Theatre - Teatr
Do you happen to know what’s on at the Drama Theatre tonight? – Mobodo, bilmaysizmi bu kecha Drama teatrida nima namoyish etilarkan?
They are giving the “Cherry Orchard” – “Gilos bog’i” berilarkan
Who is it by? – Kimning qalamiga mansub?
It’s by the great Russion short-story writer and playwright A.P. Chekhov – U buyuk rus yozuvchisi, dramaturg, qisqa-hikoyalar muallifi A.P. Chexov qalamiga mansub.
Is it a tragedy or a comedy? – U tragediyami yoki komediya?
Chekhov called it a comedy – Chexov buni komediya deb atagan.
Is the play long? – Pyesa uzoq davom etar ekanmi?
It is a four act play – Unda to’rtta holat bor.
Is there any chance of getting tickets? – bilet olish imkoniyati bormi?
We might have to queue for them at the box-offiсе– Bo’lishi mumkin, kassada navbatga turishga to’g’ri keladi.
When does the performance begin? – Spektakl qachon boshlanadi?
At half past seven – Yetti yarimda.
It’s getting late so we had better hurry – Kech bo’layapti, shoshilganimiz maqul.
Let’s go by taxi – Taksida ketaqolaylik
Let’s – Mayli
I saw a few taxis at the corner – Burchakda bir nechta taksilarni ko’rdim.
Let’s hurry then – Unda shoshilaylik.
We certainly have luck, I’ve got the lost two tickets – Rosa omadimiz keldi, oxirgi 2ta bilet bizga tegdi.
Don’t lose them – Ularni yo’qotma.
We shall have to show them to the ticket collector – Biz ularni kuzatuvchiga ko’rsatishimiz kerak.
This is the way to the cloakroom – Garderob bu tomonda.
We shall check our things here – Bu yerga kiyimlarni topshiramiz.
Well, now let’s go to the lobby – Qani, fayega ketdik
We’ll see there pictures of the members of the theatrical company – U yerda teatr aktyorlarining suratlarini ko’ramiz.
There goes the second bell, we’d better go and find our seats – Ikkinchi qo’ng’iroq chalindi, yaxshisi borib o’rindiqlarni topib o’tira qolaylik.
Where can we get a program? - Programmani qayerdan olsak bo’ladi?
We’ll get one from the attendant - Biletchidan olamiz.
Can you see one here? – Bu yerdan ko’rinmayaptimi?
There’s one standing in the aisle/possage showing people to their seats – Ana u yerda ostonada biri odamlarga joylarini ko’rsatayapti.
We don’t need any – Bizga u kerak emas.
Our seats are in the fifth row of the stalls – Bizning o’rindiqlarimiz sektorning beshinchi qatorida.
Those are very fine seats, aren’t they? – Bu yaxshi joy, shunday emasmi?
They are quite close to the stage – Joyimiz sahnaga juda yaqin.
Yes, we’ll be able to see and hear everything very well – Ha, hamma narsani yaxshi eshita, yaxshi tomosha qila olamiz.
The chairs are quite comfort able, aren’t they – Stullar juda qulay, tog’rimi?
This is a beautiful theatre hall, isn’t it ? – Teatr zali ham ajoyib, shunday emasmi?
Yes. The curtain seems to be made of heavy red velvet – Ha, parda og’ir hamda qizil vilvitdan tayyorlanganga o’xshaydi.
Have you noticed the beautiful chandelier – Go’zal qandilga ko’zim tushdi.
It’s rich looking – Qimmatbahoga o’xshaydi.
The house is full this evening – Zal bugun to’la.
It has always been since the very opening night – Bu yerda teatr ochilganidan beri to’la bo’lgan.
They say the acting is superb – Aytishlaricha, ular juda ajoyib rol ijro etishar ekan.
We shall have a chance to see for ourselves – Bunga o’zimiz amin bo’lishimiz mumkin.
Who’s playing tonight? – Kim o’ynarkan bugun?
There’s the programme, you have just time enough to take a look at the cast – Qo’lingizda programma bor, qarangki vaqtingiz ham yetarli ijrochilarni ko’rishga.
The lights are going down the curtain will go up in a minute – Zalda chiroqlar o’chadi. Hozir parda ko’tariladi.
The scenary is really beautiful – Bezatilishi chindan ham g’oyat go’zal.
Who’s the stage manager? – Operator kim ekan?
It’s Murodov, and make-up man is Ganiyev – Murodov va grimchi G’aniyev.
It was a long act, wasn’t it? – Sahna uzoq davom etdi, to’g’rimi?
Rather – To’g’ri.
Just listen to the applause – Olqishlarni bir eshitsangiz edi.
Yes, they take the house by storm every time – Ha, zal har safar portlab ketay deydi.
Let’s go to the refreshment room- I don’t mind – Keling bufetga boramiz- Roziman.
Did you enjoy the play? – Asar yoqdimi?
Immensely. I had a wonderful time – Judayam. Vaqtim chog’ o’tdi.
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