Volume: 01 Issue: 06 | 2021
ISSN: 2181-2608
There are three main strategies for studying two polynomials.
One parent is one language. Thus, for example, a mother communicates only in Russian with her
son /
daughter, the father. The child is equally good and understands both languages. They are
notable with this strategy as bilingual adults can have problems.
The most common - the child
speaks the language in them, regardless of the parents, understands their own speech. He chooses a
language that is comfortable for him and begins to communicate based on it.
With this strategy a certain time or place the child stands on his own parents, who only
communicate with others in a foreign language. For example, when
communicating in family
English or German on Saturdays, only a foreign language is used during communication. This
option is easy to use for the child. In this case, both bilinguals can be excluded, even if the parents
are Russian speakers.
Home language. For example, a child speaks only
one language the next day, in kindergarten, at
school, on the street, at home. Parents move to another country with the child and often use foreign
languages themselves.
How many bilinguals do you need to learn a foreign language? There is no clear answer to this
question. It is believed that the age of the mind should be given at least 25 hours of research per week,
that is, about 4 hours during the development of a strange word. Thus, on the development of words
and intellect is necessary
not only to perform exercises, but also reading, writing.
In general, the
duration of employment of the population is calculated on the basis of the selected educational strategy,
as well as the time during which it is planned to study the goals and specific skills.
So how do you carry two languages? We will help you organize lessons with your child.
Choose the most convenient for a strategy and follow it consistently. Try to place the child in a cultural
environment of the language you are learning. To do this, he needs to get acquainted with the traditions
of the people he chooses and communicate with a child in many foreign languages.
At first, the child does not pay attention to the mistakes, corrects them, but learns to study in detail.
Sending a child to language clubs, language camps, play groups will try to get him involved.
Use educational
audio and video materials, books. English can be read as a bilingual adaptive and
original literature.
Don’t forget the child for his or her success, encourage him or her.
Make sure you learn and explain the foreign language so that it will be in the future. Education engages
the child - and leads to success.
Difficulties arise in the process of learning a language, because a child uses only one foreign language
in school, if so, a lot of his words are designed to refer to everyday concepts, and vice versa can not be