N., and Bakry, N. M. (2006)

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Classification: SW 3030 Effects of pollution
Classification: Q5 01504 Effects on organisms
Classification: EE 50 Water & Wastewater Treatment
Subfile: Environmental Engineering Abstracts; ASFA 3: Aquatic Pollution & Environmental Quality; Pollution Abstracts; Toxicology Abstracts; Water Resources Abstracts

Schiff, K., Bay, S., and Stransky, C. (2002). Characterization of Stormwater Toxicants from an Urban Watershed to Freshwater and Marine Organisms. Urban Water 4: 215-227.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: Cu,Pb,Ni,Cr,Se,PPB,Zn,DZ,As,CPY,Cd,HCCH,DDE,MBZ,DMM Rejection Code: EFFLUENT.

Schiff, K. and Sutula, M. (2004). Organophosphorus pesticides in storm-water runoff from Southern California (USA). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry [Environ. Toxicol. Chem.]. Vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 1815-1821. Aug 2004.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: FATE.

ISSN: 0730-7268

Descriptors: Organophosphorus compounds
Descriptors: Watersheds
Descriptors: Pesticides
Descriptors: Diazinon
Descriptors: Stormwater runoff
Descriptors: Land use
Descriptors: Nonpoint Pollution Sources
Descriptors: Variability
Descriptors: Storms
Descriptors: Storm Runoff
Descriptors: Urban Watersheds
Descriptors: Open Space
Descriptors: Runoff
Descriptors: Organophosphorus Pesticides
Descriptors: USA, California, South
Descriptors: USA, California
Abstract: Large quantities of the organophosphorus (OP) pesticides diazinon and chlorpyrifos are applied to California (USA) watersheds every year, but few data are available on the sources of OP pesticides in urban watersheds. The goal of this study was to characterize diazinon and chlorpyrifos concentrations from different land uses indicative of source categories in urban southern California watersheds. This characterization included analysis of 128 runoff samples from eight different land uses over five storm events. Diazinon was consistently detected (93% of samples) during this study, whereas chlorpyrifos was not consistently detected (12% of samples). The mixed agricultural land use had the highest flow weighted mean (FWM) concentration of diazinon (4,076 ng/L), which exceeded the next-highest land-use categories (commercial and residential) by one to two orders of magnitude (324-99 ng/L, respectively). Open space had the lowest concentration of diazinon (<20 ng/L). Concentrations of diazinon at replicate land-use sites and during replicate storm events at the same site were highly variable. The difference in diazinon FWM concentrations among replicate sites ranged from 1.5-fold to 45-fold. The difference in diazinon FWM concentrations among storms at the same site ranged from 1.25-fold to 30-fold. Part of this variability is a response to the temporal patterns observed within a storm event. The majority of land-use site-events had peak concentrations before peak flow indicating a first-flush effect, but this was not always a predictable temporal trend. The first-flush effect was rarely evident in terms of mass loadings because flows can range orders of magnitude during a single event in highly impervious urban watersheds. Flow variability thus overwhelms the variability in diazinon concentrations attributable to the first-flush effect.
Language: English
Publication Type: Journal Article
Classification: P 2000 FRESHWATER POLLUTION
Classification: SW 3010 Identification of pollutants
Classification: AQ 00002 Water Quality
Classification: EE 40 Water Pollution: Monitoring, Control & Remediation
Subfile: ASFA 3: Aquatic Pollution & Environmental Quality; Aqualine Abstracts; Water Resources Abstracts; Environmental Engineering Abstracts; Pollution Abstracts

Schoettger, R. A. (1973). Fish-Pesticide Research Laboratory. In: Resour.Publ.No.121, Prog.Sport Fish.Res., Div.Fish.Res., Bur.Sport Fish.Wildl., U.S.D.I., Washington, D.C. 2-17.

EcoReference No.: 16616


Schole, J. and Schole, Chr. (1994). "Radical Theory" of Oxidative Phosphorylation and Photophosphorylation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 169: 197-207.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: METABOLISM.

