Nazorat test zamonlar #1 How often to the cinema?

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nazorat test zamonlar (2)


1. How often ______to the cinema?

A) are you going B) have you gone C) will you go D) do you go
2. She is going on holiday. This time next week she______ on a beach or ______ in the sea.
A) is going to lay, swim
B) will be lying, swimming
C) will lie, swim
D) is lying, swimming
3. We are late. The film ______ by the time we get to the cinema.
A) will be already started
C) will already have started
B) will already start
D) already will start
4. How long ______ you ______ Kate?
A) did know B) have been knowing C) have known
D) do known
5. I______ a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.
A) will have B) am having C) have
D) would have
6. At last Kate came. I ______ for two hours.
A) am waiting B) have been waiting C) had been waiting
D) was waiting
7. I'm going to read a lot of books while I ______ on holi­day.
A) am B) will be C) would be
D) am going to be
8. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so______
A) is B) does C) was D) were
9. _______you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.
A) do B) shall C) Will D) have
10. By the time the exam______, he _______all the questions
A) had finished/had answered B) finished/answered
C) finished/ had answered D) will He said he ________his home task.
11. I'm sure you _______ the film if you decide to go.
A) have enjoyed B) shall enjoy C) enjoy D) will enjoy
12. Her clothes were wet. She __________her dog.
A) washed B) has been washing C) had been washing
D) washes
13. What time ____the film ______this evening?
A) is/going to begin B) will be/beginning
C) will/begin D) does/begin
14. Don't worry ______ late tonight.
A) if I'll be B) if I am
C) when I'll be D) if I be
15. It ______ outside; I do not like to walk in such weather.
A) rains B) is rain C) is raining
D) is rained
16. The economic situation is already very bad and it______ worse.
A) is getting B) gets C) got
D) would be getting
17. We always go to Saint Petersburg for our holidays. We ______there for years.
A) have been going B) are going C) go
D) were going
18. When Mark arrived, the Johnsons ______dinner, but stopped in order to talk to him.
A) were having B) had C) had been having
D) was having
19. I _________a president one day.
A) shall have been B) am being C) am going to be D) shall be
20. – Dad, I have broken my bike.
- Oh, I _______it tomorrow.
A) have repaired B) shall repair
C) shall be repairing D) shall have repaired
21. What _______to your finger? It’s bleeding.
A) have you been doing B) are you doing
C)do you do D) have you done
22. Let me explain what you have to do. First you _____the photos and sort them into categories.
Then you _____them according to subject.
A) are taking/ file B) take/ file
C) are taking/are filing D) have taken/have filed
23. You__________ things.
A)will forever lose B) are forever losing
C) are forever lose D) forever lose
24. ___________the sentences on the board.
A)Do you write B) Are you writing
C) Did you write D) Have you written
25. The plane ________at 5 o’clock yesterday.
A) landed B) was landing C) had landed D) lands
26. I ______ the book to the library when I ________it
A) had taken/ read B) had taken/ had read
C) read/took D) took/had read
27. Tom ______his wallet. He was looking for it.
A) lost B) has lost C) had lost D) was losing
28. What time _________Ann this evening?
A) are you meeting B) will you meet
C) are you going to meet D) will you met
29. She ______ always ______ in Moscow.
A) —, lives C) has been living
B) has lived D) has live
30. We ______ for a walk when it ______ raining.
A) will go, will stop
C) are going, will stop
B) will go, stops
D) go, stops
31. How long ______ this book? How many pages of this book______?
A) have you been reading, have you been reading
B) have you read, have you read
C) have you read, you read
D) have you been reading, have you read
32. I feel terrible. I think ________sick.
A) have been B) was C) shall be D) I'm going to be
33. He gave the book back which he_______.
A) will borrow B) was borrowing
C) had borrowed D) borrowed
34. We _______travel by train but then we decided to go by car instead.
A) shall be travelling B) were going to C) are going to D) shall
35. When we met, she _________medicine for a year.
A) was studying B) studied
C) has been studying D) had been studying
36. What _______at six last night?
A) were you do B) had you done
C) did you do D) were you doing
37. Your mother _______a few minutes ago.
A)was phoning B)had phoned C) phoned D) phones
38. - My father ________ISLAM KARIMOV
- My father _________SHAVKAT MIRZIYOYEV
A) has met/ met B) has met/ has met
C) met/has met D) met/met
39. Robert is on holiday this week. He__________ with his sister in Bournemouth.
A) is staying B)will stay C) is going to stay D) stays
40. Have you _______been to Australia?
A) still B) ever C) never D) yet
41. We _________dinner when some. While I _______for my wallet, he ________the waiter.
A) had looked/paid B)looked/paid
C) was looking/ paid D) looking/was paying
one called.
