Lexicon for reading Lesson 1

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Lesson 14

521. intend to -[phr]- niyat qilmoq

522. genuine -[adj]- haqiqiy
523. interfere with/in -[phr]- aralashmoq
524. substitute -[v]- almashtirmoq, [n]- o’rinbosar
525. an issue -[n]- masala, nashr
526. compulsory -[adj]- majburiy
527. an issue -[n]- masala ,son
528. subjected to -[phr]- duchor qilingan
529. monitor -[v]- nazorat qilmoq
530. drastic -[adj]- keskin, tub
531. object to -[phr]- e’tiroz bildirish
532. on the part of -[phr]- tomonidan
533. challenge -[n]- qiyinchilik,chaqirish
534. the climate -[n]- ob-havo
535. microscopic -[adj]- mikroskopik
536. ideal -[adj]- ajoyib, [n]- oily maqsad
537. hostile -[n]- dushman
538. susceptible to -[phr]- sezgir
539. examine -[v]- tekshirmoq
540. query -[n]- so’rov
541. modest -[adj]- kamtarin, sodda
542. the recipient –[n]- oluvchi
543. take heed of –[phr]- e’tibor bermoq
544. employ -[v]- ish bermoq
545. condemn -[v]- qoralamoq
546. condemn -[v]- hukm qilmoq
547. supposed to -[phr]- kerak
548. divert –[v]- adashtirmoq
549. a decade -[n]- o’n yil
550. discard -[v]- tashlamoq
551. statistically -[adv]- statistic jihatdan
552. (in)finite -[adj]- cheksiz
553. (in)compatible –[v]- mos kelmoq/kelmaslik
554. respectively -[adv]- mos ravishda
555. understandable -[adj]- tushunarli
556. (im)mature –[adj]- yetuk(emas)
557. increasingly -[adv]- brogan sari
558. have implications for –[phr]- …oqibatlari bor
559. in agony -[adv]- azobda
560. a rapport –[n]- munosabat, hamfikrlik

Lesson 15

561. and vise versa -[phr]- va aksincha

562. marked -[adj]- sezilarli,belgilangan
563. apparently -[adv]- aftidan
564. contented -[adj]- mamnun
565. purchase -[v]- sotib olish
567. detrimental -[adj]- zararli
568. satisfied -[adj]- qoniqqan
569. on a… scale -[phr]- tarozida
570. divorce -[n]- ajralish
571. convinced that –[phr]- ishontirilmoq
572. suppress –[v]- bosmoq, to’xtatmoq
573. a fluctuation –[n]- tebranish
574. erratic -[adj]- tartibsiz
575. a discrepancy –[n]- tafovut
576. minute -[n]- daqiqa
577. loathe -[v]- nafratlanmoq
578. locate –[v]- joylashtirmoq
579. disintegrate -[v]- tarkibiy qismlarga bo’lmoq
580. accompany -[v]- hamkorlik qilish
581. in effect -[phr]- ta’sirida
582. prolong –[v]- uzaytirish
583. (in)dispensable –[adj]- ajraladigan/ajralmaydigan
584. shelter –[n]- boshpana
585. intact -[adj]- buzilmagan
586. have commitments -[phr]- majburiyatlarga ega bo’lmoq
587. channel -[n]- kanal
588.fear -[n]- qo’rquv
589. cease -[v]- to’xtatmoq
590. govern -[v]- boshqarmoq
591. elite -[n]- elita, gul
592. uniform –[n]- forma
593. emphasize –[v]- urg’u bermoq
594. cope with –[phr]- bn yengish
595. by no means -[phr]- hech qanday tarzda
596. grant – [v]- taqdim qilmoq
597. enjoy –[v]- rohatlanmoq
598. immediately -[adv]- tezda
599. (un)wise –[adj]- aqlli /aqlsiz
600. prominent -[adj]- mashhur

Lesson 16

601. suffer –[v]- aziyat chekmoq

602. graphic -[adj]- tasviriy
603. gather –[v]- to’plamoq
604. promote -[v]- qo’llab-quvvatlamoq, targ’ib qilish
605. volatile -[adj]- uchuvchan, tez bug’lanadigan
606. a fraction -[n]- kasr, bo’lak
607. for the duration of -[phr]- muddati uchun
608. neutral –[adj]- betaraf
609. partially -[adj]- qisman
610. appreciate -[v]- qadrlash
611. likewise -[adv]- xuddi shunday
612. marginal -[adj chekka
613. deprive -[v]- mahrum qilish

