Natural english

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Natural English 1-hafta(1)

I am energetic. 

Men harakatchanman.

Are you excessively energetic? 

Siz o‘ta darajada 


Yes, I am excessively energetic.  Ha, men o‘ta darajada 


Is she energetic? 

U harakatchanmi?

Yes, she is also energetic.  

Ha, u ham harakatchan.

Is he energetic? 

U harakatchanmi?

Yes, he is energetic. 

Ha, u harakatchan.

Are they energetic? 

Ular harakatchanmi?

No, they are not energetic. 

Yo‘q, ular harakatchan emas.

I am hardworking. 

Men mehnatkashman.

Are you fairly hardworking? 

Siz ancha mehnatkashmisiz?

Yes, I am so hardworking. 

Ha, men ancha 


Are you lazy? 

Siz dangasamisiz?

No, I am not lazy. 

Yo‘q, men dangasa emasman.

Are they lazy? 

Ular dangasami?

Yes, they are lazy. 

Ha, ular dangasa.

Is he always lazy? 

U doim dangasami?

No, he is not always lazy. 

Yo‘q, u doim dangasa emas.

Is she lazy? 

U dangasami?

Yes, she is so lazy. 

Ha, u juda dangasa.

I am hungry. 

Men, ochman.

Are you full right now? 

Siz hozir to‘qmisiz?

No, I am not full. 

Yo‘q, men to‘q emasman.


Jumanazar Khushbakov

Are you so hungry? 

Siz ancha ochmisiz?

Yes, we are hungry. 

Ha, biz ochmiz.

Is he hungry? 

U ochmi?

Yes, he is hungry. 

Ha, u och.

Is she hungry? 

U ochmi?

No, she is not hungry at all. 

Yo‘q, u mutlaqo och emas.

I am young. 

Men yoshman.

Are you young? 

Siz yoshmisiz?

Yes, I am too young. 

Ha, men juda yoshman.

Is he young? 

U yoshmi?

No, he is not young. He is old. 

Yo‘q, u yosh emas. U qari.

Is she old? 

U qarimi?

No, she is not old. She is young.  Yo‘q, u qari emas. U yosh. 

Are we old? 

Biz qarimizmi?

No, we are not old.  

Yo‘q, biz qari emasmiz.

We are young. 

Biz yoshmiz.

I am handsome. 

Men kelishganman.

Are you handsome? 

Siz kelishganmisiz?

Yes, I am incredibly handsome.  Ha, men judayam 


Is he handsome? 

U kelishganmi?

Yes, he is hamdsome.  

Ha, u kelishgan. 

He is not ugly. 

U xunuk emas.

Is she always beautiful? 

U har doim chiroylimi?

Yes, he is beatuful.  

Ha, u chiroyli. 

She is not ugly. 

U xunuk emas.


Main part 1

I live in Tashkent. 

Men Toshkentda yashayman. 

I learn English willingly. 

Men ingliz tilini bajonidil 


I speak English very well. 

Men ingliz tilida juda yaxshi




speak english easily, fast and automatically

I cook food deliciously. 

Men ovqatni mazali


I like shashlik. 

Men shashlikni yaxshi


I eat shashlik at the restaurant. 

Men shashlikni restoranda 


I drink tea. 

Men choy ichaman. 

I have a new car. 

Menda yangi mashina bor.

I work at hospital every day. 

Men har kuni kasalxonada 


I read a lot of books in the 

Men kutubxonada ko‘p kitob 

library. o‘qiyman.

I listen to music a lot. 

Men musiqa ko‘p


I go to Termiz. 

Men Termizga boraman. 

I wash my teeth. 

Men tishlarimni yuvaman. 

I play football in the street. 

Men ko‘chada futbol


I wake up in the morning. 

Men ertalab uyg‘onaman. 

I seldom sleep at night. 

Men tunda kamdan kam 


I watch TV every evening. 

Men kechqurunlari televizor 


I ask a question. 

Men savol so‘rayman. 

I answer the questions. 

Men savollarga javob


I buy a pen/pencil in the market.  Men bozordan ruchka/ qalam 


sotib olaman.

I drive the car very fast. 

Men mashinani juda tez


I explain the rules throughly. 

Men qoidalarni puxta 


I understand you. 

Men sizni tushunaman. 

I start the lesson early. 

Men darsni erta boshlayman. 

I finish the lesson late. 

Men darsni kech tugataman. 


Jumanazar Khushbakov

Main part 2

We live in Tashkent. 

Biz Toshkentda yashaymiz.

We learn English passionately .  Biz ingliz tilini ishtiyoq 


bilan o‘rganamiz.

We speak English at the 

Biz darslarda ingliz tilida 

lessons. gapiramiz.

We cook food very well. 

Biz taomni juda yaxshi 


We like shashlik. 

Biz shashlikni yaxshi


We never eat shashlik.  

Biz hech qachon shashlik 


We drink much tea. 

Biz ko‘p choy ichamiz.

We have a new car in the garage.  Bizning garajimizda yangi 


mashina bor.

We work at hospital every day. 

Biz har kuni kasalxonada 


We read a lot of books. 

Biz ko‘p kitob o‘qiymiz.

We listen to music in our 

Biz bo‘sh vaqtimizda musiqa 

free time. 


We often go to Termiz. 

Biz tez-tez Termizga


We always wash our teeth. 

Biz har doim tishimizni 


We play football with our 

Biz do‘stlarimiz bilan futbol 



We wake up in the morning. 

Biz ertalab turamiz.

We rarely sleep at night. 

Biz kamdan kam kechqurun 


We watch TV. 

Biz televizor ko‘ramiz.

We usually ask a question. 

Biz odatda savol so‘raymiz.

We answer the questions 

Biz savollarga to‘liq javob

thoroughly. beramiz.