42. It _________since morning when we went out.
A) was raining B) had been raining
C) has been raining D) rained
43. How long ______ you ______ Kate?
A) did know B) have been knowing C) have known
D) do known
44. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom______ a delegation in the office.
A) will receive B) is receiving C) will be receiving
D) would receive
45. When I________, I ______my finger.
A) was cooking/burnt B) was cooking/was burning
C) cooked/burnt D) had cooked/burnt
46. We ______the house by the time mother______.
A) had cleaned/ comes B) had cleaned/ had come
C) cleaned/ came D) had cleaned/ came
47. When we arrived at the station, the train______. We were late.
A) has left B) had left C) left D) were left
48. I've tried to advise her but she _______listen.
A) doesn’t B)wouldn’t C) won't D) will
49. The cats _______and we________.
A) fought/watched B)fought/were watching
C) were fighting/ were watching D) fought/had watched
50. When we were children, my brother and I ______fight all the time.
A) was used to B) would to C) used D) would
51. I ______ here all my life.
A) have lived B) have living C) am living
D) live
52. 1 feel terrible. I think I ______ to be sick.
A) will B) go C) am going
D) will be going
53. Would you like something to drink?' 'Oh, thank you. I_________ some orange juice.'
A) was going to have B) am going to have
C) shall have D) am having
54. When I was in Korea, I usually ______a taxi to go to the university.
A) had taken B) was taking C) took D) takes
55. 'I need some money.' 'Don’t worry. I _______ you some.' (offer).
A) would lend B) am going to lend C) am lending D) shall lend
56. Ahliddin Yunusov________ many books.
A) wrote B) has written C) writes D) is writing
57. When I ______the room, I _____a stranger.
A) entered/saw B) had entered/saw
C) entered/had seen D) had entered/had entered
58. Patrick _______Italy before he _____to Korea.
A)visited/came B) had visited/ came C) had visited/had come D) visited/had come
59. I _____anyone what happened. I promise.
A) will tell B) won't tell C) am not telling D) am going to tell
60. The boy sitting next to me on the plane was nervous be­cause he ______ before.
A) has not flown B) did not fly C) had not flown
61. 1_____to the cinema but my friend persuaded me to stay.
A) am not going B) was going C) did not go
D) had been going
62. I _____anyone what happened. I promise.
A) will tell B) won't tell C) am not telling D) am going to tell
63. How long __________in the garden?
A) had you been working B) have you been working
C) have you working D) do you work
64. This time tomorrow I ________golf.
A) will be playing B) will play C) am going play
D) will have played
65. Where ______tonight?
A) shall we go B) are we go
C) have we gone D) shall we be going
66. After we ________our exams, we ______out to celebrate.
A) had passed/ went B) had passed/had taken C) passed/took D) passed/had taken
67. -______you ______ your car this evening?
— No. Do you want to borrow it?
A) will be using B) will use C) are used
D) do use
68. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We ______for more than 24 hours.
A) had travelled B) were travelling C) had been travelling
D) travel.
69. I _______ go out a lot but now I spend most of my time at home.
A) get used to B) used to C) am used to D) would to
70. Kate has lost her passport again, it is the second time this _______.
A) happens B) has happened C) happened
D) is happening
71. At first I thought I ______ the right thing, but I soon re­alized that I ______ a serious mistake.
A) did, made
C) have done, have made
B) had done, had made
D) did, had made
72. He ______his cigarette when he _________ his father.
A) threw/ had saw B) threw/ had seen C) had thrown/ had seen D) threw/ saw
73. I _______fifty pages yesterday.
A) was reading B) read C) have read D) had read
74. The world___________.
A) changes B) is changing C) has changes D) is going to change
75. - WHO _____English in your family?
