It is the intent of the Pioneer Elementary School staff to provide an environment conducive to learning. We wish to provide a positive,
caring environment in which there is a balance between the individual’s right to self-expression and the responsibility to not infringe
upon the rights of others.
We realize that elementary school children are in the process of developing self-control and will need encouragement and discipline.
It is the shared responsibility of parents and staff to cooperatively teach appropriate student conduct.
We have developed the following assignment and discipline polices in the hope that, thus informed, parents will work with the staff to
teach responsibility, appropriate behavior, and respect for others. Chronic violations of this policy will be taken into consideration
when determining student promotion or retention.
In order to provide a positive learning environment the fifth and sixth grade staff will enforce the following policies.
2 late assignments=warning
4 late assignments=letter and loss of one week of recess
6 late assignments= ½ day ISS (immediate)
8 late assignments=full day ISS (immediate)
10 or more late assignments will result in ISS (up to 3 days) for students to complete missing work. A mandatory meeting between
the parents, teachers, and principal is required for students to regain entry to school.
A blue letter will also be sent for every 5 subsequent late/missing assignments. Chronic late/missing papers (20 or more) will require
parents to sit in the classroom with students for a minimum of ½ day or 5 day ISS (parent choice).
APPENDIX F STUDENT DUE PROCESS REMOVAL OF STUDENTS FROM EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: Recognizing that the behavior of some students may be so dis-
ruptive that it interferes with the school purposes or educational functions of the school corporation, school officials may find it neces-
sary to discipline a student. In this event and in accordance with the provisions of Indiana Code 20-8.1-5.1, administrators and staff
members may take the following actions:
1. REMOVAL FROM CLASS OR ACTIVITY: Teachers have the authority to remove a student from their classes for a period of one
(1) school day if the student is assigned regular or additional work to be completed in another school setting.
2. SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL: A school principal (or designee) may deny a student the right to attend school or take part in any
school function for a period of up to seven (7) school days.
3. EXPULSION FROM SCHOOL: In accordance with the due process procedures defined in this policy, a student may be expelled
from school for a period no longer than the remainder of the current semester plus the following semester, with the exception of a
violation of Section 116 (Gun Free Schools Act of 1994)
4. REMOVAL FROM TRANSPORTATION: Bus drivers have the authority to remove a student from their bus for one (1) school day.
The Principal (designee) may remove a student from transportation for more than one (1) day.