We buy a pen/pencil at the store.  Biz do‘kondan 


ruchka/qalam sotib olamiz.



speak english easily, fast and automatically

We drive the car slowly. 

Biz mashinani sekin


We explain the rules. 

Biz qoidalarni tushuntiramiz.

We understand you. 

Biz sizni tushunamiz.

We start the lesson early. 

Biz darsni erta boshlaymiz.

We finish the lesson late. 

Biz darsni kech tugatamiz.

Main part 3

You live in Tashkent. 

Siz Toshkentda yashaysiz.

You learn English very fast. 

Siz ingliz tilini juda tez 


You speak English awfully. 

Siz ingliz tilida yomon 


You cook food slowly. 

Siz taomni sekin pishirasiz.

You like shashlik. 

Siz shashlikni yaxshi


You eat shashlik a lot. 

Siz shashlikni ko‘p yeysiz.

You drink tea in the teahouse. 

Siz choyni choyxonada 


You have a new car now. 

Sizda hozir mashina bor.

You work at hospital every day.  Siz har kuni kasalxonada 


You read a lot of books. 

Siz ko‘p kitob o‘qiysiz.

You listen to music on the phone.  Siz musiqani telefonda


You seldom go to Termiz. 

Siz kamdan kam Termizga 


You often wash your teeth. 

Siz tishingizni tez-tez


You play football in the stadium.  Siz futbolni stadionda 


You never wake up in the 

Siz hech qachon ertalab 

morning. uyg‘onmaysiz.

You sleep at night. 

Siz tunda uxlaysiz.


Jumanazar Khushbakov

You watch TV. 

Siz televizor ko‘rasiz.

You ask a question frequently. 

Siz tez-tez savol so‘raysiz.

You answer the questions. 

Siz savollarga javob berasiz.

You buy a pen/pencil . 

Siz ruchka/qalam sotib olasiz.

You drive the car fast. 

Siz mashina haydaysiz.

You explain the rules. 

Siz qoidalarni tushuntirasiz. 

You understand me. 

Siz meni tushunasiz.

You start the lesson early. 

Siz darsni erta boshlaysiz.

You finish the lesson late. 

Siz darsni kech tugatasiz.

Main part 4

They live in Tashkent for good.  Ular abadiy Toshkentda 


They learn English pretty well.  Ular ingliz tilini ancha 


yaxshi o‘rganishadi.

They speak English fast. 

Ular ingliz tilida tez 


They cook food awfully. 

Ular taomni yomon 


They like shashlik. 

Ular shashlikni yaxshi 


They usually eat shashlik. 

Ular odatda shashlik


They drink tea every morning. 

Ular har tong choy 


They have a new car. 

Ularda mashina bor.

They work at hospital. 

Ular kasalxonada ishlashadi.

They often read books 

Ular tez-tez kitobni 

in the library. 

kutubxonada o‘qishadi.

They listen to music 

Ular musiqani telefonda 

on the phone. 


They seldom go to Termiz. 

Ular kamdan kam Termizga 


They wash their teeth. 

Ular tishini yuvishadi. 



speak english easily, fast and automatically

They play football in the street.  Ular futbolni ko‘chada 


They wake up in the morning. 

Ular ertalab uyg‘onishadi.

They sleep at night. 

Ular kechqurun uxlashadi.

They watch TV till the night. 

Ular tungacha televizor 


They never ask a question. 

Ular hech qachon savol


They answer the questions. 

Ular savollarga javob berishadi.

They buy a pen/pencil 

Ular ruchka/qalamni 

at the store. 

do‘kondan sotib olishadi.

They drive the car fast. 

Ular mashinani tez 


They explain the rules. 

Ular qoidalarni tushuntirishadi.

They understand me/you. 

Ular meni/sizni tushunishadi.

They start the lesson 

Ular darsni ertalab 

in the morning. 


They finish the lessons 

Ular darslarni kechqurun 

in the evening. 


Main part 5.

He/She lives in Tashkent. 

U Toshkentda yashaydi. 

He/She learns English eagerly. 

U ingliz tilini qiziqib 


He/She speaks English very well.  U ingliz tilida juda yaxshi 


He/She cooks food deliciously. 

U ovqatni mazali pishiradi.

He/She likes shashlik. 

U shashlikni yaxshi ko‘radi. 

He/She eats shashlik 

U shashlikni restoranda 

at the restaurant. 


He/She drinks tea. 

U choy ichadi. 

He/She has a new car. 

Unda yangi mashina bor.

He/She works at hospital 

U har kuni kasalxonada 

every day. 



Jumanazar Khushbakov

He/She reads a lot of books at  

U kutubxonada ko‘p kitob

the library. 


He/She listens to music a lot. 

U musiqa ko‘p eshitadi. 

He/She goes to Termiz. 

U Termizga boradi. 

He/She washes his/her teeth. 

U tishlarini yuvadi. 

He/She playes football 

U stadionda futbol o‘ynaydi.

in the stadium.

He/She wakes up in the morning.  U ertalab uyg‘onadi. 

He/She seldom sleeps at night. 

U tunda kamdan kam 


He/She watches TV every 

U kechqurunlari televizor 

evening. ko‘radi. 

He/She askes a question. 

U savol so‘raydi. 

He/She answeres the questions.  U savollarga javob beradi. 

He/She buys a pen/pencil in  

U bozordan ruchka/ 

the market. 

qalam sotib oladi.

He/She drives the car very fast.  U mashinani juda tez


He/She explains the rules 

U qoidalarni puxta 

throughly. tushuntiradi. 

He/She understands me/you. 

U meni/sizni tushunadi. 

He/She starts the lesson early. 

U darsni erta boshlaydi. 

He/She finishes the lesson late. 

U darsni kech tugatadi. 

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