Lesson 12
441. categorized –[adj]- turkumlangan
442. preserve –[v]- qo’riqlash
443. reluctant to -[phr]- istamay
444. sever –[v]- ajratmoq
445. thorough in –[phr]- ichiga tashlangan
446. exhibit –[n]- ko’rgazma
447. deteriorate -[v]- yomonlashmoq
448. distort –[v]- buzmoq
449. gradually -[adv]- asta-sekin
450. existing -[adj]- mavjud
451. upgrade -[v]- yangilash
452. select –[v]- tanlamoq
453. irrational -[adj]- mantiqsiz
454. halt -[v]- to’xtatish
455. contemplate –[v]- tafakkur qilmoq
456. brief –[adj]- qisqacha
457. advance -[v]- oldinga harakat qilish
458.namely –[adv]- ya’ni
459. seek –[v]- izlamoq
460. resort to -[v]- murojaat qilmoq
461. compensate for –[phr]- kompensatsiya qilish
462. a remedy –[n]- chora
463. astonishing -[adj]- hayratlanarli
464. for the sake of –[phr]- uchun
465.an upheaval -[n]- g’alayon
466. liberate -[v]- ozod qilish
467. harness -[v]- qo’shmoq, [n]- egar-jabduq
468. tangible -[adj]- sezib bo’ladigan
469. subsequent –[adj]- kelgusi
470. incredible -[adj]- aql bovar qilmaydigan
471. unthinkable -[adj]- aqlga sig’maydigan
472. halve / double / treble / quadruple –yarmi, ikki barobar, uch barobar, to’rt barobar
473. fortify -[v]- mustahkamlamoq
474. precious -[adj]- qimmatli
475. beyond -[au.v]- orqasida
476. trivial –[adj]- ahamiyatsiz
477. discernible –[adj]- seziladigan
478. afterwards –[adv]- so’ngra
479. resent –[v]- qattiq g’azablanmoq
480. urgent -[adv]- shoshilinch
Lesson 13
481.foresee –[v]- oldindan ko’rish
482. overwhelm -[v]- to’ldirmoq
483. in the wake of -[adv]- ortidan
484. state-of-the-art –[n]- san’at darajasi
485. chaos -[n]- tartibsizlik
486. a dilemma -[n]- ikkilanish
487. absolutely -[adj]- mutlaqo
488. extraordinary -[adj]- g’ayrioddiy
489. delight -[n]- quvonch
490. exclusive -[adj]- maxsus
491.thus -[au.v]- shunday qilib, xullas
492. mention -[v]- eslatib o’tish
493. unexpectedly –[adv]- kutilmagan
494. furthermore -[adv]- bundan tashqari
495. remarkable -[adj]- ajoyib
496. evaporate -[v]- bug’lanmoq
497. irreparable -[adj]- tuzatib bo’lmaydigan
498. somewhat -[prn]- nimadir
499. vie for –[phr]- uchun kurash
500. (in)capable of -[phr]- qodir(mas)
501. altogether -[adv]- birgalikda, butunlay
502. alarm –[n]- signal ,[v]- qo’rqitmoq
503. modify –[v]- o’zgartirish
504. on the condition that –[phr]- sharti bn
505. visible -[adj]- ko’rinadigan
506. oblivious -[adj]- e’tiborsiz
507. resist –[v]- qarshilik ko’rsatish
508. succeed in/at -[phr]- muvaffaqqiyatga erishmoq
509. receive –[v]- qabul qilmoq
510. surrender –[v]- taslim bo’lish
511. sympathize with -[phr]- hamdardlik bildirish
512. abundant -[adj]- mo’l-ko’l
513. epidemic -[n]- epidemiya
514. inquisitive -[adj]- qiziquvchan
515. accordingly -[adv]- mos ravishda
516. authorize -[v]- ruxsat bermoq
517. routine –[n]- kundalik ish
518. envisage -[v]- nazarda tutmoq
519. mindful of -[phr]- yodda tutgan
520. dire –[adj]- dahshatli
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