Documents/information subject to disclosure
Scope of the disclosed information/documents
Term of information/documents disclosure
Procedure of information/documents disclosure
Announcement of reporting disclosure26
The announcement shall contain:
the kind of disclosed reporting, with indication of MIF name in respect of which reporting has been produced, or with indication that reporting has been produced in respect of Asset Management Company;
period for which the disclosed reporting is executed;
a reference to relevant sections of disclosure pages of the Asset Management Company (a particular section of the Asset Management Company's website, the section of the Company's page in the Information Agency).
no later than the day which follows the day of reporting disclosure
in the news feed
Announcement of convocation of a general meeting of fund share owners
The announcement shall contain:
full company name of the fund’s specialized depository;
form of holding the general meeting (meeting or voting by correspondence);
date of holding the general meeting;
time and place of holding the general meeting held in the form of the meeting (address where the meeting is held);
date of making a list of persons that have the right to participate in the general meeting;
agenda of the general meeting;
information about the right of investment fund share owners who voted against the decision to approve changes and amendments in the fund rules or the decision to assign the rights and obligations under the Agreement of fund trust management to another Asset Management Company, demand repayment of the fund’s investment shares, and also the information about the procedure of investment shares cost calculation, procedure, terms and conditions of monetary compensation payment if investment shares become payable.
no later than 20 days before the date of holding the general meeting
in the news feed
Announcement of decisions made by the general meeting of fund share owners
The announcement shall contain:
full company name of the fund’s specialized depository;
form of holding the general meeting (meeting or voting by correspondence);
date of holding the general meeting;
time and place of holding the general meeting held in the form of the meeting (address where the meeting was held);
agenda of the general meeting;
wording of decisions made on each issue on the agenda of the general meeting;
date of making a report about results of voting at the general meeting.
no later than 10 days after making a report about results of voting at the general meeting
in the news feed
Announcement of the date of making a list of investment fund share owners for them to exercise their rights or for partial repayment of investment fund shares without setting claims of their repayment by them
The announcement shall contain:
the rights, with regard to which a date is set for making a list of investment fund share owners that have the right to exercise them;
the date of making a list of investment fund share owners that have the right to exercise their rights;
the reason to make a list of investment fund share owners that have the right to exercise their rights;
date of appearance of the reason to make a list of investment fund share owners that have the right to exercise their rights.
no later than 3 working days before the date of making the specified list
in the news feed
Announcement of partial investment fund shares repayment without request of repayment from the owners of investment fund shares
The announcement shall contain:
the date of making a list of investment fund share owners for partial repayment;
number of the investment fund shares and the percentage of total number of the investment fund shares subject to partial repayment;
date of partial investment fund shares repayment.
no later than the date of conducting the operation to write off investment fund shares in the register of owners
in the news feed
Announcement of registration of changes and amendments in MIF Rules
Additional requirements for the content of the announcement disclosed in the news feed:
ordinal number of registered changes;
brief description of changes made;
date of receipt a notice by the Asset Management Company from the federal executive authority for securities market about their registration
within 1 day from the date of receipt of notice from the registration authority about their registration by the Asset Management Company
in the news feed
Other announcements
The announcement shall contain:
information of the upcoming/past event (event that may give rise for MIF termination, termination or restriction of the Asset Management Company’s activity);
date (planned date) of occurrence of the specified event.
no later than the date on which the Asset Management Company learned or should have learned of event occurrence
in the news feed