Texnologik model (pasport)
Technological model
Ta’lim yoki ma’naviy- ma’rifiy tadbirning asosiy ko‘rsatkichlari va ularning texnologik
tavsifini yorituvchi hujjat
A document that reveals main indicators of education or spiritual and educational events and their technological characteristics
Texnologik xarita
Technological map
Ta’lim jarayonni bajaruvchi yoki ma’lum ob’ektga texnik xizmat ko‘rsatuvchi pedagoglarga taqdim etiladigan barcha zarur ma’lumotlar, ko‘rsatmalarni o‘z ichiga olgan hujjat
A document that comprises all necessary information that is represented to pedagogues that lead educational process or those who carry out technical services to a certain object
Tyutor Tutor
O‘quv kurslari uchun interfaol metodlarni tanlovchi, ma’ruza o‘qituvchisi bilan talaba o‘rtasida ta’limiy aloqani o‘rnatuvchi ustoz, murabbiy
A teacher, coach who uses interactive methods for cources and establishes learning communication between a student and lecturer