614. logically -[adj]- mantiqiy

615. decline –[v]- pasaymoq
616. hastily -[adv]- shoshqaloqlik bn
617. suspend -[v]- to’xtatib turish, osmoq
618. revive -[v]- jonlantirmoq, qayta tiklamoq
619. extract -[v]- ajratib olmoq
620. verify -[v]- tekshirmoq, tasdiqlamoq
621. wary of -[phr]- ehtiyotkor
622. conspicuous -[adj]- ko’zga tashlanadigan
623. disillusioned –[adj]- hafsalasi pir bo’lgan
624. blessed with -[adv]- real tarzda
625. repulsive -[adj]- jirkanch
626. imminent -[adj]- yaqinlashib kelayotgan,muqarrar

627. upset –[adj]- xafa

628. ill- -[adj]-kasal
629. conversely -[adv]- aksincha
630. fund –[n]- fond mablag’
631. lecture –[n]- leksiya, ma’ruza
632. shun -[v]- qochmoq ,o’zini chetga olmoq
633. a privilege -[n]- imtiyoz
634. primitive -[adj]- ibtidoiy
635. instinctively -[adj]- instinktiv ravishda
636. a disparity -[n]- tengsizlik
637. obscene –[adj]- odobsiz
638. sheer -[adj]- shaffof,mutlaqo
639. lethal -[adj]- halokatli
640. the status quo
Status kvo

Lesson 17

641. inhale –[v]- nafas olish

642. a phase -[n]- davr,bosqich
643. lucrative –[adj]- daromadli, foydali
644. materialize -[v]- amalga oshirmoq
645. mutual -[adj]- umumiy, ikki tomonlama
646. coordinate -[v]- muvofiqlashtirmoq
647. determined –[adj]- belgilangan
648. approve -[v]- ma’qullamoq
649. commonplace -[adj]- oddiy, siyqasi chiqqan
650. non-existent –[adj]- mavjud emas
651. embrace -[v]- quchoqlamoq
652 .surface -[n]- yuza
653. eventuate –[v]- tamom bo’lmoq
654. albeit [connector] bo’lsada

655. an influx [n] oqim

656. solitary -[adj]- yolg’iz
657. prosperous –[adj]- rivojlangan
658. dread -[n]- qo’rquv
659. flawed –[adj]-nuqsonli
660. the introduction -[n]- kirish
661. individual -[n]- shaxs
662. fiercely -[adv]- shiddat bn
663. subjective -[adj]- subyektiv
664. (in)effective –[adj]-samarali
665. conditioned to -[phr]- shartli
666. minor / major-kichik/katta
667. erroneously –[adj]- noto’g’ri
668. precede –[v]- oldin kelmoq
669. excel at -[phr]- da ustun
670. reciprocate -[v]- to’lamoq
671. manipulate -[v]- ishlov bermoq
672 .relay -[v]- qurmoq
673. have (a) command –[phr]- buyruq olmoq
674. polarize –[v]- qutblarga ajratmoq
675. abandon –[v]- tark etmoq
676. the ratio -[n]- mutanosiblik nisbat
677. infer –[v]- xulosa chiqarmoq
678. a hierarchy –[n]- iyerarxiya
679. ongoing –[v]- davom etayotgan
680. participate –[v]- qatnashmoq


681. the core –[n]- o’zak
682. enforce -[v]- majburlash
683. distinct -[n]- farq
684. differentiate between -[v]- farqlash
685. deduce -[v]- xulosa chiqarmoq
686. terminate –[v]- tugatish
687. arbitrary -[adv] o’zboshimchalik bn
688. preliminary -[adj]=- dastlabki
689. progress –[n]- taraqqiyot
690. be offset by -[phr]- tomonidan qoplanmoq
691. equate -[v]- tenglashtirmoq
692. displace –[v]- o’rnini bosmoq
693. rigid –[adj]- qattiqqo’l
694. straightforward -[adj]- soda oson
695. concurrent -[adj] bir vaqtda sodir bo’ladigan
696. a bias –[n]- qiyalik
697. labeled as –[v]- sifatida belgilangan
698. a motive -[n]- sabab
699. so-called -[adj]- shunday nomlangan
700. adjacent -[n]- qo’shni
701. adapt –[v]- moslashmoq
702. insert -[v]- kiritmoq
703. orientate to /towards –[phr]- tomon yo’naltirish
704. recover -[v]- tiklanish
705. passive -[adj]- sust
706. scope -[n]- ko’lam
707. have insight into -[phr]- haqida tushunchaga ega bo’lmoq
708. communicate -[v]- muloqot qilmoq
709. an entity -[n]- tashkilot
710. flexible –[adj]- moslashuvchan
711. inhibit –[v]- to’sqinlik qilmoq
712. inspect -[v]- tekshirmoq
713. an agenda –[n]- kun tartibi
714. integral –[adj]- ajralmas
715. a sequence -[n]- tartib
716. deviate from -[phr]- dan chetga chiqmoq
717. revise -[v]- qayta ko’rib chiqish
718. misinformation -[n]- noto’g’ri ma’lumot
719. articulate -[v]- ifodalash
720. an interval –[n]- tanaffus


