(Uslubiy qo’llanma)
(Uslubiy qo’llanma)
Tuzuvchilar: katta o’qituvchi N.Q.Xatamova.
Mazkur uslubiy qo’llanma ingliz tili o’qituvchilari, bitiruvchi
kurs talabalari uchun mo’ljallangan bo’lib, qo’llanmada chеt el va
rеspublikamiz ilg’or o’qituvchilarining o’z darslarida qo’llayotgan
innovatsion usullari asos qilib olingan.
Mas’ul muharrir: dots. O’.Turniyozov.
Taqrizchilar: prof. M.B.Baqoyеva.
dots. D.A.Axatova.
Uslubiy qo’llanma Navoiy davlat pеdagogika instituti ilmiy
kеngashining 2006 yil 3 iyul yig’ilishida muhokama etilib nashrga
tavsiya etilgan.
So’z boshi
O`zbekiston mustaqillik yillarida buyuk o`zgarishlar tomon yuz tutdi. Bu
ayniqsa ta`lim tizimida yaqqol ko`rinadi. Chunki ta`lim tizimi o`z oldiga erkin
fikrlovchi, barkamol, yetuk shaxsni tarbiyalashni vazifa qilib qo`yadi. Buning
uchun biz o`qituvchilar dars davomida yangicha usullardan samarali
foydalanishimiz lozim.Jahondagi rivojlangan davlatlarning tajribasi ilg’or
pedagogik texnologiyalarga asoslangan holda o’quvchi yoshlarning bilim olishiga
bo’lgan qiziqish va ehtiyojlarini qondiribgina qolmasdan,yuqori malakali
mutaxassislar etishtirishtirib berish vazifalarini ham hal qilmoqda.Pedagogika
oliy o’quv yurtlarida talabalarga bilim berish ,ko’nikma va malakalarini hosil
qilishda pedagogic texnologiyalardan foydalangan holda ta’lim jarayonini yulga
qo’yish’jahon andozalariga mos keladigan mutaxassislarni tayyorlashga ulkan
hissa qo’shadi.Bizning institutimiz respublikamiz maktab , litsey , kollejlari
uchun o`qituvchilar tayyorlaydi. biz ushbu qo’llanmamda chet ellarda va Xalqaro
konferensiya hamda seminarlarda olgan tajribalarimizdan kelib chiqqan holda
ingliz tili darslarida foydalaniladigan ba’zi bir interfaol usullar haqida fikr
interfaol usullardan ingliz tili o’qituvchilari o’z
mashg’ulotlarida va bitiruvchi kurs talabalari Malakaviy amaliyot davrida
foydalansalar maqsadga muvofiq bo’ladi.
I - Bob
Talabalarni mustaqil fikrlashga o’rgatish
. Ingliz tili darslarida talabalarni mustaqil fikrlashga o’rgatish oldimizda turgan
muhim vazifadir. Biz bilamizki,hozirgi ta’lim jarayonida o’quvchi sub’ekt
bo’lishi lozim. Darslarga qo’yilgan eng muhim talablardan biri
talabani,o’quvchini mustaqil fikrlashga o’rgatishdir. Ko’zlangan maqsadga
erishishuchun quyidagi topshiriqlarni bajarish mumkin:
1. “Muammoli vaziyat yechimi’’. “Creative Problem Solving”.
Bu usulni qo’llash uchun hikoyaning boshlanishi o’qib beriladi qanday
yakun topishi o’quvchilar, talabalar hukmiga havola qilinadi. Masalan:
Many years ago a merchant found himself in debt to a money lender, a cruel
and unpleasant man. The merchant had only one child, a daughter, whom he
loved dearly.
One day the moneylender came to the merchant with an ultimatum – either
the merchant should pay his debts, go to debtors prison, or permit the
moneylender to marry his daughter.
Realizing that the merchant and his daughter were horrified at the idea, the
moneylender invited them both to walk with him along a gravel path and to
discuss the idea a little further. Here he proposed that fate should decide the
“I shall take two pebbles from this path, one black and one white”, he said,
bending down to pick up two stones. “I shall drop them in this bag. And than, if
your daughter agrees, she will pick one of the stones from the bag without
looking. If she picks out the white one, I shall forgive all of your debts, and you
and your daughter will never see me again. However, if she picks out the black
stone, your daughter is mine.”