- My brother____.
A)does speak/speaks B) C) speaks/ does D) speaks/speaks
76. They ____________in Hong Kong for the time being.
A) live B) will live C) are living D) is going to live
77. I ________in you.
A) have always believed B) had always believed
C) am always believing D) always believe
78. It_________, and the leaves_______.
A) rained/were rustling B)was raining/rustled
C)rained/rustled D) was raining/ were rustling
79. He visited the places WHERE he ______up.
A) was growing B) has grown C)grew D) had grown
80. My colleagues usually ______ four days a week, and tills week they ______ five days.
A) work, work
C) are working, are working
B) are working, work
D) work, are working
81. They _________the work by 3 o‘clock.
A) have been finishing B)have finished
C) had finished D) will have been finished
82. Muhammadyusuf _________a lot of poems
A) had written B) wrote C) has written D) writes
83. When I was young, we always __________go swimming to the river.
A) would B) was used to C) get used to D) had
84. At seven o‘clock yesterday evening they _________dinner.
had B) were having C) had had D) was having
85. Patrick bought a new car_______.
A)since yesterday B) yet C) last week D) now
86. It___________. The streets are still wet.
A)has rained B) has been raining C) rains D) has been rained
87. This is the first time this__________. I ________myself. I ____ 65 kilos.
A) am weighing/ weigh B) weigh/weigh
C) weigh/am weighing D)am weighing/am weighing
88. When he ______, he ____me a book.
A) came/gave B) had come/ gave
C)came/had given D) had come/ had give
89. Jacob is a writer, he ___________eleven books.
A) will write B) has been writing C) has written D) wrot
90. She ____ home late, they ________ and he ________ home
A) came/quarreled/had left B) had come/ had quarreled/had
C) came/quarreled/left D) came/had quarreled/had left
91. I _____________him for 5 years.
A) have known B) have been knowing
C) had known D) know
92. I ________to school every day last year .
A) went B) go C) has gone D) had gone
93. He __ constantly _____about something.
A)is complain B)complain C) are complaining D) is complaining
94. Don’t go out! It________.
A)doesn’t rain B) rains C) isn’t raining D) is raining
95. Most evenings my parents ______at home and watch TV.
A) stay B) stays C) do stay D) are staying
96. I have _____tried pizza before. It is very nice.
A) still B) ever C) never D) yet
97. She asked me in the lunch time “___________Jane this morning?”
A) Did you see B) have you seen
C) Do you see D) will you see
98.I______a lot but I don't any more. When I _________the letter, I started to cry.
A) was used to eat B) used to eat
C) was eating
D) used to eating
99. We were good friends, we ______ each other for years.
A) had known B) had knowing C) were knowing
D) know
100. We _________7 rules by the end of the lesson.
A) have learned B) learned
C)had been learned D) had learned
101.I ______my pen. Could you give me yours?
A) have broken B) broke C) break D) shall break
102. Johnson ______a pass left. Smith______ the ball. He _____past the defense and____!
A) make/get/run/scores B) makes/gets/ runs/ scores
C) are making/ gets/ runs/ scores D) /make/get/ run/ score
103. Everything __________more and more expensive.
A) is getting B) gets C) get D) got
104. It _____a lot in Britain in March and April.
A) will rain B)rains C) rains D) is raining
105. She drives to London______.
A) onces B) once upon a time C)once D) once a week
106. This is the best sandwich I _________in years.
A) am having B) have C) had D) have had
107. The concert _______at 5 o‘clock yesterday.
A) begins B) has begun C) was beginning D) began
108. - How long ______ you ______?
— Since I was 17.
A) have been driving B) have driven C) did drive
109. He remembered the man he _______in the car.
A) had seen B) has seen C) saw D) was seen
110. She ______to me, but I ______attention. While Tom ______ a book, Martha ______ TV.
A) was reading, watched
C) was reading, was watching
B) read, watched
D) read, was watching
111. You can switch off the TV. I________ it.
A) am not watching B) am watching
C) have watched D) don’t watch
112. 'Where are the children?' 'They________ in the garden.'
