9. Sentence translation The teacher provides students with sentences in the mother tongue and asks students to translate them into the target language, or vice versa. This activity enable students o pay attention to grammar and spelling. The problem, however, may occur if the mother tongue translation is inexact and misleading.
10. Sentence completion Here student are provided with the beginning of the sentence and their task is to finish it. For example: It was a great surprise when... 11. Backwriting Students in in pair and one student writes a word on the partner's back who has to guess the written word. This exercise in common among young learners but it can be successfully used with the older learners as a way to entertain and relax.
12. Writing sentences The teacher gives students word and asks them to write the sentence using the given word. This type of exercise practice both a meaning and the grammar.
Aim: to introduce the concept of teaching vocabulary in a context using different strategies
to enable students to reflect on their past experience of vocabulary learning
to introduce the role of context in vocabulary learning
to investigate different approaches to teaching vocabulary
Lead-in Objective: to enable students to reflect on their past experience of vocabulary learning
Time: 15 min
Materials: board/whiteboard, markers
- ☺ (2 min) Tell students that you would like to discuss how people learn words or phrases. Tell them how you learned a certain word or phrase. (Alternatively say that you remember how you learned the word ‘cheetah’ from a TV advertisement).
-☺ (2 min) Ask participants to think about one word or phrase which they can remember learning. Ask them the following questions (put them on the board):
~ How did you learn this word, e.g. from a friend, a book or a TV programme? ~ Why have you remembered this word? - ☺☺(6 min) Tell participants to discuss their answers in pairs for about 5 minutes. Ask them to identify possible similarities in the way they learnt their words.
- ☺ (3 min) Elicit 3-5 responses from participants e.g.
How?- a friend explained it to me; I looked it up in a dictionary; I guessed it from context.
Why? -it was during a memorable event; I needed this word to express myself; I really liked the word.
- ☺ (2 min) Establish that there are many ways to learn words and phrases and there are many factors affecting this process: personal feelings at the time; need to communicate; availability of a resource; context; language intuition and so on. Say that one of the most important factors for learning words is context and that you would like participants to explore it.