The merchant’s daughter was distraught. She did not trust the moneylender.
She was almost sure that he had put two black stones in the bag . Her position
seemed impossible. What should she do? (At this point we can have a small
group discussion on what the merchant’s daughter should do.)
The correct answer is that the daughter put her hand in the bag, withdrew a
stone, and dropped it “accidentally” on the gravel path . “I’m sorry”, she cried,
“but you can tell the color of the one remaining in the bag”.
Ijodiy tafakkurni rivojlantirish maqsadida, biz ingliz tili o`qituvchilari dars
jarayonida muammoli ta`limdan foydalanishimiz lozim.Shu maqsadda talabalarga
quyidagi matnni o’qish topshiriladi.
One day father sent his son out to sell a sheepskin. “Bring me back the
skin”, he said “and the money for it”. The young man tried sell the skin but in
vain because nobody wanted to buy it on those terms. So he decided not to go
home at all because he was afraid of his father. When he came to a bridge over
the river he met a girl. Seeing that Jack was very sad, she asked him: “May I ask
you why you are so sad?”.
“My father has given me the skin”, said Jack, “and I must bring back both
the skin and the money for it”.
Hikoyani shu yerda to`xtatib, qiz yigitning muammosini qanday yechib
berishini talabalardan so`rashimiz lozim. Talabalar vaziyatni har xil yechadilar,
o`z fikrlarini bayon qiladilar. Agar voqea quyidagicha yechilsa to`g`ri
hisoblanadi: The girl carried the skin to the river and after washing it in the
water took the wool from it. She paid Jack for the wool and gave him back the
skin to carry it home.
Yana bir vaziyatning yechimi talabalarga havola qilinadi:
One day old Gobborn told his son to follow him because he wanted to
build a fine castle. While they were walking the old man said to his son: “Can
you shorten the way for me?” His son answered in the negative and his father
ordered him to go back home.
When he told his wife why he had come home alone, his wife solved his
problem, but how?.
Bu hikoyani ham diqqat bilan tinglagan talabalar muammoni quyidagicha
hal qilishlari mumkin:
His wife told him a story and he repeated it to his father. When he finished
his story they would come to the end of their journey. The story Could Shorten
the longest road.
2. Fikrlar bahosi. The “Values Clarification” exercise.Bu usul Yuqori sinf
o’quvchilari va talabalar uchun mo’ljallangan bo’lib, ularga o’zlarining fikrlarini
ochiq bayon etish imkonini beradi. Bu usul oliygoh talabalari va yuqori sinf
talabalari bilan darsdan tashqari mashg’lotlarda ishlatiladi.
Tushuntirish bahosi.( Values clarification )
Bu usulni qo’llashning ahamiyati shundaki, har bir talaba yoki o’quvchi
berilgan shartlar bo’yicha o’z fikrlarini erkin ifodalaydilar Agar shu fikrga to’liq
qo’shilsalar +2 sonini begilashadi,agar shu fikrga butunlay qarshi bo’lsalar -2
Do you agree or disagree with each of the statements below? Put a check under
the number that indicates how you feel.
+2 = Strongly agree
+1 = Agree
0 = No opinion
- 1 = Disagree
- 2 = Strongly disagree
1. Arranged marriages are better than marriages -
where the couple have met and dated their own.
2. It is very important for my family to improve
of the person I marry.
3. If my parents disapproved of my choice, I would
not marry that person even if we were very much
in love.
4. A woman’s place is in the home.
5. Married women with small children should not work.
6. Some women are better mothers if they work
and are not children all day. with their
Quvnoq topishmoqlar. (Merry Riddles ) O’quvchilarga topishmoqlar
o’rgatish Ingliz tilini o’rgatishda muhim ahamiyatga ega, ular o’zlariga
notanish bo’lgan so’zlarni o’rganadilar va o’ylab topishmoq javobini
topadilar. Topishmoqlarni hazil tariqasida ham tuzish mumkin:
1.What is white when it is dirty and black when it is clean?
