Pursuant to provisions under Article 163, Paragraphs 1 and 3 ("The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No.
31/2011, Hereafter: "The Law") well as provisions under Articles 8, 14, Paragraphs 1 and 15 of the Rulebook on
Approving General Documents of Market Organizers, Investment Companies and the Central Securities Depository and
Clearing House ("The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" Nos. 89/2011 and 44/2012), the General Assembly of
Broker-Dealer Company Tesla Capital a.d. Belgrade, Cvijićeva 129/III, 11000 Belgrade, company identification number:
17326015, (hereto and hereinafter referred to as: "The Company”), at a meeting held on February 18, 2015 hereby