721. negate -[v]- inkor qilish
722. liberal -[adj] erkin
723. the revenue -[n]- daromad

724. supplement -[v]- to’ldirmoq ,[n]- qo’shimcha
725.undergo -[v]- boshdan kechirmoq
726. a vehicle –[n]- transport vositasi
727. trigger -[n]- turtki
728. overlap –[v]- qiman qoplamoq
729. refine -[v]- tozalash
730. a version -[n]- variant, rivoyat
731. the volume -[n]- hajm, ovoz
732. indulge in -[v]- zavqlanmoq
733. reminiscent -[adj] eslatuvchi
734. burgeoning -[adj]- o’sib borayotgan
735. an array -[n]- saf
736. prior –[adv]- avvalgi
737. a mode -[n]- rejim usul
738. extensive -[adj]- keng qamrovli
739. alienate –[v]- begonalashib ketmoq
740. desolate -[adj]- kimsasiz
741. a notion -[n]- fikr, tushuncha
742. thrilling -[adj]- hayajonlantiruvchi
743. potent –[adj]- kuchli qodir
744. tempted to -[v]- vasvasaga solgan
745. overtake -[quvib yetmoq
746. innocent -[adj]- begunoh
747. incremental –[adj]- ortib boruvchi
748. qualify for –[phr]- saralamoq
749. hesitate -[v]- ikkilanmoq
750. exponential -[adj]- ko’rsatkichli
751. alongside -[adv]- yonma-yon, bir qatorda
752. venture to -[phr]- ga kirishish

753. in the interim –[phr]- oraliqda

754. downplay -[v]- pastga tushirish
755. advisable -[adj]- tavsiya etiladigan
756. virtually -[adv]- aslida
757. notify -[v]- xabar bermoq
758. function -[n]- vazifa
759. the ender -[n]- yakunlovchi
760. confuse with -[phr]- bn chalkashtirib yubormoq

761. dismantle -[v]- qismlarga ajratmoq
762. support -[v]- qo’llab-quvvatlamoq
763. the guidance -[n]- rahbarlik
764. experience –[v]- boshdan kechirmoq ,[n]- tajriba
765. ridicule -[v]- masxara qilish
767. frustrate –[v]- xafa qilmoq
768. testify –[v]- guvohlik berish
769. glimpse –[v]- ko’z qirini tashlamoq
770. erode -[v]- yemirmoq
771. construct -[v]- qurmoq
772. legally -adv- qonuniy ravishda
773. subservient to -[phr]- ga bo’ysunuvchi
774. whereby –[adv]- vositasida

775. inflict on -[v]- ta’sir qilish

776. deliberately -[adv]- ataylab
777. deposit -[n]- deposit , [v]- bankka pul qo’yish
778. outspoken -[adj]- ochiqchasiga
779. vacant –[adj]- ichi bo’sh
780. travel –[v]- sayohat qilmoq
781. the magnitude -[n] – o’lcham
782.deceptive -[adj]- aldamchi
783. underestimate –[v]- yetarli baho bermaslik
784. take for granted -[phr]- dalilsiz qabul qilmoq
785. immune -[adj immunitetga oid
786. deliberately –[adv] ataylab
787. worship -[v]- sajda qilish

788. reason that –[phr] bunga sabab bo’ldi

789. an ultimatum -[n]- qat’iy talab
790. bewilder -[v]-dovdirash, xijolat tortmoq
791. from the outset –[phr]- boshidanoq
792. cooperate with –[v]- bn hamkorlik qilish
793. fare well -[n]- xayrlashuv
794. enthusiastic -[adj]- g’ayratli, tashabbuskor
795. remain -[v]- saqlanib qolmoq
796. dispense -[v]- taqsimlash
797. significant -[adj ] muhim
798. a mission –[n]- vazifa
799. insofar as -kabi
800. at the expense of –[phr]- hisobidan


