Good day, dear members of the Commission! The theme of my project qualification paper is “MODERN TENDENCIES IN ASSESSING READING PROFICIENCY OF B2 LEARNERS”. I have chosen this topic because reading is one of the most significant components of teaching foreign languages. Reading is a mental activity for getting new information, enriching one’s word stock with new words and set expressions, broadening one’s outlook. Modern tendencies of reading are directed to communicative way of reading. This means we create communication while reading. This is not just communication, it is analytical one, i.e. for analyzing any concrete situation or case. Modern tendencies of teaching reading include enriching vocabulary in context, learning grammar in context, analyzing pragmatic content of a text thus developing students’ logical thinking. While there is no consensus on the construct of reading comprehension, it is generally recognized that in assessing reading comprehension, it is necessary to pay attention to the role of the text (text types), the reader (skills and knowledge resources), the context (domains of language use) and the purposes of reading. As reading comprehension is often appraised by using tasks (questions, items) it is important to be aware that the difficulty of the items varies and it can be purposefully manipulated by varying the text characteristics and the tasks characteristics.
One of such methods is jigsaw reading. We should divide a text into several parts (4, 5 or 6 chunks) and mark them as A, B, C, D, etc. The number of student should also be divided into several groups. Each group should have the same number of students as the number of chunks (pieces of the text). For example, 4 chunks = 4 students. After reading their pieces of the text in the chunk, members of each group decide together the order of all chunks for creating the whole text. Then members of all groups with the same chunk (for example, A or B) create expert group in order to check whether they are right or not. Then they come back to their original groups and make final decision. Then each group presents the order of the chunks and makes the whole text. So, jigsaw reading is a collaborated learning. Student not only read the text given in their chunks, but also communicate with each other in order to create the whole text. While communicating they can argue, agree or disagree, express their thoughts. As we see, jigsaw reading makes the learning process interesting and effective.
Assalomu alaykum, hurmatli komissiya a’zolari! Mening bitiruv malakaviy ishim mavzusi "MODERN TENDENCIES IN ASSESSING READING PROFICIENCY OF B2 LEARNERS". Bu mavzuni tanlaganim sababi shundaki, o'qish chet tillarini o'qitishning muhim tarkibiy qismlaridan biri hisoblanadi. O'qish - bu yangi ma'lumotlarni olish, so'zlar zaxirasini yangi so'zlar va so'z birikmalari bilan boyitish, dunyoqarashni kengaytirishga yo’naltirilgan aqliy faoliyat. O'qishning zamonaviy tendentsiyalari kommunikativ o'qish uslubi doirasida faollashadi. Bu shuni anglatadiki, biz o'qish paytida talabalar o’rtasida kommunikatsiya o'rnatamiz. Bu oddiy kommunikatsiya emas, balki tahliliy, ya'ni biron aniq vaziyat yoki ishni tahlil qilish uchun o’rnatilgan nutqiy akt. O'qishga o'rgatishning zamonaviy tendentsiyalari tarkibiga lug'atni boyitish, grammatikani o'rganish, matnning pragmatik tarkibini tahlil qilish, shu bilan o'quvchilarning mantiqiy fikrlashini rivojlantirish kiradi. O'qishni tushunish konstruktsiyasi bo'yicha yakdil fikr bo'lmasa-da, odatda, o'qishni tushunishni baholashda matnning o'rni (matn turlari), o'quvchi (ko'nikma va bilim resurslari), kontekstiga e'tibor berish zarurligi tan olingan (tildan foydalanish sohalari) va o'qish maqsadlari. O'qishni tushunish ko'pincha vazifalar (savollar, narsalar) yordamida baholanar ekan, shuni yodda tutish kerakki, buyumlarning qiyinligi turlicha va uni matn xususiyatlari va vazifalar xususiyatlarini o'zgartirish orqali maqsadga muvofiq ravishda boshqarish mumkin.
Bunday usullardan biri bu jigsaw reading. Biz matnni bir nechta qismlarga (4, 5 yoki 6 qismlarga) ajratib, ularni A, B, C, D va boshqalar deb belgilashimiz kerak. Talaba sonini ham bir necha guruhga bo'lish kerak. Har bir guruh o'quvchilar sonini (matn qismlari) soniga teng bo'lishi kerak. Masalan, 4 ta bo'lak = 4 ta talaba. Matn qismlarini qismda o'qib bo'lgach, har bir guruh a'zolari butun matnni yaratish uchun barcha qismlarning tartibini birgalikda hal qilishadi. So'ngra bir xil qismga ega bo'lgan barcha guruhlarning a'zolari (masalan, A yoki B) ularning to'g'ri yoki yo'qligini tekshirish uchun ekspert guruhini tuzadilar. Keyin ular asl guruhlariga qaytib, yakuniy qarorga kelishadi. Keyin har bir guruh bo'laklarning tartibini taqdim etadi va butun matnni tuzadi. Shunday qilib, jigsaw reading - bu birgalikda o'rganishdir. Talaba nafaqat o'z qismlarida berilgan matnni o'qiydi, balki butun matnni yaratish uchun bir-biri bilan ham muloqot qiladi. Muloqot paytida ular bahslashishi, rozi bo'lishi yoki kelishmasligi, o'z fikrlarini bildirishi mumkin. Ko'rib turganimizdek, jigsaw reading o'quv jarayonini qiziqarli va samarali qiladi.
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