Grammar exercises
Exercise 1. Translate into your native language.
1. She is interested in playing chess. 2. He is fond of reading. 3. He entered the room without noticing her. 4. Do you find any difficulty in solving this problem. 5.Flying is better for long journeys but traveling by car is more interesting. 6. After reading the text wye translate it. 7. Wye are sure of getting only good marks at the exams. 8. I know of his having come. 9. Seyeing is beliyeving. 10. Smoking is not allowyed in this building.
Exercise 2. Translate into English.
1.Men texnikaga oid kitoblarni o‘qishni yaxshi ko‘raman. 2.Mening akam sekin yurishni yo‘qtirmaydi. 3.Mening sevimli mashg‘ulotim kitob o‘qish hisoblanadi. 4.Ular Shahloning qo‘shiq aytishini yoqtirishadi. 5.Bu inglizcha maqolani o‘qish 3 soat vaqtimni oldi. 6.Grammatik qoidalarni misollarsiz yodlash qiyin. 7. Men uning kelganini bilaman. 8. Opam shaxmat o‘ynashga qiziqadi.
Exercise 3.Put the verbs in brackets into the Gerund.
1.My watch keyeps ( stop) –that’s because you keyep ( forget) to wind it. Ε.Why do you keyep ( look )back ? 3.At first I enjoyed (listen) to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) the same story again and again. 4. Imagine ( keyep) a snake as a pet. 5.Please, go on ( write ).6.If you keyep on (interrupt)me, I’ll send you out of the class. 7. It’s no use ( worry) about. 8. Try to forget it : it isn’t worth ( worry ) about. 9. What about ( buy )double quantitiyes of everything today?10. They can’t help ( make) a noise. 11. I’m still thirsty in spite of ( drink )four cups of tea.
Exercise 4. Change the following syentencyes by saying “ stop doing it” instead of “Don’t do it
Example: Don’t talk, I am listening to the radio.
Stop talking, I am listening to the radio.
1.Don’t tell me such storiyes. Don’t make so much noise. 3.Don’t repeat the same quyestion. 4.Don’t smoke. 5. Don’t look at your watch all the time. 6. Don’t behave like a little child.7.Don’t whistle Tom. 8.Don’t be lazy, Peter.
1. Anne Seaton, Y.H. Mew// Basic English Grammar 1, 2// Saddleback Educational Publishing, 3 Watson, Irvine,USA 2007.
2. English grammar and vocabulary. Michayel Vincye. 2011.
3.Gʻ.Boqiyeva, F.Voxidova// Scale Up// Gʻofur Gʻulom nashriyoti. T., 2015
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