2.What has two arms and four legs?
3.What goes up when rain comes down?
4.What man wears the biggest hat?
5.What islands are good to eat?
6.What do you have to do before you can get off the train?
7.What do you usually see people eat their soup with?
8.Why is E the most important letter?
Solutions to the riddles
1. Ablackboard. 2. An armchair. 3. An umbrella. 4.The one with biggest
head. 5. The Sandwich Islands. 6. Get on it, of course. 7. Your eyes. 8.
Because it comes first in “everything “.
I I-Bob
savollaridir.Bunday paytda tayyorlanish uchun savollar uyga berilmaydi. Savollar
kartochkalarga yoziladi.1- komanda savol beradi, 2-komanda esa javob beradi.
Bunday mashqlar o”tkazishdan maqsad o”quvchilarining, talabalarning eshitish
va tinglash qobiliyatini o”stirish. Bu usul orqali grammatik jihatdan to”g’ri savol
berishni ham o”rganamiz.
Masalan: Great Britain mavzusi o”tib bulindi. Siz quyidagicha Kviz
kartochkalari (Quiz Cards) tuzishingiz mumkin.
1. Why did the Romans call Britain «Albion».
Answer: «Alba» means «white» in Latin and the first thing the Romans saw when
they came where the white chalk cliffs on the southern coast of Britain.
2. Which parts of Great Britain are the centres of the woollen and cotton
Answer:Yorkshire is the centre of the woolen industry. The centre of the cotton
goods industry is Manchester.
Kviz kartochkalarini so’zlar ta'rifi bo’yicha ham o’tkazishimiz mumkin.
So’zlarga ta'riflar yozilgan kartochkalar tarqatiladi.Talaba to’g’ri ta'rifni topishi
kerak. Bu usulning afzalligi shundaki, talabaning soniga qarab kartochkalar
tarqatiladi va hamma talabalar bir vaqtda darsda ishtirok etish imkonini beradi bu
esa vaqtni tejaydi.Masalan: Give the definition of these verbs:
Card №1.
To preserve
1.To save
2.To finish work early
3.To prepare Answer:1
Card №2.
To paraphrase.
1.To speak clearly
2.To express a thought in another way.
3.To divide a long text into smaller sections. Answer:2.
Darsliklarda Nobel mukofoti haqida matnlar berilgan. Shu matnlarga oid
savollar tuzish mumkin. Bu kartochkalar True-False (to`g`ri-noto`g`ri) shaklida
Card №1
Alfred Nobel was from Sweden.
Answer: False. He was Norwegian.
Card №2
Marie Curie,her daughter Irine Joliot-Curie,and their husbands Pierre and
Frederic have all won Nobel Prizes.
Answer: True.
Sinonim so`zlar, Antonim so`zlar mavzusida kviz kartochkalari tuzish
Card №1
Which word is the antonym of the word cheerful?
2. hope
Answer:3. dullness
Card №2
Which word is the antonym of the word grief?
Keyingi kartochkalarimiz shartlari mimikalar yoki harakatlar orqali
bajarilgani uchun mime (mimika) cards deb ataladi.
Card №1.
1.drive dear
2.sweep the floor
3.clear the table
4.dial a number.
Card №2.
1.take a picture
2.pack a suitcase
3.use a phone
4.have a headache.
Bunday mashqni So`z birikmalari tushuntirilgach o`tkazish mumkin.
Hozir integratsiya darslari, ya'ni boshqa darslar bilan ingliz tili darsi
qo`shib o`tilishi mumkin. Bu darslarda biz quyidagi savollarni kartochkalarga
yozib o`qituvchilardan javob talab qilishimiz mumkin. Astronomiya fani
Card№ 1
1.What is «The Milki way»?
Answer: Our galaxy.
Card№ 2
How many planets are there in our solar system?
Answer: 9.
Card№ 3
1. Which planet is nearest the sun?
Answer Mercury.
Card№ 4
Which planet is closest to Earth?
Answer: Mars.
