O`quv markazining test

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17. 5; 9; … arifmetik progressiyada juft nomerli hadlar ularga qarama-qarshi sonlar bilan almashtirildi. Hosil bo’lgan ketma-ketlikning 40 ta hadi yig’indisini toping.

A) 80

B) 69

C) 84

D) 56

1. Arifmetik progressiyaning hadlari 60 ta. Uning juft o’rinda turgan hadlari
x ketma-ketlik uchun x x x
, n 3 , x 2 , x 1 o’rinli x ni toping.

yig’indisi toq o’rinda turgan hadlari yig’indisidan 10 ga katta. To’rtinchi hadi n

n n1

n2 2 1 5

4,5 ga teng. Birinchi hadini toping. A) 3,2 B) 2,5 C) 3,5 D) 3

  1.  2

  2. 5

  3. 5 D) 2

2. 3.

x  1

 1 tengsizlikni yeching.

19. To’rtinchi hadi 4,5 ga teng bo’lgan arifmetik progressiyaning hadlari 60 ta. Uning juft o’rinda turgan hadlari yig’indisi toq o’rinda turgan hadlari yig’indisidan 10 ga katta. Progressiyaning birinchi hadini toping.

A) 2;

C) 2; 1

B) 2; 1 2;

D) 2; 1 2;


A) 3,5 B) 3,2 C) 3 D) 2,5

x4  5x2  36

0 tengsizlikning butun yechimlari yig’indisini toping.

3. Quyidagilardan qaysi biri x5x3x ko’phadning bo’luvchisi emas? A) x 2 B) x C) x2x 1 D) x2x  1
A) 6 B) 3 C) 4 D) 0
21. Agar x2 z 2 x z 1 0 bo’lsa,


4. 1



1 20

ni hisoblang.


x z ning ko’paytmasi nimaga teng? A) 0,4 B) 1 C) 0,25 D) 0,5

A) 6 B) 5 C) 10 D) 8


219  273  15  49  94

69  210 1210

ni hisoblang.

  1. a2 a 1a2 a 1 a4 ifodani ko’paytuvchilarga ajrating.

A) 2 B) 1/3 C) 1 D) 1/2

A) a 1a 1a2 1a4 1

B)  a 12

1 1

C) a 1a 1

D) a 12


    • ni hisoblang.

x2y2 3  z 2y2 3  z 2x2 3

6. x y3  y z 3  x z3

ifodani soddalashtiring.
A) 0 B)
C)  2 /
D) 1

A) x yy zx z

C) x yy z x z

B) x yy zx z

D) y xy zx z

24. p ning qanday qiymatida

boshqasidan 4 ga katta?

A) 6 B) 4 C) -4 D) 6

x2px  5  0

tenglamaning ildizlaridan biri

7. Soddalashtiring: a 2 ab b2 a 2 ab b2 .

  1. 1234ab (olti xonali) son 8 va 9 ga qoldiqsiz bo’linsa, a va b lar ayirmasining

    1. 2a

a 2b2


    1. 2a

b2a 2

a 3b3

moduli qanday bo’ladi?

A) 4 B) 2 C) 9 D) 8


    1. a 2b2


    1. b2a 2

Agar 4x 2  4xy  3y 2

2 2 1
2 y  2xy  5x

bo’lsa, 2x y ni toping.

2x y

A) 1 B) 1 C) -2 D) 1

8. k ning qiymatida 3 2x 1 k tenglamaning ildizi –1 dan katta bo’ladi?

x 1

5 2 2

A) 3; B) ; 3,5

y 65 x 8 funksiyaning aniqlanish sohasini toping.

C) ; 3,5 3;

D) 3;

8 x0,5

A) 0; 8 8;

B) 0; 64 64;

x2y2  2xy  2

9. x y  6
tenglamalar sistemasidan x y
ni toping.

C) ; 64 64;

D) ; 8 8;

A) 0 B) 2 C) 3 D) 1
10. k ning qanday qiymatida

28. Tenglamani yeching x 4

A) 4 B) 2 C) 2 D) 4

3x  2k 1 y  2k 1

2k 1 x y  3

tenglamalar sistemasi cheksiz ko’p yechimlarga ega? A) -2 B) 1 C) -1 D) 0

11. a ning qaysi qiymatlarida a  4  a  4 ifoda to’g’ri?.

