Natural english

Main part 6 Questions & Answers

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Main part 6 Questions & Answers

I was excited.

Men xursand edim.

Were you excited?

Siz xursandmidingiz?

Yes, I was excited.

Ha, men xursand edim.

Were you gloomy?

Siz hafa edingizmi?

No, I was not gloomy.

Yo‘q, men xafa emasdim.

Were you ok?

Siz yaxshi edingizmi?

Yes, I was ok!

Ha, men yaxshi edim.

Were you fine?

Siz yaxshi edingizmi?

Yes, I was great.

Ha, men zo‘r edim.

Were you wonderful?

Siz ajoyib edingizmi?

Yes, I was wonderful.

Ha, men ajoyib edim.

Were you good?

Siz yaxshi edingizmi?

Yes, I was good.

Ha, men yaxshi edim.

Was she bad?

U yomon edimi?

No, she was not bad, she was

Yo‘q, u yomon emasdi,


u yaxshi edi.

Was he bad or good?

U yomonmidi yoki yaxshi?

He was bad, he was not good.

U yomon edi, yaxshi emasdi.

How were you?

Ahvolingiz yaxshi edimi?

I was great.

Juda yaxshi edim.

I was fairly clever.

Men ancha aqlli edim.

Were you clever?

Siz aqlli edingizmi?

Yes, I was clever.

Ha, men aqlli edim.

Were you mad?

Siz ahmoqmidingiz?

No, I was not mad.

Yo‘q, men ahmoq emasdim.

Were you intelligent?

Siz aqlli edingizmi?

Yes, I was intelligent.

Ha, men aqlli edim.

Were you crazy?

Siz ahmoq edingizmi?

No, I was not crazy.

Yo‘q, men ahmoq emasdim.

Were you so clever?

Siz judayam aqlli edingizmi?

Yes, I was clever enough.

Ha, men yetarlicha

aqlli edim.

I was affluent.

Men boy edim.

Were you affluent?

Siz boy edingizmi?

Yes, I was affluent.

Ha, men boy edim.

Were you poor?

Siz kambag‘al edingizmi?

No, I was not poor.

Yo‘q, men kambag‘al


Was he rich last year?

U o‘tgan yili boy edimi?

Yes, he was rich.

Ha, u boy edi.

Was he too poor?

U judayam kambag‘al edimi?

No, he was not poor.

Yo‘q, u kambag‘al emasdi.

I was popular a few months ago.

Men bir necha oy oldin

mashhur edim.

Were you prominent?

Siz mashhur edingizmi?

Yes, I was prominent.

Ha, men mashhur edim.

Were you prominent?

Sizlar mashhur edingizmi?

Yes, we were prominent.

Ha, biz mashhur edik.

Were they prominent?

Ular mashhur edilarmi?

No, they were not prominent.

Yo‘q, ular mashhur


Was he well-known?

U taniqli edimi?

No, he was not well-known.

Yo‘q, u taniqli emasdi.

Were you well-known?

Siz taniqli edingizmi?

Yes, I was well-known.

Ha, men taniqli edim.

I was hot.

Men isib ketgandim.

Were you hot yesterday?

Siz kecha isib ketdingizmi?

Yes, I was hot yesterday.

Ha, men kecha isib


Were you cold?

Siz sovqotgan edingizmi?

No, I was not cold.

Yo‘q, men sovqotmagandim.

Was he hot?

U isib ketgandimi?

No, he was not hot.

Yo‘q, u isib ketmagandi.

Was he cold?

U sovqotgandimi?

Yes, he was cold.

Ha, u sovqotgandi.

Were we cold?

Biz sovqotgandikmi?

No, we were not cold.

Yo‘q, biz sovqotmagandik.

Was she hot or cold?

U isib ketdimi yoki


She was cold, she was not hot.

U sovqotdi, isib ketmadi.

I was very active.

Men juda faol edim.

Were you active?

Siz faol edingizmi?

Yes, I was very active.

Ha, men juda faol edim.

Was she active?

U faol edimi?

Yes, she was active.

Ha, u faol edi.

Was he active?

U faol edimi?

Yes, he was active.

Ha, u faol edi.

Were they active?

Ular faol edilarmi?

No, they were not active.

Yo‘q, ular faol emasdilar.

I was hardworking.

Men mehnatsevar edim.

Were you so hardworking?

Siz judayam mehnatkash


Yes, I was pretty hardworking.

Ha, men ancha

mehnatkash edim.

Were you lazy?

Siz dangasa edingizmi?

No, I was not lazy.

Yo‘q, men dangasa emasdim.

Were they lazy?

Ular dangasa edilarmi?

Yes, they were very lazy.

Ha, ular judayam dangasa


Was he lazy before?

U oldinlari dangasa bo‘lganmi?

No, he was not lazy.

Yo‘q, u dangasa emasdi.

Was she lazy?

U dangasa edimi?

Yes, she was lazy.