Ketyl radicals of acetone, dihydroxy acetone, and cardiolipin ketone react in 1,2-dimethoxyethane with inorganic phosphate (model: diethyl phosphate) to form phosphate esters of isopropanol, glycerol, or cardiolipin, respectively. After administration of diethyl phosphate to phosphate-impoverished rats, cardiolipin diethyl phosphate (probably as enol phosphate) has been isolated from liver mitochondria. Hence it is assumed that the enol phosphates of cardiolipin or of an analogous compound (mitochondria and chloroplasts) can be considered as high-energy intermediates of both oxidative and photochemical phosphorylation. Moreover, owing to earlier investigations which show that the formation of the phosphoric-acid-anhydride bond occurs proton-catalytically by acidolysis of enol phosphates, it is attempted here to combine the classic theories--"Chemical Coupling", "Chemiosmosis", and "Cooperativity", including the "Collision Hypothesis"--into the "Radical Theory of Oxidative Phosphorylation and Photophosphorylation".

Schuntner, C. A. and Roulston, W. J. (1968). A Resistance Mechanism in Organophosphorus-Resistant Strains of Sheep Blowfly (Lucilia cuprina). Aust.J.Biol.Sci. 21: 173-176.

EcoReference No.: 72013

Chemical of Concern: DZ; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BCM; Rejection Code: TARGET(DZ).

Schuntner, C. A. and Thompson, P. G. (1966). Detection and estimation of [14C]diazoxon in vivo by countercurrent distribution and inhibition assay. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects 115: 225-227.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: METHODS.

SCHUSTER DJ, KRING JB, and PRICE JF (1991). Association of the sweetpotato whitefly with a silverleaf disorder of squash. HORTSCIENCE; 26 155-156 .

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: NO TOXICANT.

BIOSIS COPYRIGHT: BIOL ABS. The sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), was associated with symptoms of a silver leaf disorder of acorn squash (Cucurbita pepo L. cvs. Table King Bush and Table Ace) in cage studies in the greenhouse. Symptoms appeared on uninfested leaves that develop after plants were infested with the whitefly. When the infested lower leaves were removed and the young leaves protected from infestation with insecticides, new growth was asymptomatic or nearly so and symptomatic leaves remained symptomatic. Symptom expression was related more to nymphal density than to adult density since the relationship between log nymph density and symptoms was linear when adult densities were equal. Biochemistry/ Plants/Anatomy & Histology/ Plants/Metabolism/ Vegetables/ Arachnida/ Insects/ Nematoda/ Parasites/ Plant Diseases/ Plant Diseases/ Preventive Medicine/ Herbicides/ Pest Control/ Pesticides/ Arachnida/ Entomology/Economics/ Plants/ Plants/ Insects

SCHUSTER DJ, MUELLER TF, KRING JB, and PRICE JF (1990). Relationship of the sweetpotato whitefly to a new tomato fruit disorder in Florida (USA). HORTSCIENCE; 25 1618-1620.
Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: NO TOXICANT.

BIOSIS COPYRIGHT: BIOL ABS. Anew disorder of fruit has been observed on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Florida. The disorder, termed irregular ripening, was associated with field populations of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and is characterized by incomplete ripening of longitudinal sections of fruit. An icnrease in internal white tissue also was associated with whitefly populations. In field cage studies, fruiton tomato plants not infested with the sweetpotato whitefly exhibited slight or no irregular ripening, whereas fruit from infested plants did. Fruit from plants on which a whitefly infestation had been controlled before the appearance of external symptoms exhibited reduced symptoms compared to fruit from plants on which an infestation was controlled. Biochemistry/ Plants/Anatomy & Histology/ Plants/Metabolism/ Biophysics/ Plants/Physiology/ Plants/Metabolism/ Plants/Growth & Development/ Vegetables/ Arachnida/ Insects/ Nematoda/ Parasites/ Plant Diseases/ Plant Diseases/ Preventive Medicine/ Herbicides/ Pest Control/ Pesticides/ Arachnida/ Entomology/Economics/ Plants/ Arachnida/ Entomology/Economics/ Insecticides/ Pest Control/ Pesticides/ Plants/ Insects

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: INCIDENT.

BIOSIS COPYRIGHT: BIOL ABS. RRM CASE STUDY TOXICODYNAMICS CONTAMINATED TOY Behavior, Animal/ Minerals/ Minerals/Metabolism/ Blood Chemical Analysis/ Body Fluids/Chemistry/ Lymph/Chemistry/ Animal/ Toxicology/ Veterinary Medicine/ Animal Diseases/Pathology/ Animal Diseases/Physiopathology/ Carnivora

Schwarz, Stephan, Haest, Cees W. M., and Deuticke, Bernhard (1999). Extensive electroporation abolishes experimentally induced shape transformations of erythrocytes: a consequence of phospholipid symmetrization? Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1421: 361-379.
Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: METHODS.