Kviz kartochkalarini darslarda qo`llash o`quvchilarni uylashga, axborot
olishga, axborot berishga, birgalikda ishlashga o`rgatadi. Eng muhimi, dars
samaradorligini oshiradi.
Tezkor javob.(Quick answers) Ingliz tili darslarida “Tezkor javob”
usulidan foydalanish ham dars samaradorligini oshirishda yordam beradi. Bu
usulni bir mavzuni yoki bir bo’limni o’tib tugatgandan kyein o’tiladi.
1. Why did the Romans call Britain “Albion”?Answer: “Alba”means “white”
in Latin and the first thing the Romans saw when they came were the white
chalk clifs on the southern coast of Britain.
2. What are the names of the Northern and Southern extremities? Answer:
John O’ Groats’ Lands End.
3. What cities in Britain have the following nicknames? A.Auld
Reekie.B.The Cranite City.C. The Smoke. Answer: A. Edinburgh.B.
4. Why are there few outdoor cafes in England? Answer:Because the weather
is uncertain.
5. What are the Highlands of Scotland like? The Highlands are the hilly or
mountainous regions in the north of the country ; they form the greater part
of the western half of Scotland north of Glasgow.
6. In which part of the country are Britain’s greatest shipyards situated?
Answer: The most famous shipyards are on Clideside just outside
7. What is the name of the Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a
monster? Answer: Loch Ness.
8. What do you know about the famous Round Table? Who sat at it? Answer:
The famous Round Table was used by King Arthur and his knights to show
that all were equal.
9. Who was the leader of the peasants anti- feudal uprising in England?
Answer: Wat Tyler.
10. Who was Shakespeare’s favorite’s actress? Answer: Shakespeare never
saw an actress. All roles were played by men and boys untilmany years
after his death.
11. What is the name of the English town where Willim Shakespeare as born?
Answer: Stratford on Avon.
12. Why are public holidays in Britain called “bank holidays”? Answer:
Because banks are closed on holidays.
13. What were the thirteen English colonies that were established by the War
of Independence? Answer: New Hampshire,Massachusetts,Rhode Islands,
Connecticut,New York, New jersey ,Pensylvania,Delaware, Maryland,
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.
14. A British billion is one million. What is a billion in the USA? Answer:One
thousand million.
15. What are the names of the two houses of legislative branch of the US
government? Answer: The Senate and the House of Representatives
together they are called the Congress.
16.What university is the oldest in the USA? Answer: Harward.IT was
founded in 1636.
17.What are the most popular team sports in the United States?
Answer:Basketball,American football and baseball.
18. Who were the first men to fly over the North Pole? Answer: Two
Americans-Richard Byrd and Floyd Bennet-1926.
19. What is the name of a very popular musical instrument in the United
States? Answer: The recoder which originated in the Middle Ages and
resembles a clarinet.
20. What monument in Washington is called “the pencil”? The tall column
set up to commemorate G.Washington.
21 .When did Canada become independent?Answer: On July , 1867.
22. How many Canadians speak English (French)? Answer: About one third
of the Canadians speak French and little over two thirds speak French.
23. The British queen is also the queen of Canada. What official is the real
head of the Canadian government? Answer: The real leader is the prime
24. Who were the first Europeans to discover Australia? Answer:The Dutch.
25. New Zealand Is the only place in the world for the birds which are among
the flightless firds. What do you call those birds? Answer:Kiwis.
26.What US city is called the “Athens the America” and why? Answer:
Boston,one of the centres where US culture originated .The first American
schools were foundedin Boston.
27.Captain Abel Tasman discovered the island now named Tasmania.Who
discovered New Zealand? When? Answer: A.Tasman.In 1642.
28. Why is Piccadilly Circus called the centre of London? Answer: Many
people think that it is the real center of London because it is not only central
but also the heart of London’s entertainment world where we find most of
London’s best known theatres and cinemas.
Shunga o’xshash savollar har darsda takrorlansa o’quvchilar tili
o’rganilayotgan mamlakatlar haqida ko’p ma’lumotga ega bo’lishadi.Bu usulning
yana bir jihati shundaki, til materiallari avtomatlashadi.
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