1.An action-oriented approach as a new way of teaching foreign languages
2.Language cannot be separated from its social context.
3.Communicative competence thus involves a social context rather than it is purely linguistic.
The critical linguistic scholar
Dell Hymes (1972) on communicative competence: language competence consists not only of grammatical competence, but also of sociolinguistic and discursive competences.
According to the SES the Communicative competence includes
Linguistic or grammatical competence
– being able to apply grammatical, lexical, syntactical, stylistic rules.
Sociolinguistic competence
– being aware of how culture affect the way we describe things.
Pragmatic competence
– the ability to interpret and convey meaning in (social) context.
Methodology as a science
Methodology of FLT – is a science which studies aims of teaching, content of teaching, methods, means and principles of teaching. It is based on the links with many sciences and uses its own conceptions and theoretical decisions. Methodology as a science was originated at the end of 19th and at the beginning of 20th century.
Methodology deals with 3 problems, which constitute
WHAT? (content)
HOW? (method)
Methodology in professional sense has 3 main notions:
1. Methodology as a subject
2. Methodology as a set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline, as in arts or sciences.
3. Methodology as a theory of teaching and a science.
FLTM is a science researching aims, content, methods, approaches, strategies, systems of teaching and upbringing based on the materials of foreign languages.
Essence of methodological science is investigation leading to discovering and grounding consequences of teaching, discovering objective structure and essence of researching feature. As a result research leads to creating theoretical grounds of scientifically proved methodical recommendations.
Methods of investigation are subdivided into basic and supplementary
Basic methods of investigation:
- critical literature analyses;
- studying and generalizing positive experience of the best teachers;
There are 3 functionally different types of methodology
Special methodology
Private methodology
General methodology
General methodology deals with studying consequences and peculiarities of the teaching foreign languages process despite which foreign language is studied.
According to requirements of the State educational standards, the main goal of teaching a foreign language is to form communicative competence of learners at all levels with the aim of enabling them to express their ideas in daily work, including scientific and professional activities.
Goals of teaching foreign languages
Practical goal
Upbringing/ cultural goal
Educational goal
Goals of teaching foreign languages
Practical goal is to teach language as a means of communication in order to understand thoughts of other people and to express own thoughts in oral and written form.
Upbringing/cultural goal is to develop patriotic attitude to the values of native culture, tolerance to the foreign culture and humanistic outlook to the worldwide changes through the learning and teaching foreign language.
Educational goal is to develop leaner’s language skills, to widen their outlook by studying foreign and native culture features
Content of teaching foreign languages
Everything that is aimed at teaching learners is traditionally understood as content of teaching.
Content of teaching includes following components
language materials (phonetics, grammar, vocabulary),
knowledge and language skills,
speech topics, texts,
language notions that native language doesn’t have (article),
skills to use dictionaries and literature, ICT, etc.
Testing questions
What are the tasks of Teaching English Methodology ?