A) a  4 B) a  4 C) a  4 D) a

  1. Hadlari haqiqiy sonlar bo’lgan o’suvchi geometrik progressiyaning birinchi uchta hadi yig’indisi 7 ga, ko’paytmasi 8 ga teng bo’lsa, Shu progressiyaning beshinchi hadi qanday?

A) 12 B) 6 C) 16 D) 32

  1. 2 va 94 sonlari orasiga 20 ta son shunday qo’yilganki, natijada olingan ketma- ketlik arifmetik progressiyani hosil qildi. Uning hadlarining o’rta arifmetigini toping.

A) 48 B) 46 C) 44 D) 33,5


8  2 x2 x2  tenglama nechta yechimga ega?


x 1
A) 4 B) 6 C) 7 D) 2

  1. The man said: “I have brought all my things”.

13. Tengsizlikni yeching

6 x x2 .

The man said .


2x  5

A) 2; 3 B) 2; 1

C) 2; 13 D) 1; 3
f x  

x  4

funksiya uchun qaysi tasdiq o’rinli?

  1. he has brought all his things.

  2. I have brought all his things.

  3. they have brought all his things.

  4. that he had brought all his things.

  1. Choose the correct answer.

The Thames is … river in Great Britain.


A) o’suvchi; B) toq;

  1. juft D) juft ham, toq ham emas;

y f x funksiyaning aniqlanish sohasi 0; 2 va qiymatlar sohasi 0;1 bo’lsa, gx 1 f x 1 funksiyaning aniqlanish va qiymatlar sohasi qanday bo’ladi? A) 1;1,0;1 B) 1;1,1;0

C) 1;3,0;1 D) 0; 2,1;0

    1. the longest B) longest

C) longer D) long

  1. Choose the correct answer.

I was late. I found … in the house.

    1. some B) nobody C) one D) each

  1. Choose the correct answer.

It’s going to rain. I’d better take … raincoat.

    1. he B) they C) my D) hers

  1. x2 27 x 27 0 tenglamaning ildizlari ko’paytmasini toping.

x2 x

A) 3 B) 0 C)  2 D) 1

    1. “Don’t make so much noise, Michael,” said Ellen.

Ellen told Michael so much noise.

      1. do make B) don’t make

C) not to make D) to make

    1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence

We can go to our neighbors to watch the film. Our TV set ….. work

      1. Hasn’t B) Don’t C) Isn’t D) Doesn’t

    1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

He … me if … a taxi yesterday.

      1. is asking/shall take B) asked/had taken

C) will ask/takes D) will ask/take

    1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

Freedom of the press an issue between people and their governments since the time

individuals newspapers independent of government control for the first time.

      1. will have been / publish

      2. has been / published

      3. had been / were publishing

      4. is / are publishing

    1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence

She needs to be careful, …..?

      1. Doesn’t she B) She needs not

C) Needn’t she D) Does she

    1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

You’re late. I … for half an hour.

      1. waited B) have been waiting

C) am waiting D) have waited

    1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb.

This shampoo … of roses.

      1. smells B) smelt

C) has been smelling D) is smelling

    1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

When he looked at the blackboard, the teacher … the word “apple”.

      1. has written B) was writing

C) is writing D) was written

    1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentences.

The postal service in... early days of the United States was very slow. The stage coach had to

cover a distance of about two thousand miles over... Rocky Mountains.

      1. the/- B) the/the C) -/the D) -/-

    1. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.

The hikers so tired by the time they the top of the hill that I’m sure they’ll first want to sit down for a rest.

      1. had got / reached

      2. will have got / reach

      3. are getting / will have reached

      4. have got / are reaching

    1. Choose the correct answer.

We hope that an agreement … soon.

      1. will sign B) had been signed

C) had signed D) will be signed

    1. Choose the correct answer.

Your English is much … now. You’ve made … mistakes this time.

      1. good / less B) best / least

C) better / less D) the best / less

    1. Choose the correct answer.

Do you have … or … rain this autumn than the last one.

      1. many / little B) much / less

C) more / less D) more / fewer

    1. Choose the correct answer.

Dilshod left the hall when the new plan ….

