Metric Type
Baseline (Year)
1.1 Implement BH Care Management
# of patients in the target population
7,223 target patients
1.1 Implement BH Care Management
Total # of Behavioral Health (BH) ED visits per year for patients in the target population (aggregate)
9,098 BH ED visits
1.1 Implement BH Care Management
# of BH ED visits per patient per year for patients in the target population
1.29 BH ED visits per patient per year (FY2013 - FY2015)
1.1 Implement BH Care Management
Total # of inpatient visits for patients in the target population
3,115 inpatient visits
(FY 2015)
1.1 Implement BH Care Management
Total ED and inpatient charges for patients in the target population
(FY 2015)
1.2 Integrate BH into primary care to identify patients at risk
# and % of hospital-employed or ACO-affiliated PCP practices using annual PHQ-2 and/or PHQ-9 screenings for adult patients
21 (i.e., 46%) of hospital-employed or ACO-affiliated practices currently use the screenings
1.2 Integrate BH into primary care to identify patients at risk
% of adult primary care patients screened annually using the PHQ-2 and/or PHQ-9
24.72% of MSSP patients in FMHS’s ACO were screened in year. (Baseline screening rates not available for MMC and WMHS, but will be collected going forward.)
1.3. Reduce stigma and increase understanding of behavioral health needs through community health education
# of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) trainings held in our service area per year
39 trainings held
1.3. Reduce stigma and increase understanding of BH needs through community health education
# of individuals in our service area trained on MHFA per year
440 individuals trained
(FY 2015)
1.3. Reduce stigma and increase understanding of BH needs through community health education
Rate of ED visits related to mental health disorders (per 100,000 population per year)
4,800 ED visits per 100,000 population
2. Complex Care Management (CCM)
# of patients in the high utilizer target population annually
(FY 2015)
2. Complex Care Management (CCM)
Total inpatient/OBS charges for target primary diagnoses in the high utilizer target population annually
2. Complex Care Management (CCM)
Total readmission charges for target primary diagnoses in the high utilizer target population annually
2. Complex Care Management (CCM)
# of admissions per patient per year in the high utilizer target population (all causes)
4.4 admissions per patient per year
(FY 2015)
2. Complex Care Management (CCM)
# of readmissions per patient per year in the high utilizer target population (all causes)
1.3 readmissions per patient per year
(FY 2015)
2. Complex Care Management (CCM)
Total inpatient and observation charges for the high utilizer target population per year
(FY 2015)
3. Decrease PAU
# of patients in the ED high utilizer target population group per year
3,171 patients
(FY 2015)
3. Decrease PAU
# of ED visits per patient per year in the target population group
5.7 ED visits per patient per year
(FY 2015)
3. Decrease PAU
Total ED charges per year for patients in the target population
(FY 2015)
3. Decrease PAU
% of all ED visits attributed to this target population, per year
9.55% of ED visits
(FY 2015)
3. Decrease PAU
% of all ED charges attributed to this target population, per year
9.38% of ED charges
(FY 2015)
Table 6a. BH ED Visits Baseline Data (Strategy 1)
Table 6b. 30-Day Inpatient Admissions and Readmission Rate (Strategy 1)
Table 8. Chronic Care Management (Strategy 2)