As shown in earlier work (M.M. Henszen et al., Mol. Membr. Biol. 14 (1997) 195-204), exposure of erythrocytes to single brief electric field pulses (5-7 kV cm-1) enhances the transbilayer mobility of phospholipids and produces echinocytes which can subsequently be transformed into stomatocytes in an ATP-dependent process. These shape transformations arise from partly reversible changes of the transbilayer disposition of phospholipids, in agreement with the bilayer couple concept. Extensive membrane modification by repetitive (2+ incorporation and exposure to membrane active amphiphiles, but also (B) metabolic depletion, binding of band 3 ligands, alkaline pH and contact with glass surfaces. The suppression of type A effects can readily be interpreted by a complete symmetrization of the phospholipids in extensively field pulse-modified cells which prevents shape transformations related to the asymmetric disposition of the phospholipids. This symmetrization could be further substantiated by more direct determinations of the transbilayer distribution of phospholipids. Suppression of shape transformations of type B may indicate an involvement of phospholipid asymmetry in these processes on a yet unknown mechanistic basis. Alternatively we discuss field pulse-induced alterations of the disposition of peripheral proteins or of the conformation of integral membrane proteins as mechanisms interfering with shape transformations of type B. Erythrocyte membrane/ Phospholipid asymmetry/ Electroporation/ Phospholipid scrambling/ Erythrocyte shape

Schweig, Arinin, Baumgartl, Horst, and Schulz, Reinhard (1991). IR and UV matrix photochemistry and solvent effects: the isomerization of diazocyclohexadienones (ortho quinone diazides) -- detection of molecules with the 1,2,3-benzoxadjazole structure. A UV/Vis and IR absorption and UV photoelectron spectroscopic investigation. Journal of Molecular Structure 247: 135-171.
Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: METHODS.

6-Diazo-2,4-cyclohexadienone and derivatives with fluoro, chloro, methyl, tert-butyl and methoxy substituents have been investigated by UV/ Vis absorption, IR absorption and UV photoelectron spectroscopy. Spectral results obtained in the gas phase, in an argon matrix at 10 K and in n-hexane solution at room temperature reveal an equilibrium with the respective 1,2,3-benzox- adiazole isomers, thus disproving current textbook opinions. The 1,2,3-benzoxadiazole structure is derived from the agreement of observed and calculated vertical ionization energies, characteristic IR and UV/Vis absorption bands as well as selective IR and UV photochemical transformations. The relative concentration of the respective l,2,3-benzoxadiazole in equilibrium with the diazoketone isomer strongly depends on the substituents and on solvent effects. The diazoketone structure is stabilized by hydrogen bonding and polar interactions. The most stable 1,2,3- benzoxadiazole in this study, the 5,7-di-tert-butyl derivative, is at least 6.3 kJ mol-1 more stable than its diazocyclohexadienone valence isomer, whereas 2,3,4,5-tetrafluoro-6-diazo-2,4-cyclohexadienone and 3-methoxy-6-diazo-2,4-cyclohexadienone did not isomerize to a notable extent. Energetic considerations for the stabilization of 1,2,3-oxadiazoles are discussed and compared with experimental and theoretical findings.

Scott, J. G. and Zhang, L. (2003). The house fly aliesterase gene (Md[alpha]E7) is not associated with insecticide resistance or P450 expression in three strains of house fly. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 33: 139-144.
Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: NO SPECIES.

It was recently proposed that a mutation (G137D) in the Md[alpha]E7 gene was responsible for increasing transcription of a P450 (CYP6A1) resulting in resistance to diazinon. To examine if Md[alpha]E7 had a role in resistance in other strains we sequenced a fragment (~700 bp) of the Md[alpha]E7 gene from individual flies of two insecticide susceptible and three insecticide resistant (due to increased monooxygenase-mediated detoxification) strains. Five unique alleles were discovered. While all of the susceptible strains had Gly137, so did the resistant LPR and NG98 strains. Of the two alleles in the YPER strain one had the G137D substitution and the other did not. Based on the lack of correlation between the presence of the ‘mutant’ Md[alpha]E7 and resistance (or P450 levels), we conclude that the G137D mutation in Md[alpha]E7 is not involved in transcriptional control of the P450s involved in resistance in the LPR, NG98 or YPER strains. The relationship between Md[alpha]E7 alleles and insecticide resistance is discussed in light of these findings. Gene regulation/ Cytochrome P450/ Insecticide metabolism/ Mutant aliesterase

Segal, Dina, Shalitin, Channa, Shalitin, Yechiel , Fischer, David R., and Stang, Peter J. (1996). Alkynyl phosphates are potent inhibitors of serine enzyme. FEBS Letters 392: 117-120.
Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: NO SPECIES.