      1. was being discussed B) discussed

C) was discussed D) had discussed

Read and answer the following questions about the text 49-52.

Birds are warm –blooded animals with feathers are wings. Unlike mammals, birds lay eggs. Feathers provide insulation for birds, allowing them to maintain a high body temperature. Their long with features help them get lift necessary for flight. Birds fly pretty fast. They can fly even faster in case of emergency.

Ducks have been known to fly more than 60 miles per hour when being chased Not all birds can fly, however,. The largest of all living birds, the ostrich, can not fly There are more than 9,000 species of birds. They can be found in just about every type of environment. Among the best known are the birds of prey such as hawks, eagles, owls. More than half of all birds are perching birds. They have an engagement of toes and leg tendons that let them balance like an acrobat an small twigs or telephone wires. Songbirds make up most of this group, which include sparrows, finches, crows, blackbirds, thrushes, swallows. Aquatic birds get most their food from water. Some of these birds, such as the albatross, spend much time over the open ocean. Others, like penguins, live on the land.

    1. Which birds are considered to be songbirds?

      1. owls and hawks B) thrushes and crows

C) sparrows and pelicans D) penguin and pelicans

    1. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

      1. almost all birds can fly

      2. all birds can swim

      3. aquatic birds lay eggs in the water

      4. all bids can balance on telephone wires

    1. Hawks and eagles are considered to be ……..

      1. carnivorous birds B) songbirds

C) perching and aquatic birds D) herbivorous birds

    1. The word “environment” in the passage is closest in meaning to ……..

      1. field B) earth

C) marine life D) surroundings

Read the text and answer 53-56.

Tourism often has negative results for local communities. Tourists go to museums, buy souvenirs, enjoy the beaches and see the sights without interacting with the local people. For this reason, local people often see visitors only a source of money. There is no interaction at all except over money, and so there is no mutual respect. When young people see visitors with plenty of cash they may grow unhappy with their traditional way of life. There may be environmental changes as homes and villages are often destroyed to make way for hotels. ALTHOUGH tourism brings in MONEY, it leaves behind problems like discontented young people and environmental damage

    1. According to the passage, ……

      1. local people regard tourists as a source of ready money

      2. local people regard tourists with respect

      3. young local people are unhappy to show off their traditions

      4. most tourists respect local customs and traditions

    1. The author believes that ……

      1. tourism encourages cultural interaction between tourists and local people

      2. tourists learn a lot from museums

      3. many local communities need tourism to survive

      4. tourism is harmful as well as helpful

    1. One can conclude from the passage that ……..

      1. tourists generally go away with happy memories

      2. tourism always leads to discontent

      3. tourism is not, on balance a good thing for local communities

      4. making and selling souvenirs is a good way to keep up local traditions

    1. According to the passage local people see visitors …….

      1. as a source of money B) as a cause of illnesses

C) advertising D) harmful people

Read the text and answer 57-60.

According to the birth-order theory, first children are usually well organized high archievers. However, they can have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement and be unyielding. Second children are sometimes very competitive through rivalry with the older sibling. They are also good mediators and, negotiators keen on to keep everyone happy. Middle children, tagged the easy ones, have good diplomacy skills. They suffer from a tendency to feel insignificant beside other siblings and often complain of feeling invisible to their parents. Youngest children are often the most likely to rebel, feeling the need to “prove” themselves. They are often extroverts and are sometimes accused of being selfish. Twins inevitable find it harder to see themselves as individuals, unless their parents have worked hard to identify them as such. It is not unusual for one twin to have a slightly dominant role over the other and take the lead role

    1. What word in the passage is described in the following line?

      1. rebel B) prove C) suffer D) complain

    1. The author states that are likely of having rights to do something

and to be strict and severe

      1. youngest children B) first children

C) second children D) middle children

    1. Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?

