Activity 4b Work in groups. Say about the presents. What pre sents are the most popular? 8 min Objective: to give practice in speaking about the presents STEP 1: Make groups. The pupils say their sentences in turn as shown
in the example.
STEP 2: They decide which presents are the most popular in their
Activity 5 Work in pairs. Look at the invitation card and put the sentences in order.5 min Objective: to give practice in reading for detailed information Let the pupils read the text and put the sentences in order.
Answer key: b) Dear Tom
e) Please come to my 13th birthday party on Sunday 12th of July
at 6.30pm.
a) Hope you can come.
c) John
d) P.S. No adults please!
Homework 2 min Ask the pupils to look at the homework on Page 95. Check that
everybody understands what to do with the task. If necessary, explain
that the pupils must write invitation cards for their classmates. They
can draw a picture or stick a stamp on it.
Lesson 3 Birthdays are fun! Aims Learning outcomes Vocabu- lary and structure Required equip- ment Educational: - to learn about types of birthday