2.4. The way of teaching children by innovative methods By using simple english with a lot of repetition parents can help their children to begin thinking of english during activities, exercises, trainings, practices where they feel secure and can predict forehead what is going to occur,they like games and rhyme times young children would like to be able to talk,listen,speak and understand in english:
Themselves and what they like: I like I would like etc.
What they have done. I did, I played, I won prize.
How they and others feel: I am happy, I am right etc
Parents can support by sharing different picture materials, books, newspapers, esseys,TV shows, activities or making their own material books using a lot of pictures or photographs. Children in time of youth learning their national language become skilled in using litlle language to many situations. If adults use english phrases in the similar way, youg boys and girls quickly duplicate them.
Speaking requires that learners not only know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar, pronunciation or vocabulary (linguistic competance) but also they understand when why and in what ways to produce language sociolinguistic competence.1 Sharing materials with children offers the best possibility for conversatiopns that can be based in oral language mainly when children are engaged in answering discussions and situations. Books with a lot of attractive illustrations and ordinary text are best for inspiring young children to speak about what is occuring in the illustrations and stories. As they get older , learning materials are important in exposing them to new opinions, vocabularies.
Teaching stories and narrations helps children create oral language in different of ways – improving their speaking and listening skills, introducing new notions or education and rising both vocabulary and the capability to specify and realize the meaning of new words. You can make focus children’s attention on the books and notions and use them as the basis for talks after the shared learning materials.
Features of spoken discource 2
Composed of idea units
May be planned or unplanned
Employs more vague or generic words than written language
Employs mixed phrases,fillers and hesitation markers
Contains slips errors
Involves reciprocity
Shows variations
The national early literacy panel was convened 2002 to manage a synthasis of the most scientific research available on the improvement of initial literacy skills in young boys from birth to age five. The initial purpose of the panel was to define investigation.
Listening is an important skill for your primary school child. Can you develop it. It doesn’t always come easily sometimes in the early years of school. But with abit of trying you can assistance your child improve their listening and speaking ability in their achievement at school. It depends on their ability to listen and speak from sitting quietly in meetings to following their teachers instructions in the classroom and taking part in the groupgames. Children should really improve listening and speaking skills before beginning primary school says certain teachers. Reading, writing, speaking, listening skills and memory exercises are most important for understanding in language subjects. The ability to listen is a most element in the four skills. Listening materials increasy children’s friendship too. Speaking and listening may be vitel but it is not something that comes easily to a lot of children especially at a young age. It takes along time for young boys and young girls to know to control their focus. It involves a lot of aspects of improvement, including phisical attempts and control, the ability to manage their emotions and communication skills. Children’s listening skills will be develop over time and will be better when they are interested and engaged with what they are supposed to be listening to. At five to seven years old such as they are beginning to be able to know distractions.
Today’s modern period requires to work with last technologies and to know not only one but also a lot of languages. Couse of this resons nowadays lots of parents want to teach their children different foreign languages. You can use certain resources to develop children’s four skills. They are listening typescripts and songs.
Language development in young children is surprising and its development that a lot of parents especially look forward to. The secret to assistence your child learn language is very easy. Make conversation a lot of and listen a lot of. The following suggestions are very important to give yourself if you want to be agood teacher to your child.
1.How to inspire your child’s language improvement. 2. It is important the firs eight years. 3. What you need to know. Language learning is a critical part of yor child’s general development. It supports your child’s talant to make a communication, express and realise feelings. It also can help thinking other things and to solve problems as well developing and stronging relationships. Learning to realise, to use and to feel language is the essential first step in ability and can be based for learning to speak and dialogs. In child’s first ten months they develop a lot of foundations which improve speech and language development. And children carry on improving language skills at a surprizing rate in the first two years in their life.
How to inspire your child’s initial language development: the most way to inspire your child’s oral speech and language development is to make a lot of conversation together about things which interest your child. Your child’s initial leads show your that he is interested in by waving hands showing babbling or using sentences. Make talks to your child and treat her as a speaker in her first 10 month. When you complete talking give her a turn and wait for her to reply and he will. When your baby starts babbling take your child’s words and speak back. You will find which he talks to you again. This keeps the talking carring on and is the best way. As your child grows up and begins to use gestures you can reply to his questions to talk.for example if your baby shakes his head reply as if he is saying yes. If he demonstrate to a toy reply as if your baby is saying can you give me that or I want that.