A) are playing B) play C) have played D) played
113. I have lost my key again. I ______ things. I lose things too often
A)shall have B)have C)am going to have D) am having
114. If you ______tomorrow, we shall play chess.
A) are coming B) will come C) comes D) come
115. The boss let me go home. I ___________since morning.
A) had been working B) have worked
C) worked D) was working
116. Tomorrow I ­__________for work for half a year.
A) shall look B) have been looking
C) shall have looked D) shall have been looking
117. Why doesn't he ____up smoking?
A) given B) give C) gives D) gave
118. I ___________my homework by dinnertime.
A) am going to finish B) will have been finishing
C) will finish D) will have finished
119. What _____round the Sun? – The Earth_______.
A)go/do B) does go/ goes C) goes/goes D) goes/ does
120. Joe ­­­­­­­___________his house since yesterday.
A) was painted B) painted
C)had been painting D) has been painting
121. What ______for the party?
A) am I going to wear B) shall I wear C) have to I wear D) do I wear
122. While Tom ______ a book, Martha ______ TV.
A) was reading, watched
C) was reading, was watching
B) read, watched
D) read, was watching
123. While Tom ______ a book, Martha ______ TV.
A) was reading, watched
C) was reading, was watching
B) read, watched
D) read, was watching
124. Don’t come to me at 6 o’clock. I _______a match.
A) shall watch B) shall be watching C) have watched D) watch
125. When you ______ in Moscow again, you must come and see us.
A) will go B) will be C) are
D) are going
126. We _______dinner, when Tom came.
A) had already had B) have already had C) had already having D) already had
127. The butcher ___________the meat.
A)weighing B)weigh C) is weighing D) weigh
128. Our plane ________at six tomorrow
Jacob was a writer, he ______eleven books.
A) wrote B)has written C) had written D) writes
129. Where is Jane?
– She _______a conversation with her friend.
A) is going to have B) are having C) is having D) has
130. Where does she_____?
A) live B) living C) lives D) lived
131. Shakespeare ___________many immortal plays.
A) wrote B) has written C) had written D) was writing
132.______ next week, so we can go somewhere.
A) I'm not working B) I won't work C) I don't work
D) I shall not work
133. —______you ______ the post office when you're out?
- Probably. Why?
- I need to mail the letter. Could you do it for me?
A) are passing B) are going to pass
C) will be passing D) will you pass
134. Ben _________his new house by next summer.
A) is building B)will built
C) will have built D) will have been building
135. Nurses ____after patients in hospitals.
A) look B) are looking C) have looked D) looked
136. This is the first time I ________a car
A) have driven B) am driving C) shall drive D) drive
137. Before I ________to school, I ______breakfast.
A) had gone/had had B) went/ had had C) went/had
138. I hope Kate is coming soon. I ______ for two hours.
A) am waiting B) have been waiting
C) had been waiting
D) waited
139. We___________ next winter in Australia.
A) are spending B) are spend C) shall spend D) have spent
140. I ____he will go to the party.
A) thought B) have thought C) think D) will think
141. Have you heard about Tom? He________ his own house.
A) is building B) build C) builds D) has build
142. I __________in the garden since morning. I have a lot to do
A) had been working B) have been working
C) am working D) have been work
143. John ______glasses.
A) wears B) wear C) has wore D) have worn
144. I_________ my doctor tomorrow.
A) have seen B) shall see C)see D)am seeing
145. The World Cup _______tomorrow
A) will begin B) begins C) is beginning D) is going to begin
146. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen ______ deli­cious.
A) is smelling B) smells C) smelt D) will smell
147. The new President __________into the White House tomorrow.
A)has moved B)is moving C) will move D) is going to move
148. I ______outside while she ___an interview.
A) waiting/had B) waited/ had
C) waiting/having D) was waiting/were having
149. This coffee ______ delicious.
A) tastes B) taste C) is tasting D) has tasted.
150. As soon as he ______home, he ______to bed.
A) would come/ would regret B) came/ went C) had come/had went D) comes/regretting
151. His car ________start. I wonder what's wrong with it.
A) doesn’t B)wouldn’t C) won't D) will

AHLIDDIN YUNUSOV +99891 326 77 55

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