The Internet ( Latin : inter - network and
net -network) is a set of computer
networks open to the world and the
public that exchange information over a
Internet protocol
(IP) . The main
carrier protocol for this data is TCP / IP .
TCP / IP is a set of interconnected
protocols that play a key role in the
transmission of information over the
Internet. The Internet is made up of
thousands of academic, government,
commercial, and residential networks.
The Internet consists of e-mail , chat and
linked pages, and other World Wide Web
The Internet is a global computer system
that connects large (global) and small
(local) computer networks. In it,
regardless of geographical location, time
and space, some computers and small
networks work together to form a global
information infrastructure. All subsidiary
networks managed in collaboration with
the system allow users to store, publish,
send, receive, search and exchange
information in all known options (text,
sound, video, photography, graphics,
music, etc.). creates.
Internet system 20th century. It appeared
in the 60s. At that time, at the initiative of
the US Department of Defense,
computers began to connect to
telephone networks. Initially, such
activities were conducted as part of
research by the Advanced Projects
Agency (AKRA). This research coincided
with the height of the Cold War. The U.S.
Department of Defense has been actively
seeking new means of communication in
the event of a war. In the late 1960s and
1970s, the Internet was underdeveloped.
For the first decade, the international
network was limited to the personal
electronic lines of the military and major
scientists. The unparalleled pace of
development of the Internet is the state,
In the 1970s, a system of rules for the
transmission and exchange of
information between different distributed
computer networks was developed.
These are interaction accounts -
Internetworking protocols (IP), which
create a conducive environment for
improving the global network. According
to the IP procedure, any individual
network must control the flow of
information "from the first point to the
last point" through multiple networks.
Therefore, IP is one of the most
important accounts in the system of
accounts that form the basis of the
Internet, in particular, within the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), File
Transfer Protocol (FTP).
In the early stages of the Internet's
development, it was largely funded by the
US Department of Defense. By the late
1970s, there were three main sources of
funding: government, flour mills, and
research laboratories (including
independent ones).
In the 1980s, the Internet began to evolve
into a universal dimension. At that time,
the growth of information transmitted via
the Internet was under the slogan
"increase by more than 20% per month."
Mac, the main network in the United
States, is 165 million per second. byte
processes and transmits information.
This speed is enough to transmit the
"Encyclopedia Britannica" in a second.
The Internet is a system of standards. He
pursues a philosophy of self-regulation
and self-government. So far, there is no
single organization that manages it.
Rules for its activities have been
developed as entry criteria. Technical
issues are addressed with the active
participation of the Internet Engineering
Force (IETL), all standards are adopted
by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).
The Internet has grown exponentially in
the last decade of the 20th century. By
the end of the 1990s, the number of
Internet users had grown to more than
28,000. The number of Internet users
worldwide was 160 million (1999).
One Swiss nuclear research center has
developed a more sophisticated way to
"connect" multi-media distributed
computers to a single network. It is
reflected in the World Wide Web. The
system transformed the Internet into a
media of its own, with access to
information technology, radio, and
telecommunications. Now the Internet is
able to transmit not only text, but also
images, pictures, images, sound and
video, and directly from the scene.
Because the Internet is used in
combination with the technological
capabilities of all traditional information
systems - telecommunications, television
and radio broadcasting, active exchange
of information on an international scale,
etc., it has several functions - a source of
information and knowledge; mass media,
a system of information services related
to all spheres of human activity (including
educational, political, social, economic,
cultural, tourism, etc.); It serves as a
platform for promising markets and
national companies to enter the
international information space and the
world market in the most economical
and fast way.
As the use of the Internet by public and
commercial entities increases, so does
the number of Internet service providers,
Internet users, and the Internet as a
source of information and media. All of
these are published by publishers,
journalists, news agencies, i. ch. and has
a positive effect on the formation of
competition in the environment of trading
companies and firms. In addition to
telephone wires, fiber-optic cables,
radios, or satellites made it possible to
access the Internet. To do this, you need
to have Internet service providers.
Internet connection information services
have been provided in Uzbekistan since
1997. Initially Knight
( ), Uznet ( Archived on
Wayback Machine 2013-02-16 .) or Istlink
( Archived 2020-
06- 12 Wayback Machineprovider
companies such as (1999). The rapidly
developing areas of computerization and
automation in Uzbekistan allow the
widespread use of the communication
function of the Internet. An Internet-
connected subscriber can receive
information on a variety of topics, such
as text, photos, or videos, from a
computer at home or office, such as a
computer in the United States, Australia,
or Africa. This information is pre-entered
into the Internet. Specialized companies
located in different parts of the world
can help speed up the search. They are
called "search engines", they store the
content of the information as a directory,
and provide the subscriber with the
"Internet address" where the information
is located. Information about this
address is stored in the "Internet pages".
