What is more important according to information economy? Intellectual work is more important source of wealth than manufacturing
What must people do to win the competition in the market place? Have a lead in terms of fashion, technology…
What are big important industries like cars and cothing and computers concentrating on? On promoting their brand and let the subcontractors do the less profitable work of manufacturing the products…
What is a problem with information as an organizing principle in society? It only counts if people pay attention to it.
Why are Public Relations executives needed? To make sure customers are getting the right message…
What do we call the PR people if they work for: doctors- spin doctors, for artists- publicists or pluggers
When is manipulation of news is clearly visible? In times of war..
Who controls the news in the countries where it is not officially controlled? Commercial organizations who depend on advertising..
Why is there less space for historical background and statistics in the media? They are hard to present as a sensational story…
Why doesn’t the arrival of CNN increase the amount of real news reporting? Coz it concentrates on the main story and repeats it.
Who is the investigative journalist of the future? Everyone who wants to know the truth.
Why shouldn’t we trust everything we read or see on the media? Coz their decision may be changed by the influence of powerful people.