Masallar tarjimasi
Baqa va buqa
— Ota, — debdi kichkina Baqa ko‘lmakda turgan katta Baqaga, — men shunaqangi bir qo‘rqinchli maxluqni ko‘rdimki! U tog‘dek ulkan edi. Uning boshida shoxi, uzun dumi, tuyoqlari bor edi.
— Bolam, — debdi qari Baqa, — bu bor-yo‘g‘i chorvador Oqyigitning Buqasi, biroq sen aytgandek katta emas. Bo‘yi mendan ozgina baland bo‘lishi mumkin. Men ham o‘zimni shunaqa katta qilib ko‘rsatishim mumkin. Mana, qarab tur. Shunday deb katta Baqa havoni yutib o‘z ichiga puflabdi, puflabdi.
— U shunaqa kattamidi? — deb so‘rabdi u o‘g‘lidan.
— Ancha kattaroq edi, — deb takrorlabdi yosh Baqa.
Qari Baqa yana o‘z ichiga puflabdi va Baqachadan: — Buqa shunchalik kattamidi? — deb so‘rabdi.
— Kattaroq edi, dada, kattaroq, — deb javob beribdi Baqacha. Shunday qilib Baqa chuqur nafas olib, ichiga puflayveribdi, shishgandan shishib ketaveribdi.
— Ishonchim komilki, Buqa bundan katta bo‘lgan emas, — debdi bir mahal shishib ketgan Baqa va shu payt paq etib yorilib ketibdi.
Qissadan hissa: Ortiqcha chiranish belni sindiradi.
Echki va podachi
Podachi adashib qolgan Echkini podaga qaytarib kelish uchun rosa qidiribdi. U hushtak chalibdi, surnay chalibdi. Ammo bularning foydasi bo‘lmabdi: orqada qolib ketgan Echki bu tovushlarga ahamiyat bermabdi. Oxiri, podachi unga tosh otibdi, Echkining shoxi sinibdi. Shunda podachi Echkidan bu haqda xo‘jayiniga aytmaslikni iltimos qilibdi.
Echki shunday deb javob beribdi:
— Ey, esi yo‘q odam, men indamaganim bilan shoxlarim hammasini aytib qo‘yadi-ku!
Qissadan hissa: Kasalni yashirsang, isitmasi oshkor qiladi.
Maqollar ma matalar hikmatli so’zlarni tarjima qilish
A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. Fr. Jerome Cummings
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them . . . your smile, your hope and your courage." ―Doe Zantamata
"Love is blind. Friendship tries not to notice." ―Angela Kendrick
"Love is blind. Friendship tries not to notice." ―Angela Kendrick
“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”- Benjamin Franklin
Halol mehnat yaxshi odat berar senga saodat.
Birovga chox qazisang o’zing tusharsan.
Maqtanganning uyiga bor, kerilganning to’yiga.
Do’st boshga kulfat tushganda bilinadi.
Yugurganniki emas buyurganniki.
Frog and bull
"Father," said the little Frog to the big Frog in the pond, "I have seen such a terrible creature!" It was as big as a mountain. It had horns on its head, a long tail, and hooves. "My boy," said the old Frog, "is only the bull of the herdsman, but not as big as you say." He may be a little taller than me. I can pretend to be that big. Look here. So the big frog swallowed the air and blew it in.
"Was he that big?" He asked his son. "It was much bigger," repeated the young Frog. The old frog blew in again and asked the frog, "Was the bull that big?" He asked. "It was bigger, Dad, bigger," replied the Frog. So the Frog took a deep breath, blew in, and swelled up and down. "I'm sure the Bull wasn't bigger than that," said the once-swollen Frog, and it burst .
Conclusion from the story: Excessive exert breaks the waist.
Goats and herdsmen
The herdsman was looking for a lost Goat to bring back to the herd. He blew a whistle, blew a trumpet. But to no avail: the Goat, who was left behind, did not pay attention to these sounds. Finally, the herdsman threw a stone at him, and the Goat's horn was broken. The herdsman asked the Goat not to tell his boss about it. The goat replied, "You fool, my horns tell everything though I'm silent!"
Conclusion from the story: If you hide the patient, the fever will be reveal.
Translating proverbs and wise sayings
1.Do'st - bu bizni biladigan, ammo baribir bizni sevadigan insondir.
2."Yaxshi do'stlar muhim narsalarni ular yo'qolganda topishga yordam beradi ... sizning tabassumingiz, umidingiz va jasoratingizni."
3."Sevgi ko'r. Do'stlik esa buni sezmaydi."
5."Kuch va tirishqoqlik hamma narsani zabt etadi."
6.Honest work is a good habit and gives you happiness
7.If you dig a hole for someone, you will fall in it.
8.Go to the house of the boastful, and go to the wedding of the proud.
9.A friend is known when disaster strikes.
10.Not the one who ran, the one who go.
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