Shaxmat turnirida 21 kishi qatnashmoqda. Har bir oʻquvchi boshqalari bilan
martadan oʻyin oʻynasa, jami oʻynalgan oʻyinlar sonini aniqlang.
Tenglamni yeching:
Muntazam koʻpburchakning tashqi burchagi 60° ga teng. Perimetri 48 ga teng. Uning katta diagonalini toping.
Trapetsiyaning diagonali uning oʻrta chizig’ini 3:8 kabi nisbatda ikki kesmaga ajratadi. Oʻrta chiziq kesmalarining ayirmasi 15 cm ga teng. Trapetsiya asoslarini toping.
1-BILET Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb. We have had our house ___________ (to paint) this year.
Read the paragraph and answer the questions. Millions of people all over the world speak English as a foreign or second language. We wonder whether English will still be the international language in the next century. Many people think that English will continue to be the international language. it is the language of many countries – the USA, Canada, Australia, the UK, New Zealand, and an official language of many others such as South Africa. Others think it depends on people. There are more than one billion people in China, so the language that is spoken by the most people will be the international language. How do you think? Can English still be the international language inthe next century?
Speak on the theme “My learning strategies”. What do you do to learn effectively?
2-BILET 1. Complete the sentence.
If it is a holiday, pupils ____________ (no to go) to school.
Read the paragraph and answer the questions. Being a school teacher is very demanding. School teachers teach five-six classes a day with thirty-five kids to a class. They spend their evenings preparing lessons and correcting papers. At the end of the day they can be very tired but most teachers like their jobs. They are pleased by young minds. Their job is really hard. They should be paid more. How do you think? Should school teachers be paid more or are they being paid enough?
How did the Internet change our life?
Complete the sentence with the correct relative pronoun. The man __________ is speaking to our teacher is my uncle.
Read the paragraph and tell your opinion. It’s not difficult to see that having certain abilities means that you can do certain jobs much better. If you have an ability to make friends quickly and get on with other people, it would be easier for you to work in a shop. If you are good at technical machinery and interested in operational problems, you should be an engineer. We should think about our personal strengths and weaknesses so that we can choose something more in line with our natural abilities.