      1. youngest children are usually outgoing and are blaming at times for not carrying about others

      2. second children are eager to find a solution to disagreements and make people pleased

      3. Middle children regard themselves as negligible among their brothers and sisters

      4. First children are good at organizing various kinds of occasions for family members

    1. What point does the author make about twins?

      1. they do not consider themselves as individuals due to their parents attitude

      2. Their children work hard, they Jest should feel themselves

      3. It is common for one of them to have a controlling

      4. neither of them ever tries to dominate or be more successful

ONA TILI ( M. F. 1 )

    1. Bu, shu, u, o‘sha, ana shu, mana bu, kabi so‘zlarninng nechtasiga ketma-ket ikkita egalik shakli qo‘shiladi?

      1. 3 ta B) barchasiga

C) 1 ta D) hech biriga ikkita qo‘shila olmaydi

    1. Son turkumiga oid qanday so‘zlarni hosil qilishda ba’zi sanoq sonlar tarkibida tovush tushishi kuzatiladi?

      1. jamlovchi sonlarda B) taqsim sonlarda

C) tartib sonlarda D) chama sonlarda

    1. Og‘zi qulog‘ida iborasining antonimini toping?

      1. do‘ppisini osmonga otmoq

      2. qovog‘idan qor yog‘adi

      3. kapalagi uchmoq

      4. qo‘y og‘zidan cho‘p olmagan

    1. Qaysi javobda hisob so‘z qatnashmagan gaplar to‘g‘ri ko‘rsatilgan?

  1. Qizcha qo‘lida ko‘tarib ketayotgan uchta piyolani sindirib qo‘ydi.

  2. Bemor zo‘rg‘a ikki qoshiqqina ovqat yedi. 3. Qishloqqacha hali qariyb bir kilometr yurish kerak edi. 4. Ikki hafta davomida dalaga chiqa olmadi. 5. Onaxon nabiralariga ikkitadan ko‘ylak sotib oldi.

A) 1, 2, 4, 5 B) 2, 3 C) 3, 4, 5 D) 1, 5

    1. Imlo qoidasiga ko‘ra xato yozilgan so‘zni toping.

      1. ma’yus B) ma’zur C) ma'sud D) ma’sum

    1. Asos va qo‘shimchaga ajratish bilan bo‘g‘inga ajratish teng kelgan so‘zlarni toping.

1) o‘yna; 2) o‘yla; 3) sabrsizlikdan;

4) bargi; 5) suvsizlik; 6) ko‘nglim;

7) tongga.

A) 2, 3, 5, 7 B) 1, 2, 4, 7

C) 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 D) 1, 2, 5, 7

    1. Qaysi javobda holat fe’llari berilgan?

      1. chopdi, sug‘ordi, B) qizardi, ulg‘aydi

C) gapirdi, qichqirdi D) to‘xtadi, tashladi

    1. Uch o‘rinda mavhum ot qatnashgan javobni toping.

      1. Shu sevinch ikkovlariga ham kuch-g‘ayrat, ham dadillik baxsh etgandek bo‘ldi.

      2. Osmon kabi tiniq tuyg‘ular mavj uradi bu yosh ko‘nglimda.

      3. Vujudimga hokimlik qilayotgan o‘sha tuyg‘ular o‘rnini shafqat, odamiylik, hamdardlik egallab oldi. (Said Ahmad)

      4. Qirlarning g‘ir-g‘ir shamoli, o‘pkalarga moydek tuyulgan totli havosi hammamizning

ruhiyatimizni ko‘tarib yubordi.

    1. Qaysi javobda –lar qo‘shimchasi ma’noni kuchaytirgan?

      1. Hunarlaringni, didlaringni rosa ishlatib, chiroyli bino solib bersalaring, bas.

      2. Shu sevinch ikkovlariga ham kuch-g‘ayrat, ham dadillik baxsh etgandek bo‘ldi.

      3. Ular qushchalarni tomosha qilishadi. (Azimova)

      4. Mening Jasur ismli ukam bor. U hayvonlarni, ayniqsa, itlarni yaxshi ko‘radi.

    1. Qaysi so‘z avvallari ikki so‘z holida bo‘lgan, bugungi kunga kelib bitta so‘zga aylanib ketgan?

      1. qishloq B) og‘ayni

C) tinchliksevar D) vatanparvar

    1. Qaysi gapda orttirma darajadagi hajm-o‘lchov sifati qatnashgan?

      1. Hovli tor, devorlari baland, xuddi kattakon hovuzga o‘xshar, buning ham to‘rtdan birini ayvon egallagan edi.

      2. Hoji bobo har gapga bir maqol o‘qiydigan ezmaroq tabiatli kishi bo‘lsa ham, qo‘li anchagina ochiq, xususan, hisobga no‘noqroq odam edi.

