Lesson 4 121. Current –[adj]- joriy
122. Conceive that –[phr]- buni tasavvur qil
123. Acknowledge –[v]- tan olmoq
124. Numerous –[adj]- ko’p
125. develop –[v]- rivojlantirmoq
126. alleviate –[v]- yengillatmoq
127. contemporary –[adj]- zamonaviy hozirgi
128. identify –[v]- aniqlash
129. reveal –[v]- oshkor qilish
130. convert to/into –[v]- ga aylantirish
131. (in) surmountable –[adj]- yengib bo’ladigan/bo’lmaydigan
132. elaborate on –[phr]- haqida batafsil ma’lumot bermoq
133. play a role in –[phr]- ahamiyat kasb qilmoq
134. severe –[adj]- qattiq (pain,weather)
135. indeed -[adv]- haqiqatdan ham
136. invaluable –[adj]- bebaho
137. present at/in –[phr]- da mavjud
138. flourish –[v]- rivojlanmoq
139. Evident that –[phr]- ravshanki
140. expose to –[v]- fosh qilish
141. related –[adj]- bog’liq
142. the behavior –[n]- xulq-atvor
143. undertake –[phr]- o’z zimmasiga olmoq
144. on the contrary –[phr]- aksincha
145. viable –[adj]- yashovchan
146. the attitude –[n]- munosabat
147. the alternative –[n]- muqobil
148. acquire –[v]- egallash
149. the approach –[n]- yondashuv
150. reportedly –[adv]- xabar berishicha (according to)
151. utilize –[v]- foydalanish
152. compound –[n]- birikma aralashma
153. have the potential to –[phr]- salohiyatga ega
154. have the capacity to –[phr]-ga qobiliyatga ega bo’lmoq
155, relevant to –[phr]- ga aloqador
156. readily –[adv]- osonlik bn tez
157. broaden –[v]- kengaytirmoq
158. irrespective of -[phr]- dan qati’y nazar
159. attempt to –[phr]- ga harakat qilish
160. argue that –[phr]- bahslashmoq
Lesson 5
161. (in) adequate –[adj]-yetarli
162. consult –[v]- maslahatlashmoq
163. continuously –[adv]- davomiy ravishda
164. speculate that –[v]- taxmin qilmoq
165. an occasion –[n]- hodisa
166. counterbalance –[n]- qarama-qarshilik
167. constitute –[v]- tashkil qilmoq
168. prohibit –[v]- taqiqlash
169. of concern to –[phr]- uchun tashvish
170. obtain –[v]- erishmoq
171. vulnerable –[adj]- nozik zaif
172. extremely –[adv]- haddan tashqari
173. the process –[n]- jarayon
174. highlight –[v]- ta’kidlash yoritmoq
175. Endeavour –[n]- harakat
176. ascertain –[v]- ishonch hosil qilmoq
177. not necessarily –[phr]- keraksiz ravishda
178. tolerate –[v]- chidamoq
179. repeatedly –[adj]-qayta-qayta
180. counter –[n]- hisoblagich
181. comprehend –[v]- tushunmoq
182. inundated with –[phr]- bilan suv ostida qolgan
183. means of –[phr[- vositalari
184. exceptional –[adj]- istisno
185. devastate –[v]- vayron qilish
186. adept at –[phr]- da mahoratli
187. disastrous –[adj]- halokatli
188. resultant –[n]-natijasi
189. the priority –[n]- ustuvorlik
190. bound to –[phr]- bog’langan
191. take measures to –[phr]- chora ko’rish
192. assist –[v]- yordam berish
193. conflicting –[adj]- ziddiyatli
194. comprise –[v]-o’z ichiga olmoq
195. then –[adv]- keyin, u vaqtda
196. dispose of –[phr]- yo’q qilish
197. including –[au.v]- shu jumladan
198. legislate –[v]- qonun ishlab chiqmoq
199. estimate that –[phr]- taxmin qilmoq, deb hisoblamoq
200.debate -[n]- munozara