Kitob–buyuk mo’jiza, ziyo chashmasi. Unga hamroh bo’lgan inson faqat va faqat odamiylik saboqlarini o’rganadi. To’g’ri, bugun zamon shiddat bilan ilgarilab bormoqda, kompyuter texnologiyalari, internet, axborot kommunikatsiya vositalari hayotimizga jadal kirib bormoqda. Аmmo har qanday vosita ham kitob o’rnini bosaolmaydi.
Kitobdagi quvonch va istiroblarni o’quvchi o’ziniki deb qabul qilsagina, o’sha haqiqiy asardir.
O’tkir Xoshimov.
Kitob har qanday bilimning joni va yuragi, har qanday fanning ibtidosidir
S. Sveye.
Kitob insonga qanot bagishlaydi.
Kutubxonalar insoniyat barcha ruxiy boyliklarining durdonalaridir.
Kitoblar xazinasi, umuman olganda, xayotning o’ziga xos badiiy ko’zgusidir.
Kitoblar donishmandlikni yoyish qurolidir.
Y. Komenskiy.
Kitoblar orzu, istak tug’diradi, uni hayotga chorlaydi, kishini fikrlashga majbur etadi, muhokamalarda mustaqil bo’lish qobiliyatini tarbiyalaydi.
Kitob eng olis va zimiston umr yo’llarida insonga nur bag’ishlab turuvchi sehrli chiroqdir
Kitoblar qarshisida jamiki narsalar nursiz bo’lib qoladi.
Kitob sehrgar. Kitob dunyoni qaytaqurdi.Unda odamzodning aqli mujassam, u kishilik tafakkurining ustuni. Kitobsiz olam yovvoyilar olamidir.
Kitoblar zamon to’lqinlarida suzuvchi va o’zining qimmatbaho yukini avlodlardan-avlodlarga avaylab eltuvchi tafakkur kemalaridir.
Yaxshi kitobni o’qish bilan odam o’zini yanada kuchli, bilimli, nomusli sezadi.
Y. Sudrabkalin.
Kitobni qadrlamoq kerak, bu tafakkur qasriga izzat-ehtirom bilan qadam qo’ymoq lozim.
Kitoblar jonsiz, ammo sodiq do’stlardir.
The book is a great miracle, a source of light. The person who accompanies him learns only the lessons of humanity. True, today the world is moving rapidly, computer technology, the Internet, information and communication means are rapidly entering our lives. But no tool can replace a book.
The joys and sorrows of the book are real only if the reader accepts them as his own.
Sharp Hoshimov.
The book is the soul and heart of any knowledge, the beginning of any science
S. Sveye.
The book gives man wings.
Libraries are the pearls of all the spiritual riches of mankind.
The treasure trove of books, in general, is a kind of artistic mirror of life.
Books are a tool to spread wisdom.
Y. Comenius.
Books evoke dreams, desires, bring them to life, make people think, cultivate the ability to be independent in discussions.
The book is a magical lamp that illuminates a person on the farthest and darkest paths of life
Everything is dimmed in front of the books.
Book wizard. The book has rebuilt the world. It embodies the human mind, it is the pillar of human thinking. The world without books is the world of the savages.
Books are vessels of thought that float in the waves of time and carefully carry their precious burden from generation to generation.
F. Bacon.
Reading a good book makes a person feel stronger, more educated, and more honest.
Y. Sudrabkalin.
The book must be valued, and it must be entered the palace of thought with reverence.
Books are lifeless but loyal friends.