Alkynyl phosphate/ Covalent inhibition/ Serine enzyme Propynyl, hexynyl and t-butylethynyl diethyl phosphates were found to be very powerful covalent inhibitors of serine enzymes. Esterases were inhibited with second-order rate constants of 107-108 M-1 min-1. Most proteases were inhibited with a rate constant of 104-105 M-1 min-1. By inhibiting chymotrypsin with (3-14C)-1-propynyl diethyl phosphate, it was established that inhibition was caused by binding of the phosphate group to the enzyme active site.

Seguchi, K. and Asaka, S. (1981). Intake and Excretion of Diazinon in Freshwater Fishes. Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 27: 244-249.

EcoReference No.: 15174

Chemical of Concern: DZ; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: ACC; Rejection Code: NO CONTROL(DZ).


Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: ABSTRACT.

BIOSIS COPYRIGHT: BIOL ABS. RRM ABSTRACT DIAZINON ETHYL PRIMIPHOS ORGANOPHOSPHORUS INSECTICIDES LIVER L KYNURENINE FORMAMIDASE SEX DIFFERENCE Congresses/ Biology/ Biochemistry/ Enzymes/Physiology/ Amino Acids/Metabolism/ Peptides/Metabolism/ Proteins/Metabolism/ Digestive System Diseases/Pathology/ Digestive System/Pathology/ Urinary Tract/Physiology/ Urinary Tract/Metabolism/ Poisoning/ Animals, Laboratory/ Herbicides/ Pest Control/ Pesticides/ Muridae

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: ABSTRACT.


Seifert, Josef and Casida, John E. (1984). Neural microtubular and lysosomal phenyl valerate esterases and proteases in relation to organophosphate-induced delayed neurotoxicity. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology 78: 271-276.
Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: IN VITRO.

1. At least three forms of phenyl valerate esterases are present in hen brain cytoplasmic microtubules (MT).2. Thermostability studies reveal two additional forms in brain homogenates of cow, mouse, pig, rabbit and rat.3.The distribution of these brain esterases is not related to the age of the hens or the susceptibility of the species to organophosphate (OP)-induced delayed neurotoxicity.4. MT phenyl valerate esterases are distinct enzymes from the MT-associated proteases degrading high-molecular weight MT-associated proteins (hmw MAPs).5. Hen brain and spinal cord lysosomes on in vitro incubation release phenyl valerate esterases(s) and hmw MAPs-protease(s).6. OP neurotoxicants act in vitro to stabilize rat but not hen brain lysosomes.7. In vivo studies with hen brain and spinal cord lysosomes indicate that OP-induced delayed neurotoxicity is not initiated by disruption of lysosomal stability.

Semel, M. (1959). Control of the Corn Earworm Attacking Sweet Corn. J.Econ.Entomol. 52: 1111-1114.

EcoReference No.: 71074

Chemical of Concern: DDT,EN,CBL,ES,DZ,TXP,HPT,MLN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: POP; Rejection Code: OK(ALL CHEMS),OK TARGET(DZ,MLN).

Seppen, Jurgen, Ramalho-Santos, Jaao, de Carvalho, Arselio P., ter Beest, Martin, Kok, Jan Willem, Pedroso de Lima, Maria C., and Hoekstra, Dick (1992). Interaction of clathrin with large unilamellar phospholipid vesicles at neutral pH. Lipid dependence and protein penetration. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1106: 209-215.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: METHODS.