Ha, u dangasa edi.

I was hungry.

Men och edim.

Were you full?

Siz to‘qmidingiz?

No, I was not full.

Yo‘q, men to‘q emasdim.

Were you starving?

Siz ochmidingiz?

Yes, I was starving.

Ha, men och edim.

Was he hungry yesterday?

U kecha och edimi?

Yes, he was hungry yesterday.

Ha, u kecha och edi.

Was she hungry?

U och edimi?

No, she was not hungry.

Yo‘q, u och emas edi.

I was too young.

Men juda yosh edim.

Were you young?

Siz yosh edingizmi?

Yes, I was young.

Ha, men yosh edim.

Was he too young?

U judayam yosh edimi?

No, he was not young,

Yo‘q, u yosh emas edi,

he was old.

u qari edi.

Was she old?

U qari edimi?

No, she was not old.

Yo‘q, u qari emasdi.

She was young.

U yosh edi.

Were you old?

Siz qari edingizmi?

No, we were not old.

Yo‘q, men qari emasdim.

We were young. I was also

Biz yosh edik. Men ham


yosh edim.

I was handsome.

Men kelishgan edim.

Were you handsome?

Siz kelishgan edingizmi?

Yes, I was handsome.

Ha, men kelishgan edim.

Was he really handsome?

U rostan ham kelishgan


Yes, he was really handsome.

Ha, u rostan ham kelishgan

He was not plain.

edi. U xunuk emas edi.

Was she grossly beautiful?

U nihoyatda chiroyli


Yes, she was grossly beautiful.

Ha, u nihoyatda chiroyli


She was not ugly.

U xunuk emasdi.

Main part 1
I lived in Tashkent for 2 years.
Men Toshkentda 2 yil


I learnt English perfectly.
Men ingliz tilini

mukammal o‘rgandim.

I spoke English incredibly fast.
Men inglizcha nihoyatda

tez gapirdim.

I cooked food yesterday.
Men kecha ovqat pishirdim.

I liked shashlik very much.

Menga shashlik judayam


I eat shashlik.
Men shashlik yedim.

I drank green tea.

Men ko‘k choy ichdim.

I had a new car last year.

Menda o‘tgan yili yangi

mashina bor edi.

I worked at hospital.
Men kasalxonada ishladim.

I read a lot of books at school.

Men maktabda ko‘p kitob


I listened to music at night.
Men tunda musiqa eshitdim.

I went to Termiz three years ago. Men uch yil oldin Termizga bordim.

I washed my teeth. Men tishimni yuvdim.
I played football with my Men do‘stlarim bilan futbol buddies. o‘ynadim.
I woke up in the morning. Men ertalab turdim.
I slept at night well. Men tunda yaxshi uxladim.
I watched TV yesterday. Men kecha televizor ko‘rdim.
I asked a question. Men savol berdim.
I answered the questions. Men savollarga javob berdim. I bought a pen/pencil. Men ruchka/qalam sotib oldim.
I drove the car carefully. Men mashinani ehtiyot bo‘lib haydadim.

I explained the rules.

Men qoidalarni tushuntirdim.

I understood you.

Men sizni tushundim.

I started the lesson earlier.

Men darsni ertaroq


I finish the lesson later.
Men darsni kechroq tugatdim.
Main part 2

He lived in Tashkent for 2 years. U Toshkentda 2 yil yashadi. He learnt English perfectly. U ingliz tilini mukammal o‘rgandi.

He spoke English incredibly fast. U inglizchada nihoyatda tez


He cooked food yesterday.
U kecha ovqat pishirdi.

He liked shashlik very much.

Unga shashlik judayam


He ate shashlik.
U shashlik yedi.

He drank green tea.

U ko‘k choy ichdi.

He had a new car last year.

Unda o‘tgan yili yangi

mashina bor edi.

He worked at hospital.
U kasalxonada ishladi.

He read a lot of books at school.

U maktabda ko‘p kitob


He listened to music at night.
U tunda musiqa eshitdi.

He went to Termiz three

U uch yil oldin Termizga

years ago.


He washed his teeth.

U tishlarini yuvdi.

He played football with

U do‘stlari bilan futbol

his buddies.


He woke up in the morning.

U ertalab turdi.

He slept at night well.

U tunda yaxshi uxladi.

He watched TV yesterday.

U kecha televizor ko‘rdi.

He asked a question.

U savol berdi.

He answered the questions.

U savollarga javob berdi.
He bought a pen/pencil.
U ruchka/qalam sotib oldi.

He drove the car carefully.

U mashinani ehtiyot bo‘lib


He explained the rules.
U qoidalarni tushuntirdi.

He understood you.

U sizni tushundi.

He started the lesson earlier.

U darsni ertaroq boshladi.

He finished the lesson later.

U darsni kechroq tugatdi.

Main part 3

We lived in Tashkent last year.

Biz o‘tgan yili Toshkentda


We learnt English quite well.