If a subscriber searches for information,
for example, the word "cotton" in a search
engine, it displays information about the
word, a list of companies that deal with
cotton, or the price of cotton on the
world market on the subscriber's
computer. Websites can be personal or
official. Personal forms are created by
individuals and contain information about
these individuals. Official leaflets belong
to agencies, organizations, and
companies, and contain information
about government agencies. You can use
the Internet to promote your business, to
advertise your company's services or
products, and to buy products with
pictures on the Internet. For example, if a
search engine searches for the word
"cotton", it will display information about
the word, a list of companies that deal
with cotton, or the price of cotton on the
world stock exchange on the subscriber's
computer. Websites can be personal or
official. Personal forms are created by
individuals and contain information about
these individuals. Official leaflets belong
to agencies, organizations, and
companies, and contain information
about government agencies. You can use
the Internet to promote your business, to
advertise your company's services or
products, and to buy products with
pictures on the Internet. For example, if
you search for the word "cotton" in a
search engine, it will display information
about the word, a list of companies that
deal with cotton, or the price of cotton on
the world stock exchange on the
subscriber's computer. Websites can be
personal or official. Personal forms are
created by individuals and contain
information about these individuals.
Official leaflets belong to agencies,
organizations, and companies, and
contain information about government
agencies. You can use the Internet to
promote your business, to advertise your
company's services or products, and to
buy products with pictures on the
Internet. publishes a list of companies
dealing with cotton or the price of cotton
on the world stock exchange on the
subscriber's computer. Websites can be
personal or official. Personal forms are
created by individuals and contain
information about these individuals.
Official leaflets belong to agencies,
organizations, and companies, and
contain information about government
agencies. You can use the Internet to
promote your business, to advertise your
company's services or products, and to
buy products with pictures on the
Internet. publishes a list of companies
dealing with cotton or the price of cotton
on the world stock exchange on the
subscriber's computer. Websites can be
personal or official. Personal forms are
created by individuals and contain
information about these individuals.
Official leaflets belong to agencies,
organizations, and companies, and
contain information about government
agencies. You can use the Internet to
promote your business, to advertise your
company's services or products, and to
buy products with pictures on the
Internet. Personal forms are created by
individuals and contain information about
these individuals. Official leaflets belong
to agencies, organizations, and
companies, and contain information
about government agencies. You can use
the Internet to promote your business, to
advertise your company's services or
products, and to buy products with
pictures on the Internet. Personal forms
are created by individuals and contain
information about these individuals.
Official leaflets belong to agencies,
organizations, and companies, and
contain information about government
agencies. You can use the Internet to
promote your business, to advertise your
company's services or products, and to
buy products with pictures on the
The international Internet also contains
information about Uzbekistan. Official
leaflets include leaflets from the Uzbek
government, leaflets from the Uzbek
embassy in the United States, and so on.
There are many official leaflets. They
contain almost all the information about
the Republic of Uzbekistan. In addition,
there are personal leaflets about
Uzbekistan: a leaflet "Umid", a brochure
about Uzbek pop music and others. Many
issues related to information resources
are solved by the largest libraries in the
country, depending on the size of the
Internet in this area. Mas, Medical Library,
Republican Scientific and Technical
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of
the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures
to organize the development of a
program to ensure access to
international information systems" (2001)
serves to strengthen Uzbekistan's
international position in this area. It
consists of UzNET network.
The number of Internet users, for
example, exceeded 55 million in the
United States , 55 million in China and 8
million in Japan . The next places are
occupied by England , Canada and
Germany , and Russia occupies the
border with millions. In almost all regions
of Uzbekistan, access to the international
Internet is provided through the
international channels of Uz PAK State
Company. There are about 50 registered
Internet providers in the country. There
are more than 300,000 Internet users in
Uzbekistan. There are more than 300
Uzbek websites on the Internet (2002).
1950-chi yillar davomida barcha
kompyuterlarni yagona kommunikatsion
tarmoqqa ulash ehtiyoji tugʻildi. Bu ehtiyoj
markazlashmagan toʻr
navbat nazariyasi
paketlar kommutatsiyasi
sohalarda tadqiqotlarni olib borishga olib
keldi. Bu voqealarning natijasida AQShda
paydo boʻlishi
voqealarning keyingi rivojlanishiga turtki
Dastlabki TCP/IP protokoliga asoslangan
tarmoq tizimi 1984-yil AQSh
Milliy Fanlar
yaratilib, keyinchalik u
History of the Internet
loyihasiga aylandi. 1995-yil
internetning tijorat versiyalari paydo boʻla
1991-yil CERN Butunjahon oʻrgimchak
toʻri loyihasini eʼlon qildi. Bu voqea Tim
Berners-Lee tomonidan HTML,
yaratilishi va CERNda
dastlabki veb-sahifalarni paydo
boʻlishidan 2 yil keyin sodir boʻldi. 1993-
yil birinchi internet brauzer
1.0 versiyasi paydo boʻldi va 1994-yilda
internetga ommaviy qiziqish tugʻila
boshladi. 1996 yildan internet soʻzidan
keng foydalana boshlandi, biroq u
asosan, Butunjahon oʻrgimchak toʻrini
Shu bilan birga internet 10 yil ichida juda
tez tarqalib ketdi, uning
asoslanganligi, birovning
mulki emasligi, markaziy boshqaruvning
yoʻqligi uni organik rivojlanishiga sabab
boʻldi. hozirda internet insoniyatning eng
katta texnologik yutuqlaridan biri sifatida
tan olindi.
1. OʻzME. Birinchi jild. Toshkent, 2000-
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The text is licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0
license (unless otherwise noted).
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