When your baby begins using words you can repeat and understand what your baby sayssuch as if he says limon you can say you want a yellow limon. When you respond to your baby it encourages him to make dialog.you will be surprised at how much he has to say even before his words develop. Speaking about what is conducting in your daily life together is a wonderful way to rise amount of words your baby hears. You can speak about things that make sense to her like what he is speaking and making – the key is to use a lot of different words and different themes. For example you can talk to your baby about on apple tree and about cutting up an apple for dinner. This helps your baby know the meaning and function of sentences in his world. It is not necessary if your child doesn’t release because because his releasing will grow as he grows up. From the time your child begins telling different stories, inspire her to talk about different things. Before or after that day. Such as at the end of the day you can speak about plansfor the future by planing shoping list together or deciding what to take on.read and talk a lot of different books with your child and read more interesting books as he grows. Listening your reading books lets your child hear different words in different contexts which assistances him understand the meaning and function of words. Depending what is in the context to what’s conducting in your child’s life.is a good way to get your child communicating. You can also inspire speaking by showing about interesting photographs in the context you read with your child. When you read books aloud you can demonstrate words as you say them. This give a chance to your child the link between written and spoken words and helps them understand that sentences are distinct parts of language. These are essential ideas for developing ability. Your own library is abest source of new words. If your family can talk about two languages you can inspire your child’s language improvement in both languages. For example English and Russian. Bilingual children can create language development more than children who speak one language. There you can find a few of the essantial things your child may create in language development between four months and seven years. In thirteen months your child will most likely happy and love play with toys and start to communicate with gestures like moving. Babbling is an essantial development level during this time. Babbling is mostly followed by the strange phase where your child may sound like he is speaking and having dialog. At this level even though this sounds doesn’t mean anything. First speech often start by about 12 months. You may hear babling , new wonderful sounds together as your baby gets closer to speaking her early words if your child doesn’t make any attempts and isn’t using gestures by the age of one talk to child and family health nurse or another health professional. At the 12-18 ages children always say their initial words with meaning. Such as when your baby says dada he is calling for his father. The next months your child keep adding a lot of words to his speech. He can realise more than he can say and can do common instructions too. Such as your child can understand you when you speak No or Yes. In her second age your toddlers speech vocabulary will be grown and she will begin to join two words together in short sentances. She can understand a lot of what you speak to her and you can realise what she says to you. At the age of 2 or 3 your child can talk in longer more complete sentences now and she will be saying words correctly.
A lot of children to be able to settle down pleasantly and listen clearly to their teacher by the age of five to sevn. As your child’s teacher is working on improving their all skills at school there is a lot of that you can do at home to assistance. One of the vital ways to do this is to stop the negative cycle that often develops when a child is a poor speaker.
Spending along time communicating with your child is also important. By reading simple interesting books you can take apportunities that to developing memory. Your child’s capability to listen and speak depends on a healthy lifestily overall. This includes normally sleeping, healthy diet, being active, playing games, limited games times, plenty of real life interaction with both adult and young boys and good sleeping habits. There are particular activities you can do with your child to assistance them improve their listening skills. These includes
Useful games that your child can take knowledge about language
Listening steps and pay attention to the sounds you can hear
Describe a picture to your chid
It’s also vital to use your child’s name to take their attention. Make eye contact speak clearly and give them a lot of thinking time before waiting an answer.
These techniques will be great effect by teachers in the classroom. Although a lot of children try to listen attentively at times. Certain children have particular challenges if you think your child’s speaking and listening skills are a problem get their hearing tasted couse of there is a medical issue if you are still anxieted talk to your child’s doctor. If your child has a listening problems talk to special educational needs coordinator suggest an instruction with a speech and language therapist to see if your child can take from extra help.
Parents and teachers are responsible for who and what their child does. Despite all the psychologists advise mothers and fathers are still trying to get aids to do the simple things. Rooms are still disorder works are still undone, their brothers are still scaring, homework is unfinishedand children continue to behave as if they have lost their sense of understanding. They clearly haven’t been listening to the specialists, what should we do to give straight education to our children if we feed them enough will they turn into a self defence yuppie. If we let him through the day will he turn into an excellent man. Questions like these never get responsed. They just become more difficult as children grow. What is most vital in growing up a child:
What the children are like or what the parents do
If you are a teacher you may say easily to your pupil’s parent’s
I’m sorry but your child just doesn’t seem to be interested in what we are playing in classroom. You should do something about his playing “ to get rid of yourself from issues that being child’s education, but can it help to us. Good child’s behaviour:
listens to parents ,
well mannered
good pupil
eat vegetables
doesn’t fight with classmates
charming hobbies
doesn’t talk back
does works cheerfully
shares toy
Historically parents and teachers have seen to their kid’s learning of spoken and second language , while schools have been responsible for the giving education of listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. Nowadays but the connecting between school and home have become troubled. On a survey education research has shown that there is a lot of to learn from honestly language and reading demonstration. Less joyful a lot of children are arriving at school with inadmissable communication skills. As investigation about education continious and knowladge spreads, researchers of language teaching and learning make debate with each other.
Parenting is the most difficult work in the world you can ask about it any parents. During the last fifty years our community has undergone more changes than in any other period of history. You can look at the number of books on parenting. It comes out everyday
Dellhumes-speaking model