from 5 to 12 years. At this time, the child is conscious, learning the
language, adding his passive and active speech. Learning this young second language model also
provides a lack of clear speech and attention. The mother was the first for him in the allotted time,
although the child is aware of exactly what language.
The third stage is youth, 12 to 17 years old. In this situation, learning a second language often affects
the school. begins teaching a bilingual high school in special classes with learning a foreign language.
It should be noted that this formation is associated with a number of problems.with preservation at the
center of the future - in the first place. Second, the child has the ability to learn and customize a
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