Its uning Our garden is big. Bizning bog’ kattadir
Mustaqil shakl.
Mine meniki
ours bizniki
Yours seniki
yours sizniki
His uniki
theirs ularniki
Hers uniki These gardens are ours. Mana bu bog’lar bizniki.
Its uniki. This is my bag and that is yours. Mana bu meni sumkam unisi seniki.
There is and
there are birikmalari (bor)
Har ikkala birikma “bor” deb tarjima qilinadi. Bu birikmalar joylarga nisbatan ishlatiladi. There is
birlikdagi otlar there are ko’plikdagi otlarga ishlatiladi: There is a book on the table stol ustida kitob
bor. There are students in the class. Sinfda studentlar bor.
There are many hotels in Samarkand. Samarqandda ko’p mexmonxonalar bor.