Participle ………………………………………………………..60
Lesson 7 Internet …….……………………………………………………63
Lesson 8 Interrogative sentences …………………………………………65
Lesson 9 Ecological problems ……………..……………………………...66
Lesson 10 Future Continuous……………………………………………..68
Lesson 11 Reading comprehension Art: literature, music, painting……72
Lesson 12 Mood ……………………………………………………………74
Lesson 13 Culture: Traditions and customs of Uzbekistan……………..77
Lesson 14 Working with exercises ………………………………………..78
Lesson 15 Improving writing skills ……………………….……………...79
Lesson 16 Listening comprehension ……………………………………...83
Lesson 17 Speaking comprehension..……………………………………..84
Lesson 18 Working with texts……………………………………………..85
Lesson 19 Revision………..………………………………………………..87
Read and translate the text:
External and Internal policy of Uzbekistan
September 1, 1991, the day when our Independence was officially proclaimed, came as an initial point of Uzbekistan's full-scale integration into the world community. In 1991 the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan consisted of only 10 employees who fulfilled only protocol and representative functions and accompanied foreign guests while the latter visited historic and cultural places in Uzbekistan. During the organization of our Foreign Ministry and formation of our independent foreign policy we were guided by the centuries-old experience of Uzbek diplomacy. Uzbek statehood in its heyday during the reign of Timur was characterized by active political and trade relations with China, India, Egypt, Spain, France and other European and Asian countries. Thanks to Timur's diplomatic efforts Europe and Asia started to be perceived as a unique geopolitical space for the first time in medieval international relations.
The main directions of internal policy are consolidation of state bodies, political parties, all social forсes and the use in every possible way moral potential of religion for the purpose preserving and strengthening the civil peace and international harmony.
Foreign policy of the republic of Uzbekistan provides for equal membership in the world economic association, compliance of economic structure and business conditions with the reqirements of international system.
Active words and word combinations
Initial – ilk, dastlabki
full-scale integration – to’liq birlashish, uyg’unlashish
world community – jahon hamjamiyati
fulfill - bajarmoq
accompany – kuzatish, hamrohlik qilish
the latter – keyingi, oxirgi
foreign policy – tashqi siyosat
statehood – davlat mavqe’si
heyday – yuksalish, ravnaq
to be perceived – tan olinmoq, anglamoq,
international relations – xalqaro aloqalar
Medieval – O’rta asrlar
consolidation- birlashish
moral potential – ma’naviy imkoniyat
compliance – kelishuv, mos kelish
reqirement - talab
Answer the questions:
When did Uzbekistan become Independent?
What do you understand by word “foreign affairs”?
What are the main directions of internal policy?
What provides foreign policy of Uzbekistan?
What can you say about external and internal policy?
How was the foreign policy during the reign of Amir Temur?
Do you know that…
The United States of America is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia, where its capital, Washington, is located. Each state has its own government and laws, but there is one federal government which directs national and international affairs. The US constitution mandates a federal government composed of three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial.
The president is the head of the executive branch. Unlike many other countries, where the president is elected by the parliament, the president and the vice president of the United States are elected for a four- year term by a popular election. The president must be a natural-born citizen, a resident of the country for 14 years, and at least 35 years old.
According to the constitution, the legislative branch of the government is Congress, which consists of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The members of the House of Representatives are elected for two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state depends on the number of people who live in that state. Senators are elected for six-year terms. There are two senators from each state, no matter how large or small it is. One third of the Senate is elected every two years.
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country and the head of the judicial branch. It has one chief justice (judge) and eight associate justices. The president appoints these judges for life, but his choices must be approved by the Senate. The constitution is the highest authority.
In the United States there are two main political parties, the Democratic and the Republican parties.
Read and learn the grammar rule:
Gerundiy fe’lning shaxsi noma’lum shakllaridan biri bo’lib, fe’lning bu shakli o’zbek tilidagi fe’l negiziga “-sh, -ish” qo’shimchasi qo’shilib yasalgan harakat nomiga o’xshaydi.
infinitive + -ing
Going to parties is fun.
I enjoy reading.
Gerund is subject
Gerund is object
Gerundiy – ish- harakat yoki jarayonning nomini ifodalaydi. U fe’l negiziga –ing qo’shimchasini qo’shish orqali yasaladi. Gerundiy ot singari o’zidan oldin egalik olmoshi yoki qaratqich , yohud umumkelishikdagi ot orqali ifodalagangan aniqlovchiga ega bo’lishi mumkin.
I know of your working much.
Men sizning ko’p ishlashingizni bilaman.
He insisted on doing it quickly.
U bu ishni tez bajarish (fikri)da turib oldi.
Gerundiy oldida artikl ishlatilmaydi, uning ko’plik shakli ham yo’q.
Gerundiy fe’lning shaxssiz shakli bo’lib, ma’lum shaxs yoki buyumga qarashli bo’lmagan ish – harakatni ifodalashi mumkin.
Swimming is a good exercise.
Lekin ko’pincha gerundiy ifodalagan ish – harakat ma’lum shaxs yoki buyumga qarashli bo’lishi mumkin.
Tom left without finishing his dinner. (finishing – Tom ga – egaga qarashli)
Thank you for coming
Gerundiy gapda quyidagi vazifalarni bajaradi:
Ega: reading is useful.
Qo’shma kesimning ot qismi:
Speaking without thinking is shooting without aim.
Vositali to’ldiruvchi: We think of compiling a dictionary.
Aniqlovchi vazifasida, bunda gerundiy odatda “of” yoki “for” predlogi bilan ishlatiladi: He likes this way of living.
Predlogli hol: After having my breakfast, I’ll go to the institute.
Qo’shma ot tarkibida kelishi mumkin:
Writing- table; reading – room
Quyidagi fe’llardan keyin har doim gerundiy keladi:
Complete – tugatmoq; consider- hisoblamoq, deb o’ylamoq; finish- tugatmoq; mention- eslatmoq; discuss- muhokama qilmoq; enjoy- rohatlanmoq; recommend- tavsiya etmoq; regret- afsuslanmoq; stop to’xtatmoq; suggest- taklif qilmoq.
Quyidagi iboralardan keyin ham gerundiy ishlatiladi:
Can’t help- biron ishni qilmasdan turolmaslik;
Count on…- ga umid qilmoq, mo’ljallamoq;
Forget about- biror narsani unutmoq;
Get through- tugatmoq;
Insist on…- da turib olmoq;
Keep on- davom ettirmoq;
Look forward to…- sabrsizlik bilan kutmoq.
He can’t help laughing.
We counted on his helping.
They kept on asking questions.
Do the exercises
Mashq 1. Qavs ichidagi fe’llarni Gerund yoki infinitive shaklda qo’llang.
I can't imagine Peter (go) by bike.
He agreed (buy) a new car.
The question is easy (answer).
The man asked me how (get) to the airport.
I look forward to (see) you at the weekend.
Are you thinking of (visit) London?
We decided (run) through the forest.
The teacher expected Sarah (study) hard.
She doesn't mind (work) the night shift.
I learned (ride) the bike at the age of 5.
Mashq 1. Qavs ichidagi fe’llarni Gerund yoki infinitive shaklda qo’llang.
1) We decided (buy) a new car.
2) They've got some work (do).
3) Peter gave up (smoke) .
4) He'd like (fly) an aeroplane.
5) I enjoy (write) picture postcards.
6) Do you know what (do) if there's a fire in the shop?
7) Avoid (make) silly mistakes.
8) My parents wanted me (be) home at 11 o'clock.
9) I dream about (build) a big house.
10) I'm hoping (see) Lisa.
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