      3. U juda dono qiz, Navoiy, Mashrab, Hofizlarni, mayin, yoqimli ovozi bilan, chiroyli ohang berib juda ravon o‘qiydi.

      4. Usta qarigina, burni cho‘tirroq, juda so‘zamol, mahmadana kishi.

    1. Yangi imlo qoidasiga ko‘ra quyidagi so‘zlarning qaysi biri qo‘shib yoziladi?

      1. yarim avtomat B) och sariq

C) lang ochiq D) liq to‘la

    1. O‘zimni moziyning bag‘riga urdim

Va shu on shukrona aytib qaytdim men. Kimdir ko‘rmay ketgan baxtni men ko‘rdim, Kimdir aytmay ketgan so‘zni aytdim men. She’rda olmoshning nechta turi qo‘llangan?

      1. 3 ta B) 1 ta C) 4 ta D) 2 ta

    1. Qaysi javobda ravishning ikkita ma’no turi qatnashgan?

      1. Inson, millat, xalq biron narsaga erishmagan bo‘lsa, yo o‘zi go‘l, yo o‘zi tanbal, yo majburan uyquda, bexabarlikda tutilgan!

      2. ... Garchi bu hol ularni oqlashga tirnoqcha asos bo‘lmasa ham, ko‘nglimga tasalli, o‘z-o‘zini aldash deysizmi – shularning biri edi.

      3. Borib anhordan endi suv ichaman deb engashganimni bilaman, changalzor bilinar-bilinmas shitirlagandek bo‘ldi.

      4. Oldinda, hurmatli o‘rtoqlar, meni shon-u shuhrat kutardi.

  1. mil.avv. VII-VI asrlarda

  2. mil.avv. IX-VIII asrlarda

  3. mil.avv. III-II asrlarda

  1. Amir Temur 1381-yilda…?

    1. Xorazmni to‘liq bosib oldi

    2. Hirot, Mozandaron, Qavsiyani bo sib oldi

    3. Saraxs, Xorazm, balx Marvi egalladi

    4. Seyiston, Hirot, Mozandaronni egalladi

  1. Quyidagilardan qaysi biri mezolit davriga xos emas?

    1. Bu davrda inson o‘q-yoy yasashni o‘rganib oldi

    2. Mezolit davri oxirida inson hayvonlarni qo‘lga o‘rgata boshladi

    3. O‘rta Osiyoda mezolit davriga oid yuzdan ziyod manzilgohlar ochilgan

    4. Mezolit davrida buyuk muzlik boshlandi

  1. Zardusht necha yoshida payg`ambar bo`lgan?

A) 25 B) 33 C) 30 D) 40

  1. Qaysi davrga kelib inson endilikda taqinchoqlar – munchoqlar, tumorlar va uzuklar ham yasay boshlagan?

    1. Ilk paleolit davrida B) So’nggi paleolit davrida

C) Mezolit davrida D) neolit davrida

  1. Mirzo Ulug‘bek Movarounnahrni necha yil idora qildi?

    1. yigirma yil B) o‘ttiz yil

C) ellik yil D) qirq yil

  1. VIII asrda arablarga qarshi qozgolon ko’targan Muqanna kimning g‘oyalariga asoslangan ta‘limotni targ‘ib etgan edi?

    1. Mazdak B) Zardusht

C) Moniy D) Muhammad

  1. IX-X asrlarga mansub Buxoro tarixi asari muallifi kim?

    1. Narshaxiy B) Ibn Xavqal

C) Juvayniy D) Ishtaxriy

  1. Qaysi yili Jaloliddin Manguberdi tavalludining 800 yilligi mustaqil O‘zbekistonda keng nishonlandi?

    1. 2000-yili B) 1999-yili

C) 1997-yili D) 1998-yili

  1. IX asrda qaysi shaharlarda astronomik kuzatishlar olib boriladigan rasadxonalar mavjud edi?

    1. Ray va Nishopur B) Damashq va Kat

C) Bag‘dod va Damashqda D) Bag‘dod va Isfahon

  1. Nechanchi asrda Bag‘dod shah-rida “Bayt ul-hikmat” tashkil etilgan?

    1. X asrda B) XI asrda

C) XII asrda D) IX asrda

  1. Zarafshon va Qashqadaryo vohasida dehqonchilik bilan shug‘ullanuvchi aholi yashaydigan hududni yunonlar qanday nomlaganlar?

