4.1. Typology of phrases/word-combinations…………………………….103
4.2. Typology of sentences…………………………………………………. 117
Seminar 7………………………………………………………………………124
Seminar 8………………………………………………………………………132
Tests on topics of the chapter……………………………………………………….137
V.Typology of lexical level of English and Native Languages 5.1. Lexical Typology and its branches……………………………………141
5.2. Comparative analysis of English and Native languages words…….151
5.3. Comparative analysis of English and Native languages word-
formation types ………………………………………………………………162
Seminar 9………………………………………………………………………173
Seminar 10……………………………………………………………………. 179
Tests on topics of the chapter……………………………………………………… 184
VI. Interrelation of typology with anthropological trends of linguistic. 6.1. Comparative Typology in Modern trends of linguistics…………………… 189
6.2. Typology of cultural concepts of English and Native language……………191
Typology in gender linguistics of English and Native language………..195
Seminar 11…………………………………………………………………………202
Tests on topics of the chapter……………………………………………………….207
Answer keys ………………..………………………………………………………..211
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………….. 261
Preface The manual “Comparative Typology of English and Native Languages” is intended for students of Bachelor’s degree. The textbook can be used by the students, teachers specializing in English at Universities, Pedagogical Institutes, Institutes of foreign languages and specialists engaged in the field of Comparative Linguistics, and those, who are interested in the problems of the contrastive study of language description.
Present-day Comparative Linguistics has been developing in compliance with new modern research paradigms, under the influence of which it has undergone radical changes. The main innovation of the book lies in the anthropocentric approach to linguistic phenomena, their analysis within the framework of Communicative and Pragmatic Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Linguoculturology and Gender Linguistics. Therefore there was the pressing need to reconsider traditional notions and introduce new terms, such as categorization and conceptualization. Interdisciplinary status of Comparative Linguistics.
The book consists of 6 units and every unit contains two parts that is theoretical and practical.
Typology of morphological level of English and Native languages;
Typology of syntactic level of English and Native languages;
Typology of Lexical level of English and Native languages;
Interrelation of Typology with anthropological trends of Modern Linguistics
Some fundamental problems of Comparative Linguistics were discussed in theoretical part which contains key points for discussion; questions for self-control; rcommended literature; topics for independent work for students; the list of key-words.
Practical part is followed by a set of activities (classroom and for self-improvement) and tasks enabling the students to test their knowledge. Besides, there is an extended list of topics for presentation relevant to the subject of the manual. The accompanying list of bibliographical reference will serve as a guide to those who wish to attain a more complete view of the topics discussed. The list of keys of activities is followed the reference.
Appended to the book is a glossary of terms and notions given in a compact and comprehensive form.
We are grateful to professor Siddikova I.A. and Ass.professor Nishonov M.N. who reviewed the manual and made many valuable suggestions.