801. notorious [n]- slbiy jihatdan mashhur
802. attract -[v]- jalb qilmoq
803. mainstream –[n]- asosiy oqim
804. envious -[adj] hasadgo’y
805. a contradiction -[n]- ziddiyat
806. ruthless –[adj]- shafqatsiz
807. engulf –[v]- yutmoq
808. the stamina -[n]-chidamlilik
809. accountable to/for -uchun javobgar
810. (un)wittingly –[adv]- ataylab
811. on the brink of –[phr]- yoqasida
812. (un)intelligible –[adj]- tushunarli/tushunarsiz
813. coerce into -[phr]- majburlash
814.antiquated -[adj]- qadimiy
815. contrary to -phr- ga zid
816. complacent -[adj]- mamnun
817. fatal -[adj]- halokatli
818. (un)warranted –[v]- kafolatlangan /kafolatlanmagan
819 .accelerate –[v]- tezlashtirmoq
820. dominate -[v]- hukmronlik qilmoq
821. propose –[v]- taklif qilmoq
822. ponder –[v]- o’ylab ko’rmoq
823. diminish -[v]- kamaytirmoq
824. along with -[phr]- bn birga
825. commercially -[adv]- tijorat maqsadida
826. signal -[n]- ishora
827. a boom -[n]- gumburlagan ovoz
828. (in)edible –[adj]- yeyiladigan/yeyilmaydigan
829. yet –hali
830. versus –[au.v]- ga qarshi
831. an opportunity –[n]- imkoniyat
832. appeal to -[v]- murojaat qilmoq
833. dramatic -dramatik, jiddiy
834. isolate -[v]- yakkalamoq
835. even so -shunday bo’lsa ham
836. request –[n]- iltimos
837. declare –[v]- e’lon qilish
838. strengthen -[v]- mustahkamlash
839. grounds for -uchun asoslar
840. expand
-[v]- kengaytirmoq


841. coincide with –[phr]- bn mos keladi

842. an escalation –[n]- kuchayish
843. strike –[v]- zarba berish
844. confiscate –[v]- musodara qilish
845.relieve -[v]- yengillatmoq, yordam bermoq
846. discourage -[v]- tushkunlikka tushmoq
847. vast -[adj]- kenh, katta
848. recognize -[v]- tanimoq
849. perceive as –[phr]- sifatida qabul qilmoq
850. offer –[taklif qilmoq
851. unavoidable -[adj]- muqarrar
852. the nature -n- tabiat
853. extreme –[adj]- keskin
854. counterproductive -[adj]- teskari natija keltirib chiqaradigan
855. lessen –[v]- kamaytirmoq
856. affluent –[adj]- badavlat
857. remaining -[adj]- qolgan
858. associated with –[phr]- bn bog’liq
859. quantify –[v]- miqdorini aniqlamoq
860. hence -[au.v]- shuning uchun, hozirdan
861. evaluate –[v]- baho bermoq
862. protest –[v]- norozilik bildirish
863. much of –[ au.v]- ko’p
864. collaborate -[v]- hamkorlik qilmoq
865. cover –[n]- qopqoq, g’ilof
866. document –[n]- hujjat
867. elsewhere –[adv]- boshqa bir yerda
868. on the point of -[phr]- nuqtasida
869. irrevocable -[adj]- qaytarib bo’lmaydigan
870. alter –[v]- o’zgartirmoq
871. comparable –[adj]- taqqoslanadigan
872. entail –[v]- sabab bo’lmoq
873. convey –[v]- yetkazmoq
874.devote -[v]- bag’ishlamoq
875. depict -[tasvirlash
876. deplete –[v]- tugatmoq
877. maximum -[n]- maksimal
878. keep pace with –[phr]- bn qadam qo’ymoq
879. sizeable -[adj]- katta
880. gauge –[n]-miqyos ko’lam

