Eslatma: Berilgan javoblar ko‘rsatilgan me'yorlardan biroz farq qilsa ham, yuqoridagi me'zonlarga asoslanilgan holda baholanadi. bilet
1. you open the window yesterday? 2. Speak on the theme “Shopping”. bilet
1. was/hair/your/What/like? 2. Speak on the theme “My hobby”. bilet
1. many/How/there/vegetables/are? 2. Speak on the theme “Birthday!”. BILET
1. I am interested astronomy. 2. Speak on the theme “My home”. bilet
1. Sally has (long) hair than Jane. 2. Speak on the theme “The capital of Great Britain” bilet
1. How much/many money do you have? 2. Speak on the theme “At the market”. bilet
1. She (speak) English to her friends. 2. Speak on the theme “My favourite fairy tale”. bilet
1. Farhod's mother (work) at the bank. 2. Speak on the theme “Holiday foods”. bilet
1. A lot of people (study) in our school. 2. Speak on the theme “National holidays”. bilet
1. My father (help) me to do my homework. 2. Speak on the theme “Family members”. bilet
1. My mother (cook) lunch and dinner. 2. Speak on the theme “My leisure time”. bilet
1. We use fridge to fruit and vegetables fresh. 2. Speak on the theme “My favourite season”. bilet
1. oldest/in/the/your/Who/is/family? 2. Speak on the theme “Summer holiday”. bilet
1. The spider is less poisonous the cobra. 2. Speak on the theme “My day”. bilet
1. I would to New Zealand because it has the cleanest air. 2. Speak on the theme “Wild animals”. bilet
1. the/make/metro/the/Does/air/dirty? 2. Speak on the theme “United Kingdom”. bilet
1. I am interested astronomy and Space. 2. Speak on the theme “My hometown”. bilet
1. The mosquito wanted ___ please the King. 2. Speak on the theme “My favourite teacher”. bilet
1. There is/are a lot of television films about wildlife. 2. Speak on the theme “My friend”. bilet
1. I like to visit Tashkent because I like (swim) and (play) and there is an Aqua park there. 2. Speak on the theme “Domestic animals”. bilet
1. He (drink) the Coca Cola and eats jam and bananas. 2. Speak on the theme “Our English classroom”. bilet
1. When Andy's mother (come) home, She wanted to have some grapes. 2. Speak on the theme “My school”. bilet you open the window yesterday?
Speak on the theme “My favourite song”. bilet Samarkand (have) many historical places.
Speak on the theme “My family”. bilet We (visit) to Uzbekistan last summer.
Speak on the theme “In a cafe”. bilet A knows about the books and helps children to find books.
Speak on the theme “Transports”. bilet I want to be a , because I like to help sick people.
Speake on the topic “Break time”.
28 - bilet There an apple, three bananas, five apricots in the fridge.
Speak on the theme “At my friend's house”. bilet I'd like of chocolate.
Speak on the theme “Teens'English-6”. bilet How do potatoes cost?
Speak on the theme “At the table”. bilet My dad (come) to home late, then he (watch) TV yesterday.
Speak on the theme “On Sunday”. bilet Nowadays we (read) an interesting book by Khudoyberdi Tokhtaboyev.
Speak on the theme “Picnic”. bilet We ... go to the bank today. We don't have any money.
Speak on the theme “My favourite poem”. bilet It is a good book. You ... read it.
Speak on the theme “In winter”. bilet makes people fat. That's why Americans are people in the world.
Speak on the theme “At the zoo”. bilet In the afternoon my friends (play) football, when I came to
home. Speak on the theme “My favourite recipe”. bilet We (buy) a nice yellow chicken last year.
Speak on the theme “My grandmother”. bilet Continue the logic list. A living room, a dining room, a bedroom
Speak on the theme “In a garden”. bilet What do you get your birthday?
Speak on the theme “My room”. bilet Sally is (tall) than Jane.
Speak on the theme “Travelling”.
Umumiy o‘rta ta'lim maktablarining 6-sinflari uchun fransuz tilidan bosqichli imtihoni og‘zaki nutq ko‘nikmasini aniqlash yuzasidan o‘tkaziladi. Bosqichli imtihonini o‘tkazishdan maqsad o‘quvchilarning chet til ta'limi bo‘yicha olgan kompetensiyaviy elementlarini aniqlashdan iborat. Bosqichli imtihonini o‘tkazish o‘quv dasturlari asosida bir bosqichda amalga oshiriladi. Unda og‘zaki topshiriq 40 ta biletdan iborat bo‘lib, har bir biletda ikkitadan topshiriq beriladi. O‘quvchi olgan bilet bo‘yicha tayyorgarlik ko‘rishi uchun 20 minut vaqt beriladi. Chet tillari chuqurlashtirib o‘qitiladigan sinflar va maktablar uchun maktab metodbirlashmasi qaroriga asosan qo‘shimcha 1 ta topshiriq beriladi va tayyorgarlik ko‘rishi uchun qo‘shimcha 10 minut vaqt beriladi. O‘quvchi mavzu yuzasidan o‘z fikrini fransuz tilida erkin bayon etishi kerak. O‘quvchi tomonidan bildirilgan fikrlar grammatik va fonetik jihatdan to‘g‘ri bayon etilishi, nutqining ravonligi, mavzudan chetlashmaganligi va bildirilgan fikrlarning mantiqan bir-biri bilan bog‘liqligi hisobga olinadi. Fikrlar bayon etilayotganda, so‘z birikmalarining noto‘g‘ri ifodalanishi, grammatik va fonetik qoidalarga rioya qilmaslik hollari bir gapning o‘zida ikki va undan ortiq kuzatilsa, o‘sha gap hisobga olinmaydi. O‘quvchi bilet savollariga to‘liq javob bera olmasa, o‘qituvchi o‘quvchiga mavzu yuzasidan uchinchi savolni berishi mumkin. Bilet asosida va qo‘shimcha tarzda berilgan har bir savolga javob 5 ballik tizim asosida baholanadi. Masalan: 1-savolga 3 ball, 2-savolga 5 ball, 3-savolga (qo‘shimcha berilgan savol) 4 ball qo‘yilsa, baholar umumlashtirilib, o‘rtacha ball chiqariladi. 3+5+4=12:3=4 ball.