Beysbol AQShdagi eng mashhur o'yin. U bahor va yozda maktablar, kollejlar va professional jamoalar tomonidan o'ynaladi. Futbol kuzning eng ommabop o'yini. AQShning barcha asosiy shaharlarida futbol jamoalari mavjud. Amerika futbolida asl futbolda bo'lgani kabi har bir jamoada o'n bitta o'yinchi bor, ammo qoidalar boshqacha. Amerika futbolida ko'pincha futbolchilar xafa bo'lishadi. Shunday qilib, jamoalar xokkeyda bo'lgani kabi maxsus kiyim va dubulg'a kiyishadi. Basketbol - Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari ham eng mashhur o'yindir. Bu, ayniqsa, o'g'il va qiz bolalar orasida o'rta maktablarda mashhur. Golf o'yini ishbilarmon va professional odamlar orasida juda mashhur. Uni erkaklar ham, ayollar ham o'ynaydi. Bu yerda endi tennischilarga qaraganda ko'proq golfchilar bor. Suzish, suv suzish va sho'ng'ish yozning eng ommabop sport. Qishda ko'p odamlar, agar ular Shimoliy va Markaziy shtatlarda yashasalar, konkida uchish, chang'i sporti va xokkey bilan shug'ullanishadi. Boshqa sport turlari sifatida kurash, boks va ot poygalarini o'z ichiga oladi.
So'zlarni moslang
1. Chophouse –> F. a restaurant that specializes in serving steaks and chops
2. Bistro –>E. small informal restaurant
3. Cabaret –> A. nightclub with musical performances
4. Luncheonette –> G. lunch (snack) place
5. Pizzeria –> B. a restaurant, bakery, or the like, where pizzas are
6. Bar –> C. establishment serving alcohol
7. Café –> H. drinker with food
8. Restaurant –> D. business establishment serving food and drink
Quyidagi jumlalarni (F) va (R) bilan belgilang,
I’ve booked the table for nine o’clock. (R)
Regular fries? (F)
Oh, and a can of coke as well, please. (F)
We’ll have a bottle of house red.(R)
All the main courses are served with a selection of vegetables. (R)
How would you like your steak? (R)
Have you got a table for two? (R)
Salt and vinegar? (F)
There’s no service charge, so I suppose we should leave a tip. (F)
You pay the bill while I go to the toilet. (R)
Bo'shliqlarni to'ldirish uchun ro'yxatdan to'g'ri so'zni tanlang.
I really hate fast food I prefer to go to a good restaurant that serves everything, including the dessert, using the best ingredients Sometimes, I like to order something that I have tried at home. First, I look up the recipe in the cookbook and then I cook the dish Next, I go to the restaurant, and when the wait person comes to my table 1 ask for the menu and order what I have already cooked at home! Sometimes. I like to go out for a cocktail You can have a drink in either a bar or a lounge, which are usually nicer. At the end of the evening, it's time (o ask for the bill and, usually, if the service has been good, it's a good idea to leave a I 5%-20% tip
Fe'lni shakllantiruvchi qo'shimchalar va tarjimali fe'llarning tagini chizib qo'ying:
examples of verbs
activate, incorporate, appreciate
harden, soften, weaken, widen, broaden
modify, specify, intensify
oxidize, summarize, analyse, neutralize
mdantibon – badminton, slaelbba – baseball, skebalatlb – basketball, xbnigo – boxing, vdnigi – diving, uesrqnitae – , nigfenc –fencingg, olatlbfo – football, mnatysisc – gymnastics, vlnjaie – javelin , otptu-sh – shot-put, igimnmsw – swimming, ntinse – tennis, llebolaylv – voleyball.
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