Biz ingliz tilini ancha

yaxshi o‘rgandik.

We spoke English fluently.

Biz ingliz tilida ravon


We cooked food for the guests.

Biz mehmonlar uchun ovqat


We liked shashlik.

Bizga shashlik yoqdi.

We eat shashlik with them.

Biz ular bilan shashlik


We drank tea.

Biz choy ichdik.

We had a new car last year.

Bizda o‘tgan yili yangi

mashina bor edi.

We worked at hospital.

Biz kasalxonada ishladik.

We read a lot of books.

Biz ko‘p kitob o‘qidik.

We listened to music.

Biz musiqa eshitdik.

We all went to Termiz.

Biz hammamiz Termizga


We played football greatly.

Biz futbolni zo‘r o‘ynadik.

We woke up in the morning.

Biz ertalab uyg‘ondik.

We slept at night.

Biz tunda uxladik.

We watched TV yesterday.

Biz kecha televizor ko‘rdik.

We asked a question.

Biz savol so‘radik.

We answered the questions.

Biz savollarga javob


We bought a pen/pencil at the

Biz do‘kondan ruchka/qalam


sotib oldik.

We drove the car carelessly.

Biz mashinani ehtiyotsizlik

bilan haydadik.

We explained the rules.

Biz qoidalarni tushuntirdik.

We understood you well.

Biz sizni yaxshi tushundik.

We started the lesson early.

Biz darsni erta boshladik.

We finished the lesson late.

Biz darsni kech tugatdik.

Main part 4

You lived in Tashkent for

Siz Toshkentda 7 yil

7 years.


You learnt English fast

Siz ingliz tilini tez


You spoke English quite well.

Siz ingliz tilida ancha

yaxshi gapirdingiz.

You cooked food yesterday

Siz kecha kechqurun ovqat



You liked shashlik very much.

Sizga shashlik juda yoqdi.

You eat shashlik a lot.

Siz ko‘p shashlik yeysiz.

You drank tea in the cafe.

Siz kafeda choy ichdingiz.

You had a new car last year.

O‘tgan yili sizda yangi

mashina bor edi.

You worked at hospital very

Siz kasalxonada qattiq



You read a lot of books at school. Siz maktabda ko‘p kitob o‘qigansiz.
You listened to music Siz ishtiyoq bilan musiqa passionately. eshitdingiz.
You went to Termiz. Siz Termizga bordingiz. You washed your teeth Siz kecha ertalab tishingizni yesterday morning. yuvdingiz.

You played football with

Siz do‘stlaringiz bilan futbol

your friends.


You woke up in the morning.

Siz ertalab turdingiz.

You slept at night.

Siz tunda uxladingiz.

You watched TV at home.

Siz uyda televizor ko‘rdingiz.

You asked a question.

Siz savol so‘radingiz.

You answered the questions.

Siz savollarga javob berdingiz.

You bought a pen/pencil for

Siz kichkina singlingiz uchun

Your litte sister.

ruchka/qalam sotib oldingiz.

You drove the car carefully.

Siz mashinani ehtiyot bo‘lib


You explained the rules.

Siz qoidalarni tushuntirdingiz.

You understood me well.

Siz meni juda yaxshi


You started the lesson on time.

Siz darsni vaqtida boshladingiz.

You finished the lesson.

Siz darsni tugatdingiz.

Main part 5
They lived in Tashkent. Ular Toshkentda yashadilar. They learnt English eagerly. Ular ingliz tilini chanqoqlik bilan o‘rganishdi.
They spoke English Ular ingliz tilini gapirishdi. They cooked food for lunch. Ular tushlikka ovqat pishirishdi.
They liked shashlik a lot. Ular shashlikni juda yaxshi ko‘rishdi.
They eat shashlik in the evening. Ular kechqurun shashlik yeyishadi.
They drank tea. Ular choy ichishdi. They had a new car. Ularda yangi mashina bor edi.
They worked at hospital till Ular kech soat 8 gacha
8 p.m. kasalxonada ishlashdi.

They read a lot of books.

Ular ko‘p kitob o‘qishdi.

They listened to music

Ular ishtiyoq bilan musiqa



They went to Termiz last year.

Ular o‘tgan yili Termizga


They washed their teeth.

Ular tishini yuvishdi.

They played football with

Ular do‘stlari bilan futbol

their friends.


They woke up in the morning.

Ular ertalab turishdi.

They slept at night.

Ular tunda uxlashdi.

They watched TV.

Ular televizor ko‘rishdi.

They asked a question.

Ular savol so‘rashdi.

They answered the questions.

Ular savollarga javob


They bought a pen/pencil.

Ular ruchka/qalam sotib


They drove the car.

Ular mashina haydashdi.

They explained the rules to us.

Ular bizga qoidalarni


They understood you.

Ular sizni tushunishdi.

They started the lesson on time.

Ular vaqtida darsni


They finished the lesson.

Ular darsni tugatishdi.

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