Modernizatsiya Modernization
Ob’ektning yangi talablar va me’yorlar, texnik ko‘rsatmalar, sifat ko‘rsatkichlariga mos ravishda yangilanishi
Renewal of the object according to the new requirements, quality indicators and technical regulations
Modul Module
tizim ichidagi o‘zaro chambarchas bog‘liq
elementlardan iborat tugun;
muayyan texnologiyani tashkil qiluvchi tarkibiy bo‘laklarni ifodalovchi atama;
o‘quv materialining mantiqan tugallangan birligi
units that consists of interrelated elements in the system;
notion meaning parts that create a certain technology;
logically completed units of study materials
Modul ta’limi
O‘quv jarayonini tashkil etishning muayyan shakli
A certain form of organization of