The interaction of clathrin with large unilamellar vesicles of various lipid compositions has been examined at neutral pH. Clathrin induces leakage of contents of vesicles that contain the acidic phospholipid phosphatidylserine. Leakage is greatly enhanced by the presence of a relatively minor amount of cholestrol, but is inhibited by phosphatidylcholine. Resonance energy transfer measurements between tryptophan residues of the protein and a fluorecent lipid analog, N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4- yl)phosphatidylethanolamine incorporated into the liposomal bilayer, suggests a dynamic interaction of clathrin with the bilayer at neutral pH. This interaction includes a (partial) penetration of the protein into the lipid bilayer, as revealed by hydrophobic photoaffinity labeling with 3-(trifluoromethyl-3-(m-[125I]iodophenyl)-diazirine. The interaction of clathrin with lipid vesicles at neutral pH is inhibited when the protein is pretreated with trypsin or with the reducing agent dithiothreitol, suggesting that structural requirements govern clathrin-membrane interaction at these conditions. The physiological relevance of the present observations in light of vesiculation and endosomal maturation is discussed. Clathrin/ Lipid-protein interaction/ Resonance energy transfer/ Photoaffinity labeling/ Protein penetration

Setakana, P. and Tan, K. H. (1991). Insecticide Resistance and Multi-Resistance in Two Strains of Culex quinquefasciatus Say Larvae in Penang, Malaysia. Mosquito-Borne Dis.Bull. 8: 40-44.

EcoReference No.: 45077

Chemical of Concern: DDT,MLN,DZ,CYP,FNT,DLD,PMR,PPX; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR; Rejection Code: NO CONTROL(ALL CHEMS).

Sethunathan, N. (1973). Microbial Degradation of Insecticides in Flooded Soil and in Anaerobic Cultures. Residue Rev. 47: 143-166.

Chem Codes: EcoReference No.: 65627
Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: BACTERIA.

Sethunathan, N., Caballa, S., and Pathak, M. D. (1971). Absorption and translocation of diazinon by rice plants from submerged soils ad paddy water and the persistence of residues in plant tissues. J. Econ. Entomol. Vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 571-576. 1971.

Chem Codes: Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: FATE.

Descriptors: Indexing in process

Abstract: Diazinon applied to paddy water was readily absorbed by rice roots and translocated to the leaf sheath and leaf blade. Maximum residues in plant tissues were recovered 5 days after application but declined rapidly thereafter. This insecticide loss observed in plant tissues between 5 and 10 days was greater following a 2nd application. Diazinon persisted longer in the standing water of covered unplanted pots than in water of uncovered unplanted pots, indicating that the insecticide volatilized in the latter. Greater loss of insecticide from the standing water and soils following the 2nd application appeared to be due to increased absorption by the older plants and to the establishment of a diazinon-degrading microbial factor in the paddy water in response to the first application. Paddy water collected from plots that had received several diazinon applications caused faster degradation of diazinon than the water from untreated plots. This diazinon degradation property was minimized but not eliminated even after the plots were drained and reirrigated.
13 refs. Records keyed from 1972 ASFA printed journals.
Language: English
Publication Type: Journal Article
Environmental Regime: Freshwater
Classification: Q5 01501 General
Subfile: ASFA 3: Aquatic Pollution & Environmental Quality

Sethunathan, N., Caballa, S., and Pathak, M. D. (1971). Absorption and Translocation of Diazinon by Rice Plants from Submerged Soils and Paddy Water and the Persistence of Residues in Plant Tissues. J.Econ.Entomol. 64: 571-576.

EcoReference No.: 71081

Chemical of Concern: DZ; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: ACC; Rejection Code: NO ENDPOINT(DZ).

Sethunathan, N. and MacRae, I. C. (1969). Some Effects of Diazinon on the Microflora of Submerged Soils. Plant Soil 30: 109-112 .

Chem Codes: EcoReference No.: 65628
Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: BACTERIA.

Sethunathan, N. and Pathak, M. D. (1972). Increased Biological Hydrolysis of Diazinon After Repeated Application in Rice Paddies. J.Agric.Food Chem. 20: 586-589.

Chem Codes: EcoReference No.: 65626
Chemical of Concern: DZ Rejection Code: FATE.

Sethunathan, N. and Yoshida, T. (1969). Fate of Diazinon in Submerged Soil. J.Agric.Food Chem. 17: 1192-1195.

EcoReference No.: 54064

Chemical of Concern: DZ; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: PHY; Rejection Code: NO CONTROL(ALL CHEMS).

Shain, Sydney A., Shaeffer, J. Christopher, and Boesel, Robert W. (1977). The effect of chronic ingestion of selected pesticides upon rat ventral prostate homeostasis. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 40: 115-130.

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