881. otherwise –aks holda

882. a degree –[n]- daraja
883. a period –[n]- davr
884. the former –[adv]- avvalgi
885. the nature –[n]- tabiat
886. leaving aside –phr]- cg=hetda qoldirish
887. daily –[adj]- har kuni
888. compete with/for -[v]- raqobatlashmoq
889. preventable –[adj]- oldini olib bo’ladigan
890. subscribe to –[phr]- obuna bo’lmoq
891. a component -[n]- tarkibiy qism
892. represent –[v]- aks ettirmoq
893. optimistic -[adj] optimistik
894. emulate -[v]- taqlid qilmoq
895. sacrifice -[v]- qurbon qilish
896. differ -[v]- farq qilmoq
897. rapid –[adv]- tezda
898. thereby –[au.v]- shunday qilib
899. remove -[v]- olib tashlash
900. invite –[v]- taklif qilmoq
901. Indicate -[v]- ko’rsatmoq
902. rather than –ga qaraganda
903. generate –[v]- hosil qilmoq
904. determine –[v]- aniqlamoq
905. exclude -[v]- istisno qilmoq
906. underlying –[adj]- asosida
907. the infrastructure –[n]- infratuzilma
908. appropriate –[adj]- muvofiq
909. realize –[v]- anglash
910. justify -[v]- justify oqlamoq
911. rank -[n]- daraja
912.essential -[adj]- muhim
913. consequently -[adv]- natijada
914. be largely due to -[phr]- asosan sabab bo’ladi
915. to the extent that –[phr]- shu darajada
916. he factors -u omillar
917. a misconception -[n]- noto’g’ri tushuncha
918. inherit –[v]- me’ros qilib olmoq
919. belong to –[phr]- ga tegishli bo’lmoq
920. periodically -[adv]- vaqti-vaqti bn


921. assume -[v]-faraz qilmoq

922. specifically -[adv]- maxsus
923. the existence -[n]- mavjudlik
924. controversial -[adj]- bahsli
925. skeptical –[adj]- shubhali
926. have an impact on –[phr]- ga tasir qiladi
927. a diversity –[n]- xilma-xillik
928. in part –[phr]- qisman
929. establish -[v]- o’rnatish
930. compelling -[adj]- yengib bo’lmaydigan
931. ultimately –[adv]- oxir-oqibat
932. enhance -[v]- ko’paytirmoq
933. lie in/with -[v]- cho’zilib yotmoq
934. derive from -[phr] dan kelib chiqmoq
935. enable to –[phr] imkon bermoq
936. surely –[au.v] albatta
937. basically – asosan
938. provide with –[phr]- bn taminlamoq
939. provided that – sharti bn
940. relatively -[adv]- nisbatan
941. take into account -[phr]- hisobga olmoq
942. regardless of-[phr]- ga qaramay
943. claim –[n]- talab
944. initially n-[adv] – dastlab
945. survive -[v]- omon qolmoq
946. a certain number/amount –ma’lum miqdorda
947. at least-eng kami
948. a prospect -[n]- kelajak
949. (dis)advantage –[n]- yaxshi/yomon tomoni
950. exacerbate –[v]- kuchaytirmoq
951. accomplish –[v]- bajarish
952. restrict -[v]- qisqartirish
953. given that -inobatga olgan holda
954. a contributor -[n]- hissa qo’shuvchi
955. the outcome -[n]- natija
956. concentrate –[v]- diqqatni jamlash
957. –ly,-wise
958. previously –[adv]- oldindan
959. belong -[v]- birovga tegishli bo’lmoq
960. invariably -[adv]- doimo

961. exploit –[v]- foyda ko’rmoq
962. universal -[n]-universal
963. have access to -[phr]- kirish imkoniyatiga ega
964. far outweigh –[phr]- ancha ustun
965. the equivalent –[n]- ekvivalent ,teng
966. demonstrate -[v]- namoyish qilmoq
967. suggest -[v] taklif qilmoq
968. critical to -[phr]- uchun tanqidiy
969. according to –[phr]- ga asosan
970. (ir)rational –[adj]- oqilona, aqlli/emas
971. an aspect –[n]- jihati
972. appear –[v]- paydo bo’lmoq
973. (in)directly-[adj]- bilvosita/bevosita
974. benefit from -[phr]- dan foyda ko’rmoq
975. obviously -[adv]- aniq
976. extent -[n]- darajada
977. ensure -[v]- ta’minlash
978. feasible –adj- amalga oshishi mumkin
979. the sector –[n]- soha
980. noticeable -[adj]- sezilarli
981. devoid of -[adj]- dan mahrum
982. imply –[v]- nazarda tutmoq
983. inevitable –[adj]- muqarrar
984. respond to – [v]- javob berish
985. questionable –[adj]- shubhali
986. clearly -[adj] aniq
988. frequently -[adv]- tez-tez
989. assess –[v]- baho bermoq
990. reach the stage -[phr]- sahnaga chiqmoq
991. considerably -[adv]- sezilarli darajada
992. theistically –teistik jihatdan
993. possess –[v]- ega bo’lmoq
994. primarily –asosan
995. entire –[adj]- butun
996. predominantly -[adv]- asosan
997. have a perception -[phr]- hissiyotga ega bo’lmoq
998. maintain –[v]- saqlab qolmoq
999. negligible -[adj]- ahamiyatsiz
1000. release -[v]- ozod qilmoq
1001. aware of/that
-dan xabardor bo’lmoq

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Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish