Activity 2b Listen and repeat. 3 min Objective: to practise pronunciation Ask the pupils to listen and repeat the words in Activity 2a after you or the DVD.
Activity 3a Read and find. 3 min Objective: to practise reading/listening for detailed information Ask the pupils to read/listen to the texts and find what animal they are.
Answer key: 1) goose; 2) donkey
Activity 3b Work in pairs. Say what animals you like/don’t like. Use ‘but’. Objective: to talk about likes/dislikes making a contrast using ‘but’ STEP 1: Draw the pupils’ attention to the Remember Box. Ask what they
have noticed. Get the answer that the singular and plural of “sheep” is the
same, “geese” is the plural of “goose” and “calves” is the plural of “calf”.
STEP 2: The pupils repeat the words in the Remember Box after you.
STEP 3: The pupils make pairs and tell each other about the animals they like
and don’t like taking turns. Remind them to use “but” to join two opposite sentences.