it was a bit stressful i was a bit stressful the test was just okay and amazing yeah i told you there's no need for stress it's it's all good it's just for the first time i'm doing it that's why it's the first time you've you're doing it oh that's interesting okay so um we'll get to that in a minute i'll just sure take your time please okay here we go so well i've got some uh interesting news for you here uh you right now we're looking at an eight wow how do you feel about that it's okay
because uh as i told you it's for the first time i'm doing it i never did a speaking test and i was because of being so much stressful i was expecting something less you're expecting something less for yeah i mean i was on it was on the verge i mean it's a little bit of a shaky eight but it is an eight and eight is an eight and you can you can even increase that by one band score definitely i'll do it you can do that we'll just let's look over the uh feedback here on the on your