    1. Xorasmiya B) So‘g‘diyona

C) Baqtriya D) Massagetlar

  1. Dastlabki temir buyumlar topilgan Maykop qo’rg’oni qayerda joylashgan?

    1. Rossiyada B) Kavkazda

C) Kichik Osiyoda D) Eronda

  1. Qiziltepa, Uzunqir, Yerqo‘rg‘on va Afrosiyob o‘rnida joylashgan Baqtriya va So‘g‘dning markaziy shaharlarining yoshi nechi yoshdan kam emas?

    1. 2600 yil B) 2400 yil

C) 2500 yil D) 2700 yil


  1. Kasrni qisqartiring: 10n1 4 10n

10n1  5 10n

A) 2 B) 5 C) 3 D) 2

3 2 2 5

  1. 12,37267-8,674 ayirmaning qiymatini mingdan birlar xonasigacha yaxlitlang. A) 3,69 B) 3,699 C) 3,679 D) 3,68

75. burda, og‘iz, to‘p, siqim, tilim (karch), chimdim, dasta, tomchi, qatra, bog‘, moda, nafar, nimta, to‘g‘ram, quchoq, bo‘lak, hovuch, shingil. Yuqoridagilarning nechtasi tub omonim hisob so‘zlar hisoblanadi?

  1. Hisoblang: 2018

1   1

 

: 1 
2018 2018 .


    1. 5 ta B) 3 ta C) 6 ta D) 4 ta

A) 2017 B) 2019 C) 2018 2018

D) 2018


  1. 3 aa 4 a a 6 ifodaning a 2 2 boʻlgandagi toping.

  1. Salavkiylar davlati hukmdori Antiox tomonidan qurilgan Marg‘iyona Antioxiyasi qaysi shaharda bo‘lgan?

    1. Xorazmda B) So‘g‘dda

A) 8 3


B) 21 C) 24 D) 10 2


C) Marvda D) Baqtrada

  1. O‘rta Osiyo hududida dastlabki tanga-pullar … tarqalgan.

    1. mil.avv. V-IV asrlarda

  1. -1,25 soniga qarama–qarshi bo’lgan sonning teskarisi 0,1 dan qanchaga katta? A) 0,7 B) 0,4 C) 1,15 D) 0,3

  1. a sonining 24%i 108 ning 18%iga teng boʻlsa, a ni toping.

A) 76 B) 81 C) 72 D) 88

  1. :
    Ifodani soddalashtiring: 4a2 16a 16

a  3
a 22

a2  9

A) 4a 12

B) 12 4a

C) 2a 12

D) 6 2a

  1. 0,6(8) son 0,(31) sondan necha marta katta? A) 3,(3) B) 2 C) 2,(2) D) 2,2

  1. Hisoblang:

1  1

1  1

1  1


A) 6,5 B) 6 C) 5,6 D) 5

  1. 7 soat 12 minut 40 sekundni sekundlarda ifodalang. A) 25880 B) 25960 C) 25860 D) 25920

101. 8,6(7)-3,(8) ni hisoblang.

A) 431 B) 431 C) 451 D) 451

99 90 99 90

  1. Toʻgʻri chiziqda bir biri bilan ustma-ust tushmaydigan 5 ta nuqta tanlangan. Toʻgʻri chiziqda jami nechta kesma hosil boʻladi?

A) 7 B) 9 C) 4 D) 10

  1. Agar 8 litr dengiz suvida oʻrtacha 300 g boʻlsa, 5 m3

necha kilogram tuz boʻladi?

A) 150,5 B) 166 C) 187,5 D) 224,5

dengiz suvida oʻrtacha

  1. Agar n va m natural sonlar uchun ifodaning qiymatini toping.

A) 32 B) 37 C) 25 D) 11

  1. Hisoblang:

n2 m2  25
tenglik bajarilsa,
n  2m

    1. 3 B) 5 3

C) 1 D) 2

SATT A.5.10.SDFTSS © SHAMS 2009-2021

Registon o`quv markazi


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