Particle - qism
Charge - zaryad
Pin - to‟g‟nag‟ich
To leave (left) -qolmoq
Space - bo‟shliq
Drop - tomchi
Matter - materiya, mavjudot
Current - oqim, tok
To flow – oqmoq
Exercise 1. Put the words in correct order.
1) True, about, the, same, is, in, world, the, everything, else.
2) Are, more, there, water, electrons, drop, of, in, a.
3) Made, atoms, of, up, paper, wood, metals, are.
4) Are, there, pin, a, head, of, more, in, millions, than, atoms,
Exercise 2. Find the English equivalent from the text.
atomlardek kichik;
yanada kichik;
tomchi suv;
boshqa barcha turdagi material;
elektr toki bilan ham xuddi shinday;
ana endi;
esda saqlash lozim;
elektronlar qanchalik tez harakatda bo‟lsa;
suvning bir tomondan boshqa tomonga oqishi;
to`g`nag`ichning kallasi;
ko`zga ko`rinmas zarracha;
xuddi shu narsa xaqiqat;